Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Uh oh! Your spell didn’t work?

This mistake could be the reason why…

The Mystic Apothecary: Honing Your Magic Through Psychic Readings
Are you ready to take your spell work to the next level? Have you tried to manifest by yourself or through a service and didn’t get the results expected or hoped for? Look no further! At The Mystic Apothecary, we believe in the power of combining psychic readings with spell casting to enhance your metaphysical prowess. Harnessing the insights from psychic readings allows you to align your intentions with the energies of the universe, ensuring success and manifesting your desires more effectively.

Why should you incorporate psychic readings before engaging in spell work? Let us enlighten you on the importance of this essential step:

1. Deepening your Connection: Psychic readings provide a unique opportunity to delve into the layers of your subconscious mind and tap into your spiritual potential. By understanding the messages and energies surrounding you, you unlock a deep connection to your higher self and the divine. This heightened connection allows for more potent spell casting as you align your intentions with the cosmic forces that shape our reality.

2. Clarity and Insight: Performing a psychic reading before spell work allows you to gain valuable insight into the current state of your life, your relationships, and your personal energy. Such clarity enables you to identify any blockages or negative influences that may hinder your spell's effectiveness. Armed with this knowledge, you can tailor your spell work to address specific areas that require attention, maximizing its impact.

3. Strengthening Intuition: Regularly engaging in psychic readings cultivates and strengthens your intuitive abilities. Your psychic abilities are like a muscle. You must use them in order to strengthen and maintain them. Intuition is a crucial aspect of spell casting, as it allows you to sense and interpret the subtle energies that surround you. By honing your intuition, you become more attuned to the alignment of energies, enabling you to create spells that are perfectly attuned to your intentions and desires.

4. Fine-tuning Spell work: Psychic readings act as a guiding compass, pointing you towards the most suitable spells for your current situation. Through the insights gained during these readings, you can refine your spell work, choosing rituals and incantations that perfectly resonate with your intentions. This ensures that every aspect of your spells is aligned and harmonized, increasing their potency and increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

5. Avoiding Negative Consequences: Spell casting without psychic insight can sometimes lead to unintended consequences or unexpected outcomes. Psychic readings act as a safety net, warning you of any potential pitfalls or negative repercussions that may arise from your spell work. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions, adjusting and adapting your approach to ensure that your spells bring about positive and transformative changes in your life.

At The Mystic Apothecary, we firmly believe that psychic readings are an integral part of successful spellcasting. Our experienced psychic and practitioner, Beth, is here to guide you through this transformative journey, providing you with valuable insights and empowering you to manifest your desires with precision and clarity.

Unlock the true potential of your spellwork today! Let The Mystic Apothecary be your trusted companion on the path to magic, combining psychic readings with spell casting to enhance your transformative abilities and bring about the changes you seek. Trust in the power of psychic insight and witness your spell work reach astonishing heights. Book your reading here TODAY .

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

September Tarotscopes

This Friday we are hosting a powerful protection service the Spiritual Shield~ Defend Against Evil eye & Envy Group Service. This is a candle magic service that protects your energy. I will be working with Archangel Michael for this service.

Aries~ Queen Of Pentacles. This is a pivotal month to elevate your status. Your values and your hard work come into sharp focus this month, Aries. What you put energy into cultivates beautiful rewards in September. Finances see major improvement and there's just an overall sense of security and peace in your life. Make time to enjoy the finer things this month.

Taurus~ 5 of wands. September could be a little frustrating. A lot of things are competing for your attention and at times it may feel like there’s one too many people with input or who are trying to throw their weight around. You might need to stand your ground. This could also signal a challenge that lights a fire under your ass. Lean into it and see where the chaos takes you.

Gemini~ Justice. If things have been feeling off center this month presents you with opportunities to balance out. You may be presented with a challenge and it may be hard to decide which way to move, slow down and clear your mind and the right course of action will present itself to you. You may find yourself facing a moral dilemma, act with integrity. You could also see important legal or rule related things surface. Observe traffic laws.

Cancer~ King of Swords. You need to make time to clear your head, your surroundings, your energy. I see you coming up with some great plans this month and seeing a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. That will all play out, however, what takes center stage is all related to your mind and your mouth. It will be a good month to brush up on your knowledge and to speak what is on your mind. You become an authority figure in some important ways. People need a strong leader. On the other hand, you may need to seek such a person out to sort things out.

Leo~ The High Priestess. This month your intuition is on high! Your seeing signs and synchronicity and picking up all the vibes. It seems this is a month where people are looking to you for guidance and wisdom and you don’t have to say too much to help them sort their shit out. The answers just flow in and what you say is heard and received. Trust your feelings and relax into the universe. I also feel as though you will be coming across as very alluring to one or many folks this month. Enjoy!

Virgo~ Ace of Wands. Level UP! Level UP! Level UP! Big moves for you this month, Virgo. Opportunities and options are flowing in. You could see an uptick in work opportunities. And this month could prove to be fiery in more ways than one. Someone may approach you to ask for a favor or with an opportunity, it is to your benefit to help them.

Libra~ The Chariot. You are determined to get things done this month. Life needs a good shake up from time to time and your ambition is driving you to make changes. There’s a few obstacles that need handling. They way you do that is by controlling your environment and surroundings. Look at areas that may need some tightening up. Anything you put your mind to is going to be successful.

Scorpio~ Ace of Swords. September holds a lot of clarity for you. This month shows you exactly what you’re capable of and why you should believe in yourself. I also sense a lot of fresh ideas bursting forth, follow your urges. It’s a month where you have to make some big decisions. You’ll make the right one. I also see a breakthrough in energy flow. Whatever has been stagnant is about to burst wide open.

Sagittarius~ King of Cups. Single Sagittarius could be connecting with a suitable partner. This month brings you a lot of balance. You need not go to extremes so please make it a priority to stay grounded. This month loyalty takes a front seat so that makes this a great month to reflect ooun what that means to you and how you see that manifesting in your life. It’s a good month for you to seek out guidance from a wise leader.

Capricorn~ Queen of Swords. You are on a quest for the truth, for knowledge, for understanding in September. Discernment will be your best friend so if anyone approaches you and you feel skeptical, trust it. Your mind is sharp and it will know the best way to navigate all situations. You may need to speak a hard truth to someone, they need to hear it.

Aquarius~ Page of Pentacles. A herald of blessings for you this month. This page brings good money news your way. You may be presented with or discover new ideas that lead to more money. Your determination will yield results. For those of you with kids, they may be headed back to school and bringing back good news that makes you proud. Your kids could be extra inquisitive this month.

Pisces~ Ace of Wands. Pisces, you get your spark back this month. I feel like you fishies have been going through it and before this month is over you’ll see ways to start fresh or turn things around. Honor where you’re at now knowing this too shall pass. Rest assured some kind of relief is coming your way. Things you just didn’t have the energy to do now seem exciting.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

New Moon in Leo Tarotscopes

TONIGHT is the New Moon Money Honey Service AND the Retrograde Revolution. Entry closes at midnight tonight.

Earth Signs~ Queen of Cups. Earth signs could be in their feelings today. It could be a day where your emotions are taking center stage. It’s worth paying attention to because there’s something you need to acknowledge. You mind moments where you feel really calm and your compassion towards others is present. There’s people out there who need your support and generosity so let your big heart shine through. Lastly, there’s a message that’s been in your heart from some time, let it out.

Air Signs~ Temperance. This New Moon is asking you to let go of extremes and welcome in balance. Go with the flow and do not try to force anything. Trust that all you need is coming in divine timing because you’ve done the work. It’s a great day to make peace with something or someone. Extend that olive branch and set down your sword. If you’ve been on the outs today is the day to speak up. Lastly, put your energy into creative projects or ideas. Create tranquility.

Fire Signs~ Knight of Cups. Today is a lovely day. People are responsive to your charms and charisma (even if you don’t think they are). Don’t play small, go after your heart’s desire. You could find some exciting and emotionally fulfilling opportunities present themselves to you. It’s a great day to tell someone how you feel. Should you come up against any bumps in the road this card says to think outside of the box for a solution. Much like air signs, your creativity is taking you to new heights. Trust your instincts.

Water Signs~ Ace of Pentacles. Seeds of opportunity fall out of the sky today. Money is flowing, ideas are flowing, and the ground is fertile and ready for planting. This is a great day to make a big wish for your future prosperity. It’s a great day to make a wish for a fresh start and a new beginning. The potential as abundant and the energy is perfect. I am going to urge all water signs to set intentions in money and family matters. This will open up pathways that were previously closed. You could find yourself longing for a new job or a turn in an important relationship, this card says this day and this moon is the one.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Why You Feel Guilty When Setting Boundaries And How To Stop It…

Boundaries are talked about a lot these days which is GREAT. Our society is shifting into mindfulness and I am all for it! But I don’t see often enough discussions about how it feels to set boundaries. The reality is, it is not as simple as just waking up and making a different choice one day. Having healthy boundaries is a practice that takes daily work. Most especially if you were traumatized or mistreated in early childhood.

If you avoid conflict to keep the peace, you start a war inside yourself.

When you’ve been conditioned to believe that saying no is wrong it’s hard to feel good about doing it. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that putting ourselves first is selfish. Unfortunately, this is harmful. Boundaries, self care, these things aren’t some self-indulgent luxury. They’re needed to maintain & nourish any relationship for the long term.

What ARE boundaries? Well, a boundary is a real or imaginary barrier between two entities beyond which the other has limited rights. Physical boundaries are easy, they’re clear, obvious, and right in front of your face. But then there’s the boundaries we need to have happy and healthy relationships. We call these psychological boundaries. Lastly, there are energetic boundaries, or protections, in the magickal world. Psychological and physical boundaries help energetic boundaries.

Psychological boundaries are less clear. These are things like ideas and standards by which we would like others to relate with us-through mind, body and emotions. Psychological boundaries are NOT a means to dictate and control the behavior of others. They are meant to help you determine where limits, expectations and responsibilities lie with ourselves and for others. They help you to become clear on your values and priorities, and they help you to set limits around people and activities that don’t bring you joy or fulfillment.


NO is a complete sentence…

It’s important to remember that when you are setting boundaries you are NOT punishing anyone. It’s also vital to remember that you do not need to explain your boundaries OR apologize for having them. Anyone who tries to make you feel like you are doing something wrong is someone you may want to take space from. If you naturally feel guilty or find yourself feeling guilty when setting boundaries it’s important to remember that is old programming trying to retain control. That feeling should be your sign that you’re doing the right thing because you are reprogramming your enmeshment with an unhealthy behavior.


Often people have boundary issues because there were negative associations made to the concept of boundaries in early childhood. If there are repeated emotional associations where you felt bad feelings after trying to set a boundary, whatever it was, it creates emotional programming attached to setting boundaries that makes our minds believe boundaries = pain. If you don’t change these beliefs, you will still feel bad afterwards.

You can do this overtime by setting boundaries. Each time you do it you will learn that it isn’t scary and you’re safe, and you’ll be surprised at how easy it becomes over time. But this takes a while. Another way to unlearn and reprogram is by doing some deep inner work. You can journal, discuss it in therapy or even think about it. Utilizing my Boundaries Anointing Oil & Shadow Work Anointing Oil through this process will help with the healing process. This is the question that completely changed my life. What do you make it mean to you when you feel guilty setting a boundary? Does it feel to you that if you set a boundary you’ll be abandoned? Does it feel like you’re being a bitch? Does it feel to you that you will be disliked? What meaning do you give to this? You really want to reprogram this and retrain your mind. Once you figure out the core belief behind this feeling you can deprogram this in your mind.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Tarotscopes August 2023

It’s that time of the month again! It’s Tarotscope time! We have a busy month astrologically. August packs in TWO supermoons, the Lion’s Gate Portal on 8/8, AND Mercury Retrograde in Virgo begins August 23rd ( read more here ). If you would like to leave me a tip for this free forecast you may do so via CashApp ( $bjthewicca ) or via Venmo & PayPal @accioattenion89. It is not expected, but always appreciated. Let’s take a look at what each sign has to look forward to for the month of August.

Aries~ Knight of Cups. August asks you to follow your heart. It’s a good month for emotional vulnerability. It might be time to open up to someone about something that’s been weighing on you. When it comes to solving problems, you’ll do well to think outside the box to find solutions or answers. Lastly, things should be flowing rather nicely this month. Make a wish, you’ll get what you’re after.

Taurus~ 4 of Swords. Taurus, it’s a good month to recoup your energy. You may have had some recent challenges, now is the time to strategize. Something new is coming in and you’ll need all your faculties and wits about you. August could be a bit of a mentally overwhelming month so be sure to take lots of breaks and give yourself grace. Be mindful to protect your energy. You might find you need a little extra guarding.

Gemini~ The Star. You’ve passed the test and now it’s time to bask in your own glory. August blesses you with the gift of peace. You might find your home to be extra cozy or bringing you a lot of joy. It would be a great month to redecorate, move, or organize. August also presents you with an opportunity to heal what needs healing. This month should be quite renewing.

Cancer~ 2 of Cups. Cancer, your relationships are in the front seat in August. You will be very determined to make progress or deepen your connection with another. Rest assured, they’re likely to be receptive if you play your cards right. Be persistent, but not pushy. You can find the balance in the sweet spot. It’s an important month for partnerships of all kinds. You could find yourself entering into all sorts of agreements. Go for it!

Leo~ The Magician & The Wheel of Fortune. A big month for Leos. You see the path forward and the way to turn situations and things in your favor. You will be initiating big changes. This is the turning point you’ve been looking for. The Universe is on your side in a big way this month, Leo. Your luck is about to change for the positive, it’s because you’re putting in the work. Trust and believe and soon you will see. Where you were feeling dis-empowered before you will soon find strength.

Virgo~ Interestingly, Virgo, we’ve pulled The Magician which is connected with your sign (and gemini) because it is associated with Gemini, and this month in August we have a Mercury retrograde in Virgo. Somehow, I don’t think this is going to slow you down. This card shows me you’ll be feeling your inner power hard core in August. I see a big change in your confidence. It’s like you finally master or overcome something that has been weighing on you. You will be resourceful and mastering all you put your mind to in August.

Libra~ The Heirophant. August is a good month to get spiritual. I strongly suggest listening to advice given to you by wise leaders in your corner. Follow their play book and you’ll learn a lot. It’s a good month to get some things in order and create some structure in your life and everyday routines. You yourself might find yourself in a leadership position this month. You’ve got some important things to say. Impart your wisdom. It might be a good month to look into some methods of investment in your future that are low cost, low risk, and more conventional or involve groups of like-minded individuals.

Scorpio~ King of Pentacles. Money, security, stability. You can have it all this month. Do nothing hastily and lean into patience. Even when or if you think things aren’t moving, they are. Some things are simply taking shape. You’ll have the Midas touch this month. Your mind is focused on growing your garden and if you tend to it, it’s going to blossom in a big way. Money will be flowing, growing, and showing up left and right. Lastly, it could be an important month in regards to, or connected to, your father or another important male figure.

Sagittarius~ Page of Wands. August is a month for adventure. Travel goes well. Creativity is peaking. Ideas are flowing. Information is being downloaded. You’re being divinely guided down a creative path and it’s taking you somewhere exciting. Allow your imagination to carry you to new heights and you will discover gold. If you have kids you might find them to be extra fun this month. There’s going to be a lot of excitement and preparations for back-to-school time!

Capricorn~ The World. August brings with it some important endings and powerful new beginnings. You could be bringing some big projects to a close and finding fulfillment in new ventures. Travel will go smoothly this month so make plans for an adventure. This month brings some serious praise your way too. Please don’t play shy, you earned the accolades. Something about this month feels as if it brings you back in touch with an important part of yourself. There’s a strong energy of wholeness here. Express gratitude for what you have.

Aquarius~ The Sun. FREEDOM!!!!! You’re breaking free from some major restrictions this month, Aquarius. A full moon in your sign on the second has you all lit up and ready to shine. It makes so much sense, because as an Aquarius you probably despise restriction and crave change. Well, it’s coming. I get this overwhelming sense of joy and regained confidence for you this month. It leads you to a great deal of success and I also feel as though this month could be especially lucky for you. Lastly, I see a truth about something or someone coming to light. Don’t ignore it.

Pisces~ Queen of Cups. Pisces, it’s a good month to lean on your nurturing support systems. There could be a woman, she is a creative leader and loyal and supportive in her nature. She is likely a water sign or with heavy water sign placements, especially if she’s a scorpio woman. She has just the thing you’ve been searching for. This month could really have you in your feelings. You might find yourself extra sensitive this month. You might also be finding yourself doing a lot of day dreaming. Your feelings and imagination have something important to tell you.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Mercury Retrograde In Virgo

Let’s dive into what to expect during this Mercury Retrograde. Our next battle with Mercury Retrograde begins on August 23rd in detail-oriented, hard working Virgo. It ends on September 15th and has a lingering shadow period active two weeks prior and two weeks after it ends.

Every Mercury Retrograde is a time where misunderstandings, delays, and mishaps are abundant. A retrograde is a time when a planet, in this case Mercury, appears to be travelling backwards in the sky and thus things associated with the retrograded planet are bound to go awry. For Mercury this will be things like conversations, technology, negotiations, travel, communication, commerce, mail, and much more. When Mercury retrogrades through Virgo it impacts the areas of life Virgo is associated with like your daily work, routine, money, the mind, harvests, accuracy and precision.

You will likely experience added frustration and then stress about delays, problems maintaining routines, work issues and more. While this time is known to cause chaos it’s not all bad! This is a good time reevaluate plans and goals. If you aren’t at all satisfied with the direction of your life and the circumstances in this is the time to make plans to change things. There are several services that I am planning for August that can help you through this time. Shawna and I will also be bringing the Retrograde Rescue back so stay tuned for that announcement. I also have a ritually blessed spray and anointing oil to help with this time. Check them out below…

Retrograde Rescue Blessed Spray

Mercury Retrograde is nothing to fear but it can cause complications. This spray helps to ease the effects of Mercury Retrograde that seem to bring about challenges. Use this spray to enhance and support clear communication, creativity, confidence and to bring you good luck and prosperity to all areas of your life. This spray will help you to work with this astrological transit and use it to your benefit. 4 oz bottle.

Were running low! Act fast!
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Communication Anointing Oil
from $15.55

This Anointing Oil was crafted to enhance communication and to encourage and facilitate communication. It gives you motivation and promotes creativity. This oil is perfect for communication spells where you want a person to call you or communicate with you but it is also perfect for facilitating healing conversations. It enhances creative writing and public speaking, ensuring that your words are well received by everyone. This oil can also be used to combat the effects of Mercury Retrograde.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Glamour Magic: Become A Magnet For All You Desire

What is glamour magic?

It’s using your natural attributes and items around you, imbuing them with power, and using that to attract your desires. Whether it is protection, money, love, good health and anything in between, this practice can help you. You can use makeup, beauty products, spiritual products, crystals, jewelry, and even clothing to create your glamours.

I personally love glamour magic because it is an easy way to weave magic and ritual into your everyday routines. Self care becomes even more beneficial when we add magic to it. Some easy ways to practice glamour magic are using witch hazel toner after washing your face and blessing the product to cleanse you of negative energy. Imbue your foundation or concealer with the energy of protection. To boost this further you can use sigils or runes while applying your product. Your foundation can be a very effective shield against nasty energy.

This is the rune Algiz, which is great for protection.

You can add further intention by melding two practices together like glamour magic and color magic with things like clothing, nail polish, even hair color. Imbue your gold nail polish to attract wealth. Bless your blue eye shadow to protect you from the evil eye. Try red lipstick on your next date to seal the deal and attract your date to come back for more. I think you’re starting to get the picture.

I strongly recommend using your jewelry for your glamours. I love to anoint my jewelry with protective oils. You can also get oil diffusing necklaces and necklaces and bracelets that are made to whole small scrolls that you can use to write a petition and anoint with a corresponding oil. If you have crystal jewelry, even better!

I suggest you bless your items in ritual prior to use. This can be as simple as lighting candles and incense. Cleanse yourself and your objects. Write out your intentions, pass your object or items over the flame and speak your intentions out loud. If you can visualize or meditate on your intentions that is best.

Because I love glamour magic so much I have created a lot of the offerings in my Mystic Apothecary with this in mind. From spiritual baths, spiritual exfoliating scrubs, magic lip balms, spiritual sprays, and my anointing oils. Everything I make is skin safe (unless otherwise specified) and great to use in your glamours. Our newest creation, Psychic Shield Head Oil is not only a powerful protection oil, meant to shield you from psychic attacks. It also helps promote healthy hair and hair growth.

It contains a blend of three carrier oils known to strengthen hair (olive oil), protect from damage and split ends (jojoba oil), and smooth hair (almond oil) which are also known for their magical properties of protection, strengthening intuition, and sharpening the mind. It also is packed with herbs that stimulate hair growth like rosemary and mint. There are only 6 bottles available before this oil is sold out.

Psychic Shield Head Oil

A powerful protection oil crafted to protect you from psychic attacks and nightmares, enhance intuition, strengthen memory and boost dream recall. Anoint your head daily.

This product also helps support healthy hair growth! It contains a blend of three carrier oils known to strengthen hair (olive oil), protect from damage and split ends (jojoba oil), and smooth hair (almond oil) which are also known for their magical properties of protection, strengthening intuition, and sharpening the mind. It also is packed with herbs that stimulate hair growth like rosemary and mint.

Scent: Sandalwood.

Were running low! Act fast!
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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

July Tarotscopes

Hello, and welcome to July! We have some incredible things coming our way this month. Make sure you check out our list of group services for July. Check the pinned post on IG for further details. We also have some incredible new product and readings that you won’t want to miss.

Good Vibes Smoke Cleansing Wand

Featuring selenite, orange, eucalyptus, lavender and rosemary. This smoke cleansing wand will clear out any negativity and draw in good, positive, high, loving vibrations. Clear out the b.s., attract love and prosperity. 

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Aries~ 8 of Pentacles. July brings with it ample opportunity to master your craft. You will be learning a new skill or developing an existing one with serious expertise. You will be full of determination and I see you really committing yourself to accomplishing something you have been working hard on. You’re happy about it too. Patience, attention to small details, and keeping your wits about you will serve you best in July.

Taurus~ 3 of Pentacles. Taurus, I see you coming together with a large group of people to work towards a common goal in July. Collaboration and teamwork makes the dream work. Your hard work and dedication will be recognized in July and it will yield beautiful results. The three of pentacles can sometimes be associated with artistic endeavors, specifically, so please put your talents to use. They will be rewarded. Additionally, July is an excellent month to work on your home environment. Spruce it up, make repairs.

Gemini~ Ace of Cups. July brings to you many opportunities for emotional fulfillment. Someone in your life may even have a special announcement (like a baby or a proposal) or you could be on the receiving end of such a blessing. I think for many of you someone close to you has a pleasant surprise for you. I also see this month you are bursting with creative energy. Follow your heart and put it into your work. Don’t forget to celebrate yourself.

Cancer~ Justice. July has some big decisions for you. Make sure you act from an ethical and logical place. Weigh the pros and cons. Cancer, I know you’ll make the best decision because you are good hearted. I also feel like some of you might need to make a decision that relates to self protection. Be vigilant and make the choice that keeps you safe. Lastly, you will find some justice or vindication in a matter this month. You had some instincts about a person or situation and your instincts will be validated this month.

Leo~ Page of Cups. Good news will find you this July, Leo. Plenty of reasons to feel happy, loved and positive. Spending time with kids, or your inner child, will serve you well. It will help you come home to yourself and I see it sparking some ideas and getting your creative juices flowing. This card is also a message that you are on the right path. Even if you are struggling now, relief will come sooner than you are expecting. Let the Universe surprise you.

Virgo~ Death. Big changes are coming your way, Virgo. July has you closing some doors that need to be closed but it’s because a new path has opened up for you. This new path brings you much closer to achieving what serves you best. Your energy needs to be channeled into moving forward. Don’t look back, release the past, chin up and carry on. It will also be a good month to do some decluttering energetically and in your home. A cluttered space and mind make it hard for energy to flow.

Libra~ Ace of Pentacles~ Libra, you’re in the money honey! Money, opportunities, fresh starts, they’re all finding their way to you in July. More importantly, you NEED to count your blessings, the ones already there and the ones currently growing. This is the biggest key to turning situations in your favor. I also see an offer coming to some Libras. Remain open and positive.

Scorpio~ The Empress. For you, Scorpio, July reminds you of your power and the power of self care. When you show up for yourself you are better able to show up for others. When you invest in yourself you put a better foot forward and thus others are eager to invest in you. July brings to you a lot of abundance and ample opportunities. It’s really time to create more balance in your life, it’s also time to remember that when you plant seeds you need to give them time to grow.

Sagittarius~ Queen of Swords. Sag, your mind will be your biggest ally and your greatest tool in July. Keep your mind sharp. Clear yourself of any doubts or worry. It may time to get honest with yourself or others. It’s also possible some strong female figures in your life hold the key to your next steps. They’ll give you the truth, and give it to you straight. It’s also important to express yourself without apology in July. Be yourself, fiercely and proudly. Show off your intellect and your brilliant ideas. It’s going to make a good impression on the right people.

Capricorn~ Wheel of Fortune. Ohhhhh Cappy, July is a big month for you! Some big changes are coming in and it looks like they hold the key to good fortune. You’ve been working hard to put good out there and this month all that effort pays off! You must remain optimistic through the ups and downs of life, the Universe has your back. I feel as though some of you have been trying extra hard lately and haven’t felt like you’re making much progress, but that is about to change. Some big opportunities are coming your way. Brilliant ideas, shiny new offers, new paths, your destiny is calling you.

Aquarius~ 10 of Pentacles. Hot damn, Aquarius! Money, family, security, wealth, your legacy it’s all on the upswing in July. Your ancestors have been watching you work really hard to establish yourself and they are preparing a big blessing to show you they’re close by. July brings with it a lot of happiness. I see opportunities for you to go back to your roots and find yourself again. Furthermore, I see July being an exceptionally prosperous month for you. Money is flowing, opportunities are knocking. Keep up the great work.

Pisces~ The Sun. Get outside, little fishy. The Sun is calling you. Outdoor time will do you some good. I feel like you’re trying hard to break free from some kind of restraining situation and this month offers some great news. It could even be good health news, I feel for some of you Pisces. An exciting announcement, perhaps? There’s plenty of reason to feel happy in July.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

She Talks To Angels (Archangels):

How and Why I work with Archangels

I was a child, growing up in Detroit. Every Sunday I went to catechism and mass. I was going through a lot. Things kids, or anyone, should never have to endure. I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. One of my only sources of comfort was this wall decoration. I would stare at it, read and reread over and over. When things got really bad or overwhelming I would stare until I was in a trance at this photo. One night, when things were particularly bad, I had a dream of an Angel letting me know they would keep me safe when I was ready to talk. Was it catechism? Was it the photo? Was it an angel? I believe it was and believed it so strongly that even when I, as an adult, denounced my Catholic roots and became a witch the practice of working with Angels never left me. Old habits die hard.

This is the photo.

Angels are messengers of God. In fact, the name Archangel means “chief angel”, the word “arch” specifically means “most important.” The role of the Archangels is to oversee and protect the well being of all life on Earth.

Archangels are incredibly powerful. They are able to be in multiple places, or even, all places at one time. They are very close to humankind, unlike deities who are very removed from humans and the human experience. Angels are ready willing and able to help you at a moments notice because they are so close to us. All you need to do is call out to them.

Angels connect to many modalities and tools found in Spirituality. There is an Archangel for every chakra. Crystals are great tools to connect with Archangels as well. Use stones such as celestite, selenite, angelite, and seraphinite. You may also match a crystal to the color associated with any particular Archangel if you aren’t able to get these. To work with Angels to heal your chakras you can use mantra, meditation and humming. Repeat your mantra and meditate on the Angel connected to the chakra you want to heal.

For today we will be focusing on 7 Archangels.

Names, Associations and Duties of these seven archangels:

Michael: Michael’s role is to protect us. He brings courage, strength, and justice. Crown & upper chakras. Blue.

Raphael: Raphael heals physical and mental ailments. Heart chakra. Green.

Gabriel: Gabriel, the angel of communication, plays the role of God’s messenger. 3rd eye & throat chakra. White.

Jophiel: Jophiel guides you to see the beauty in all things by redirecting you back to love. Heart & Solar Plexus chakra. Yellow.

Ariel: Ariel, protects Earth and its resources and inhabitants. He aides you in material matters as well. Root & solar plexus. Purple.

Azrael: Azrael is an angel of death. He helps the sick and ailing transition to the afterlife. Root Chakra. Red & Indigo.

Chamuel: Chamuel brings Peace on Earth. He is capable of bringing order to even the most chaotic situations. Sacral, heart, & root chakra. Pink.

In my times of need the angels have never failed me. They work quickly and swiftly to resolve issues. They are exceptionally powerful. They understand and have compassion for humans and our problems. They want to assist and enlighten us. As I was working with them and praying over the weekend I was filled with the feeling that I needed to offer this opportunity to my community as well and thus this blog post and this service were born.

Many people have varying opinions and ideas about what Angels actually are. Some believe they are otherworldly beings. Whatever is true about what they are, one thing I can say for certain is that they are here for US. They care about our lives, safety, prosperity and future. One might think that a witch doesn’t believe in God or Angels, I say we very much believe in God. Source is source, it doesn’t matter if you call it Yaweh, Allah, or Gary or you believe you are working with a nameless energy.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

5 Painful Effects of Being The Fixer

“Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.” ~ Anonymous

It was a cold winter's day. My phone buzzed with a notification. It was a DM from an old friend I had known since Elementary school. “Oh wow, I wonder what Ivy wants?” I thought. “Bethany, I need help! My landlord found out that I have cats and I’m not supposed to can you please help me find a safe home for this animal for a couple of weeks?”

Long story short, I got a new cat and lost someone I thought was a friend. HA! While that is an oversimplification, that’s the jist of what happened. But how did we get there? I wasn’t looking for a cat, I was hoping for a connection. I was young, foolish, and wounded. I was hoping that by solving this persons problem they would see my value. That didn’t happen.

I was conditioned from a young age to believe I was responsible for the emotional well being of everyone around me. Every time something went wrong in my mother’s life I got yelled at so I must be the problem and the solution. I tried everything to make her happy and nothing ever worked. I distinctly remember feeling like I was a source of bad in the world and feeling so much guilt. I could feel her pain and everyone else’s. I learned to predict & read moods. I became acutely aware of what other’s were feeling even when they weren’t aware of it themselves.

As I grew I became accustomed to alleviating guilt that didn’t even belong to me by pleasing others. What came from that was personal failures in relationships, career, and overwhelming stress and insecurity. My intentions were always good. I truly and genuinely wanted to help others. I was going about it in all the wrong ways. I didn’t realize at the time it was part of my path to be of service to other’s.

My big breakthrough was realizing that I had so much compassion and grace for everyone else but none for me. I put myself into a pattern where I gave and gave and tried harder and harder only to be taken advantage of or put upon repeatedly. I thought I wasn’t good enough, or doing enough so I would do more. Then I realized I was punishing myself. I was doing it to escape bad feelings. I was avoiding my work by focusing on others.

Being a “fixer” has painful impacts on us. Let’s look at a few:

  1. Being wantless

Clients who come to me embattled in or emerging from people pleasing patterns often aren’t aware of their own needs and in extreme cases their own identity. Somewhere along this path a person will begin to believe their needs don’t matter. They forget to live for themselves and become arrested in development.

I often find many who struggle with these issues don’t value or understand self-care. The conditioning is such that they start to believe the only way to feel good is through the approval of others. They seek out the love that they are looking for from themselves from the approval of others. It becomes an addiction with short lived gratification. I experienced this as well.

2. No boundaries

I see it so often with people in these people-pleasing patterns, myself included at one time. There’s absolutely no sense of boundaries. Both of our own personal boundaries or with the needs and emotions of others and the connections to us. This ties into number 1. When you lack an understanding of your own needs and desires and values you don’t have a strong identity. If you cannot differentiate where your needs and the needs of another end and begin you may have a boundary issue. No shame or judgment. Most people struggle with boundaries at one point or another. The issue is that without good boundaries you are far more susceptible to toxic connections and relationships and to falling victim to manipulators and users. Try my Boundaries Oil to help strengthen your boundaries and protect your energy.

3. Turning to addiction to cope

After a prolonged period of time of ignoring your pain and needs that takes a major toll. You feel stressed, unappreciated, tense and often like you are failing. This will drive any person to seek relief or an escape of some kind and without the proper tools or awareness many times people will turn to very unhealthy methods of cope.

Whether it is food, anger, drugs & alcohol or some other outlet to numb the pain none of it is helpful for you. There’s nothing wrong with adults participating in the responsible consumption of substances, it is only a problem when it becomes a regular thing and the only, or a regular, way you soothe yourself. I struggled with this too so I understand. Many don’t realize that perpetual people pleasing is a path towards self destruction.

4. Lonliness

Fixers often have had the love of their true selves withheld from them from an early age by family. Instead, we are given the message that we are not enough. Many situations can foster people pleasing tendencies but most often it derives from emotional neglect in childhood. It can also come from any other toxic situation where you were emotionally neglected. If you have ever been in a situation where you were made to sacrifice your wants and needs, where you were made to labor for love, affection or approval. Or made to submit to the needs of another you could suffer from this problem.

You do all of this in the hopes you would be appreciated. How does it turn out? Your sacrifice goes unappreciated. Being totally selfless, ironically, can make you very easy to overlook. People appreciate strength of character and devalue those with low self-esteem. You may not realize it, but your actions are expectation driven. You expect you will be appreciated but more often than not this isn’t the case. Leaving you feeling badly and resentful. The loneliness continues.

5. You feel powerless

When you have spent years giving all your energy and attention away to the problems of others you give your power away. You may not realize it but you could also being stuck in victim mentality. You may avoid conflicts. You may avoid setting boundaries. You might allow other’s to talk to you crazy or walk all over you. You may also feel like it is impossible to change. It isn’t. There may be other times where you explode. Everything you’ve held in for so long comes bubbling to the surface and comes out in completely unhealthy ways.


So… How do you stop it?

It won’t be easy. It won’t be fast. It requires self awareness and mindfulness. Be patient with yourself because you'll be working to undo a lifetime of conditioning. You will be working to undo behaviors that feel ingrained in your identity. But, living your life to make everybody else in the world except you happy is not your identity. And that is not your life path.

You may want to speak to a therapist or get a reading to get insights into the heart of these matters. There's also some practical adjustments you can make that are simple and easy:

Stop automatically saying yes or no to anything that is asked of you. Simply reply with “I need some time to think about this”, or, “I'm not sure yet but I'll get back to you”. Then, allow yourself the time and space to really sit with your feelings around these requests. Another good step to take would be to get guidance or advice from an objective third party. Everyone needs a reality check now and then. You also need to work on lessening your fear of conflict and practice saying “no.” Furthermore,practice saying no without explaining yourself. No is a complete sentence.

There is a way for you to create balance between people pleasing and caring for yourself. You must learn to respect your own needs first. This will actually earn you more respect from others and it's also the first step towards breaking out of these patterns. In addition to that it will significantly reduce your stress levels. It will help you sleep better and lessen pain that may be manifesting in your body.

I see it very often with people pleasers that they believe that self-care is selfish and egotistical. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ask yourself where in your life did someone give you the messaging that putting yourself first was an offense to them. The more love and care you give to yourself the better you will be able to show up for others. The more self-care you engage in, the more authentic the love that you extend to others will be.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

June Tarotscopes

June is upon us so it’s time for our monthly Tarot forecast for all 12 signs! A few friendly reminders; tonight is the Empower Me Group Service . This service will be geared toward empowerment. Use for personal power. Use this spell heal from trauma, fatigue and feeling run down and to uplift and empower. This is a working meant to bless every important area of your life and give you a holistic boost of prosperity. Great to lift you up in health, love, emotional well being and finances. Lastly, the Memorial Day sale is active until Friday! Save 30% on ANY product purchase with code 333MD.

Aries~ 2 of Cups. Aries, you have a lovely month ahead of you. I’m seeing an opportunity for a resolution for some of you. You are finally able to come to an understanding with or about someone or something important. Expect deeper connections in your relationships. You’re figuring things out and finding your footing where it counts most. Some of you may receive some news around health matters as well.

Taurus~ Knight of Swords. Taurus, your ambition knows no bounds in June. You’ve got the plan, you’ve got the inspiration, and you’ve got the cojones to get the job done. Don’t hold back. You may have to lay down the law with a few wild cards this month as well. Some people just can’t get on board and have to cause issues. Set them straight.

Gemini~ The Tower. Gemini, you are ready to tear the house down! You’re sick of the b.s. and you’re ready to get to the bottom of it once and for all. There’s a big awakening coming in and you will finally see everything as you need to and while this might be shocking, it might even be painful, it is needed. Pull that brick out of the Jenga tower and watch it all fall. F it needs to be your mantra in June.

Cancer~ King of Pentacles. It’s Cancer season (almost) and you’re ready to step into your power. June is a month where you’re focused on self improvement and fulfillment. Every seed you plant blooms. Everything you touch turns to gold. Money will be flowing right. Your work is paying off and you’re just feeling secure and like all is right with the world. You’re about to accomplish a big win.

Leo~ 7 of Cups. Your options are many in June, dear Leo. Something shiny and desirable is showing up. I see several opportunities coming your way. I also feel like you’re perhaps holding onto some baggage that is making it hard to trust what is before you. You are excited yet also afraid that it could all be wishful thinking. If you choose wisely and don’t give your power away to distractions you can achieve what you desire.

Virgo~ The Magician. You have some challenges ahead of you in June. Communication will be your best tool when it comes to conquering them. You must remain focused and connected with life, work, relationships. If you remain committed and focused you can reach your goals. This card means you have everything available to you right now to be successful. No matter what is going on around you, you will draw in what you desire most.

Libra~ Knight of Wands. June brings a lot of movement for you, Libra. I see you making some travel plans. Even a trip to the local park will do you some good. I see you taking charge over a creative project or work matter and finding ways to turn things around. Risks will pay off. I feel like you’ve maybe been lacking on enthusiasm lately and this card is showing up to get your attention. Try to find that spark again. Your attitude needs adjusting. Don’t let outside interference steal your joy.

Scorpio~ 4 of Pentacles. You need to check your attitude a bit this month, Scorpio. You’re holding onto things and you need to be mindful to process them in a healthy way instead of stuffing it down. When you do that it always resurfaces and usually not in a good way. You need to maintain steady, healthy goals and remain focused on that. You have a lot to be grateful for. There’s stability and abundance around you. Focus on maintaining what you do have control over. Be a good steward over your domain and everything else will fall into place in time.

Sagittarius~ Queen of Wands. Confidence is key, belief is your superpower! June is not the month for you to play small. You have got to take charge and show off your skills. Generosity will serve you well but do be sure to maintain healthy boundaries so as not to deplete yourself. June will call on you to do something a bit bold, this shouldn’t be a problem for you, you aren’t afraid of a little spontaneity.

Capricorn~ 2 of Pentacles & Page of Pentacles. June is all about adaptability and understanding. You’re thinking on your feet and channeling ideas into opportunities. I see you learning to master a new skill. At first it might feel a bit awkward or uncomfortable but you will quickly figure out what needs your attention the most. Money will flow in. Take care of it and it will take care of you. If you previously felt stagnant in certain areas of your life that will soon change. You got this.

Aquarius~ Page of Wands. Something is within you is longing to get out. An idea, a new hobby, a new skill to pursue. In June you will find all the freedom you need to explore new territories. You have good news and ample opportunities coming your way too. People are talking about what you’ve got going on and you’re really making a good impression.

Pisces~ The Sun. Good news comes for you in June, Pisces. A pathway opens up for you and it brings you one step closer to independence. If you’ve been feeling down your luck is about to turn around and soon you’ll be feeling more positive. Success is seeking you out so move into a receptive and open state now to welcome in your blessings.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Hack Your Magic: Using Tarot For Manifestation & Rituals

You can use Tarot cards to cast spells. The imagery and meaning behind each card adds energy and adds focused intention to your work. This is a great practice for everyone but especially beginners. It accomplishes two things. 1. It helps you become acquainted with the Tarot if you are interested. 3. It makes focusing your rituals towards your goals easier. This strengthens your spell work and expands your practice. Make sure to keep your Tarot deck cleansed. A great way to do that would be with my Retrograde Rescue spray great for clearing negativity and enhancing communication or a selenite crystal slab to keep the energy perpetually clear. Don’t forget to check out my entire selection of herbs, curios, and ritual oils to further hack and boost your manifestations. I have everything you need from herbs, to fireproof spell work plates, ritual powders and oils.

You should be using divination prior to engaging in spiritual work. This will help you to assess what work needs to be done and the success of the work. If you would like a blog, video or post on the spell work correspondences of each card let me know.

The Tarot is a great tool for magical planning. In fact, I use my cards to plan services and offerings and even the content I make for all of you. Use your cards to ask your guides what herbs to add. You can do this by learning the planetary ruler or astrological significance of each card and pull an herb from that. Or you can do this by using keywords. Let’s say you pull the 6 of swords, this is your guides’ way of saying you need to add an herb or ingredient for healing, calmness, or release.

Let’s talk about the suits and their application in magic.

A varying selection of Tarot cards from the Pentacles suit.

Pentacles: Earth

Pentacles, this seems like a good place to start. The suit of pentacles is often thought of as the money suit. This is true but there’s more to this suit than meets the eye. You can use various cards in this suit for many reasons including protection, stability, ancestral work, marriage, family magic and more.

The 10 of Pentacles is an ancestral card and so adding it to your ancestor altar or placing it underneath an ancestral offering candle is a great way to strengthen your ancestor magic.

The Ace of Pentacles would be the perfect card to bring in a fresh start or to boost your money spells.

The King and 9 of Pentacles have a lot to do with security and protection.

I think you get the idea here.

A varying selection of Tarot cards from the suit of swords.

Swords: Air

The suit of swords is all about force, action, movement, change, power. Thoughts, ideas, logic, reasoning, right and wrong, and strategy are all woven throughout this suit. This is the suit I think most people find challenging. Why? Because this is the suit that slaps you in the face with the truth. It rips you from your delusions and plants you into reality. Depending on the kind of person you are you will either find that idea completely freeing or totally freaky. So how would you utilize this suit in ritual?

Use the ace of swords to manifest perfect clarity or to break through stubborn, stuck energy.

Use the 6 of swords for healing through transitions.

Use the 4 of swords for a good night’s sleep.

A varying selection of Tarot cards from the suit of wands.

Wands: Fire

The Wands suit is probably a personal favorite of mine. Wands are all about drive, creativity, passion, willpower, desire and taking risks. This suit has a lot to do with our ambitions for our lives and how we approach that. Even the challenging cards in this suit hold the opportunity for success and overcoming your circumstances. This suit drives you to do your best no matter what you are up against. The downside is the hubris and ego involved in many of these cards.

The 4 of wands is an excellent card to add to a ritual to bring success. This card signals celebrations.

The Queen of Wands would be a great addition to a self love spell. This queen is a baddie and she knows it!

The Ace of Wands or Two of Wands would be great for road opening work. Open the path and draw in cooperation.

A varying selection of Tarot cards from the suit of cups.

Cups: Water

Emotional and intuitive, the suit of cups helps you to get in touch with your feelings. This suit highlights the times where our feelings are running wild. The times where we are less than rational. And it illuminates when to trust our heart and to go with the flow. It’s a window into how our emotions are impacting us, coloring our experiences, and sending us messages.

The Ace of Cups is the perfect card to add to your love spells. Manifest your dream relationship or take things to a new level with your current partner.

The King of Cups is the perfect card to add to a ritual to manifest emotional well being.

Add the 6 of cups & the 2 of cups to your next reconciliation working.

The possibilities are endless…

You can combine different cards from different suits to tell the story of your desired outcome and give your rituals a clear objective. Reversals can add new depth. Print off photos of cards and use them as petition paper. Stick your glass candles right on top of the cards you have chosen to draw that energy into your candle. Use the major arcana cards for big changes or stubborn situations. If you would like a blog post or Instagram video on the major arcana let me know.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

New Moon in Taurus

This powerful new moon is coming on Friday. It's our first post-retrograde, sans-eclipse moon in a while, and I'm very much looking forward to it! We are finally free of any cosmic chaos or universal slow downs, and we're being greeted by a money manifesting powerhouse of a lunation.

This is going to be a great to recoup and rebuild after the retrograde. Using this lunation to draw in a renewed foundation and sense of security is ideal. Because Taurus is an Earth sign and is ruled by Venus it’s a deliciously decadent time to indulge in manifestations that support your wildest dreams.

Your new moon in Taurus affirmation is “I am abundant and worthy of pleasure and luxury.”

New Moon Taurus is all about investing in yourself. It's about manifesting a lifestyle that is as enriching as it is luxurious. It's a time to do something kind for you and your future. Focus your manifestations on money, pleasure, contentment, perseverance, patience, self-worth development, and releasing stubborn blocks and resistance.

Taurus rules over and helps with accumulation, physical pleasure, reliability, our relationship with nature, good health, and self-love. This is not a moon where you want to sit back and do nothing. If you don't have the energy, get somebody else to do it! (I would love to help you!) There's no shame in outsourcing your spiritual work when you need extra support.

The Money Honey double service on the moon will target the key issues to tackle with this new moon. Taurus rules over resistance, so working through blockages through utilizing a road opener under a new moon in Taurus is perfect. And because Taurus rules over all thing rich and luxurious it’s the perfect time to work on manifesting money. Don’t skip this moon. Do something, even if it’s at home. Use my Road Opener Spray and my Money Honey Anointing Oil and my Handmade Money Drawing Incense Cones to create an at-home ritual.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Did your candle turn black? Don’t panic!

It can be alarming to see your beautiful candle turn pitch black in the blink of an eye. You’re going about your day and turn around and you see IT. Did you do something wrong? Are you cursed? Did you make God angry? RELAX! Let’s take a deep breath.

First, you need to know your materials. I recommend buying multiple of the same kind of candle and first burning a control candle to get a good understanding of how they burn. If your candle turns black check to see if there are any herbs stuck to the wick or if your wick is too large for the candle. Other reasons can be cheap wicks or wax. It is very important to know what mundane things to look for in order to discern what is magical and what is mundane. When you rule out the mundane then you look at the magic.

A blockbuster candle of a client who was under spiritual attack.

Black soot is a sign of resistance, a blockage, it can also be a warning that some ish is about to pop off. If you know how to read candles then you’ll likely have a good idea of what the issue is and use Tarot or other divination to fill in the gaps. Depending on the appearance of the soot, it’s thickness, it’s length and more will all give you ideas of what the issue is and how to address it. If you would like to learn how to perform candle divination, click here . I have a whole selection of On Demand classes and workbooks for you to learn at your own pace.

Black soot does not mean you’ve failed or that you are cursed. It can indicate those things but it can also be a warning that something is coming that you can avoid if you act. This is why you need to a reading on it.

Not too long ago I did an uncrossing candle for someone and it turned black. We did a reading and it turned out that their toxic work environment was creating some negative energy around them and was likely about to cause them stress. I saw that they were working with someone who was corrupt and abusive. I saw a board or authority doing an investigation into the matter and given my client’s position in the company they will likely be questioned about things at the very least though they are innocent. However, since this is connected to their prosperity in life their spiritual team said HEY we need to do more here!

My client confirmed that, in fact, the previous day they learned that a very high up person in their company has been harassing employees and the company is likely going to be sued and they have an advisory board that is breathing down their necks at this time. My client has been trying to straighten things up at this place for some time and nothing has worked. Their guides are pushing them to move on for their own well being.

Black soot is simply spirit trying to get your attention. It is spirit trying to protect or help you protect yourself. in a sense. Whether they are doing that by warning you about something in your energetic field or by showing you you or someone or something else is blocking the spell, you can be sure they know something you don’t and your spiritual team is trying to help. The only way to get clarity is with further divination. So next time that happens don’t panic. Get a reading.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

May Tarotscopes

I am ready for May. The weather changes. Mercury retrograde ends. Did I mention mercury retrograde ends? 🤪 I truly cannot wait! To find some relief now enjoy 22% off select products and services by using code 2222 at checkout. If you would like to leave me a tip I have linked my bio site. Once you click on Tip Me scroll down and you can tip me via credit or debit, PayPal, or Venmo @accioattention89 or CashApp $bjthewicca. It’s not expected but would be very appreciated. Let’s look at what May holds for you…

Aries~ 4 of Swords ~ May is a month for self care. Take things slow. Make no hasty decisions, think over everything carefully. You may find yourself needing a lot of alone time in May. You are, at times, going to find yourself feeling overwhelmed and anxious so seeking out periods of solitude will help you process things and keep your energy in check.

Taurus~ The Lovers ~ May brings relief for you, dear Taurus. After a period of struggling you finally get to find some breathing room. You will be attracting something big, something positive for you. May will present you with a major decision, one that might require you to sacrifice the known for the unknown. Should you choose to take that leap things could be beautiful, harmonious, more balanced. Your relationships will see an improvement.

Gemini~ 2 of Cups ~ Connection and relationships are going to be a major theme for your May. I see May being a very abundant and prosperous month with many opportunities for growth. You will find your job, your love life, your career reaching new levels. I also feel a stronger connection with your emotions. You may find yourself feeling more balanced. You might have some important realizations. Enjoy.

Cancer~ Knight of Wands ~ You’re taking off in May, Cancer, and you’re in hot pursuit of success. You’re taking risks and they’re paying off for you. You have this exuberance that people find very charming and you should put it to good use. Try to remain grounded so you don’t get burnt out or make hasty decisions. Positive energy will serve you best.

Leo~ 4 of Swords ~ Prioritize your peace in May, Leo. Balance all work with rest. Make sure to get all things in order and do everything at a comfortable pace. I wouldn’t rush a thing because you could miss something important. You are going to have a decision you need to make this month and it would benefit you to think it over carefully and review the information thoroughly. Don’t be afraid to negotiate.

Virgo~ The Tower ~ Things are completely transforming in May for you, dear Virgo. Changes will come at a moments notice. Information comes at you like lightning. But you finally see the path forward. Don’t be afraid but maybe drive extra carefully this month and watch your step.

Libra~ Strength ~ May asks you to do the inner work, Libra. You’ve got to get your feelings in check and this will help get things under control. You’re doubting yourself or your fears and anxieties are running the show. Don’t let your mind do that to you and don’t be too proud to ask for help.

Scorpio~ 9 of Cups, King of Pentacles ~ Financial matters go your way in May, dear Scorpio. Your work pays off and you achieve some serious security. Make sure to celebrate those who helped you get there, it wasn’t a solo effort. I see you getting control over your realm, things are in order and working smoothly. Expect some very positive feedback from your work.

Sagittarius~ 3 of Cups ~ You are going to have plenty of reasons to celebrate in May, Sagittarius. Working with others (especially other women) brings some beautiful results your way. I see you pursuing creative endeavors that bring some beautiful results to you. If you are single and looking to meet someone new put yourself out into the world this May.

Capricorn~ King of Pentacles & 10 of Pentacles ~ Capricorns love security and contentment and they’re finding it in May. Things become more comfortable for you. I am seeing some positive news for your finances. Money feels balanced in May. For some of you, compassion is going to be your secret weapon when it comes to making money.

Aquarius~ 6 of Cups ~ May is such a happy month for you, Aquarius. Challenges ease, harmony is around you. You are enjoying the people in your life and they’re enjoying you. You may be doing important things with family and for those of you with kids I see you enjoying some quality time with them. You could find yourself bit by the nostalgia bug. Don’t get stuck in the past.

Pisces~ 7 of Swords~ Pisces, my friend, you need to watch your back. There’s a fox in your hen house and they’re up to no good. Shield’s up in May. On the other hand, May keep you on your toes and require you to be flexible. Things might switch up on you at a moments notice. It’s best to remain vigilant this month no matter what.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

New Moon Aries Eclipse Tarotscopes

We have a pretty big week ahead of us. A New Moon Eclipse, 29 degrees in Aries on Thursday and Mercury Retrograde starts on Friday. Read all about the upcoming retrograde here. This new moon solar eclipse is bringing with it major changes that align us with our souls purpose. This can be a tumultuous time, changes that we don’t expect or anticipate can occur. Anything holding us back can be eclipsed out of our lives and it will feel sudden. Aries is not known for being gentle or for holding back. Aries seeks change, and forward movement. Many people warn about manifesting during eclipses because they believe them to be chaotic. I am fortunate to report that this has not been my personal experience. I find eclipses to be a source of power and powerful, quick results when it comes to spiritual work. Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 18th I will be hosting the Retrograde Revolution to uncross challenges and obstacles from our path and bring us success. On Thursday is the Money Honey Double Service . Let’s take a look at what Spirit has to say about the upcoming eclipse, this will hopefully give us some insights into where to focus our energy and manifestations. We are asking “what is the eclipse bringing for each sign?”

Aries~ Page of Swords, Queen of Swords. If you have kids watch them closely. You’re going to need to lay down the law or assert a rule. On the other hand, this eclipse brings a lot of news and a lot of awareness. Aries, you are likely to have some big goals you’d like to accomplish around this time, it’s time to use your wit and ambitious nature to your advantage.

Taurus~ The Devil, 3 of cups, 2 of pentacles. Taurus, if you are overindulging in vices it’s going to catch up to you. You need to pull back on the partying, the sweets, the over exertions, overspending. If you don’t start prioritizing your health your body and the Universe will start sending you signals you don’t like and don’t want. It’s better to make conscientious adjustments rather than waiting for the Universe to make them for you.

Gemini~ Strength reversed & 4 of Pentacles reversed. Your relationship with control is up for review. Where are do you need to loosen your grip? Where do you need better boundaries? You may feel a bit like you’re being tested during this time but it will lead to security down the line. If you are feeling the need to manage every little thing this is a sign that you don’t feel safe.

Cancer~ Temperance. Cancer, this eclipse will help you to understand the importance of balance. This eclipse is going to be very emotionally healing for you and will help you with feeling a greater sense of alignment. You may need some extra rest during this weekend. Let yourself take it easy.

Leo~ Ace of Cups. This eclipse brings a fresh start for you. Opportunities that carry an emotional release with them are springing forth. You may receive some news you’ve been waiting on. This is a step in the right direction.

Virgo~ 9 of Pentacles. This eclipse brings you some good news too, Virgo. You’ll be feeling proud of your accomplishments. You may have been waiting on this for some time, a lot like Leo. This brings you some much needed security and a sense of peace.

Libra~ Ace of Pentacle, 4 of Wands. Libra, this eclipse brings you financial opportunities. There will be people who need your help or you may need to seek assistance from another to make progress. It brings a lot of prosperity to you. Get that money.

Scorpio~ King & 9 of Cups. This eclipse brings you opportunities to show off your leadership skills. You are a master in your field and it’s time to let it show. You may feel at times like a lone wolf, but that down time makes for some great progress. I want you to be putting yourself out there no matter how much you feel like you don’t belong. Being seen is imperative to your success.

Sagittarius~ Queen of Wands, The Empress. Firstly, you’ll need to assert yourself. Don’t downplay your needs for others. Optimism is really important, especially in relation to love and relationships. Remain grounded, but confident in what you know and what you are creating. Some big wins are on the way to you. Focus on what matters most at this time.

Capricorn~ The Fool. A new path is opening up for you through this eclipse. Focusing on new beginnings and manifesting alignment with your souls purpose is extremely important. Release blockages and make room for new.

Aquarius~ The Magician. Your creativity is the key to your success. Focus on clear communication and clarity for the dreams and goals you have. Then, put that clarity into action. This eclipse wants you to manifest power.

Pisces~ The Devil. Pisces, you need a good cleansing. You seem to be struggling to keep the faith. You’re being met with resistance here and a challenge there and you feel like you can’t make progress. You need some good energetic clearing.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

April Tarotscopes

April brings a lot our way this year. Tax day, Mercury Retrograde, and our first eclipse of the year. Themes around fresh starts, money and love are likely to arise. Check out my Retrograde Rescue spray and my Communication Anointing Oil to help you through this upcoming month with greater ease and more success. Let’s get into your predictions. If you appreciate this forecast you can leave me a tip here or click here and scroll down to find my tip jar & Venmo and my cash app is $bjthewicca.

The next 2 people to place an order of $77 or more will receive free shipping at checkout when they select “4 items or less” as their shipping option.

Aries~ 9 of Cups~ You’re scoring a big win this month Aries. Don’t forget the little people while standing atop your mountain. Be sure to express gratitude for those who helped you get to where you are. You are going to want to set intentions for your wishes to come true NOW. The universe is listening. You’ll find plenty of opportunity to close out old stories and move on to bigger and better. There’s a warning here about complacency and entitlement. You must work for what you want and speak it out loud, you can bask in your own glory once you’ve accomplished what you set out to do.

Taurus~ The Hanged Man~ April is asking you to pause and surrender. You need to go at things from a more methodical and objective approach. This might be hard for you Taurus but it’s a valuable lesson to learn. This month Mercury goes retrograde in your sign so you will likely find yourself feel these effects more intensely than others. You are likely to find plenty of opportunities for spiritual growth. When it comes to problem solving try something unconventional.

Gemini~ 8 of Pentacles ~ April asks you, Gemini, to brush up on your skills. It may be time to learn something new or expound upon your existing talents and projects. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make things perfect. As long as you concentrate and focus you’ll pull things together nicely. April has you working on big things and the potential for long term reward is high.

Cancer~ Queen of Cups & 4 of Wands. Cancer, your dreams and visions hold all the secrets to success this month. Act on your hearts desire. Don’t be shy and hold yourself back. People want to see you for you, show them all your talents and charm and it will take you quite far. I know and can feel how deeply you desire to be successful and this month gets you in alignment with your goals. This month may bring with it an overall happy and peaceful energy. Expect good news.

Leo~ 8 of Swords & Pentacles & 10 of Pentacles~ Your mind may try to play tricks on you this month, Leo. Don’t let it hold you back. I see some worry about money or financial matters. For some this is business related, for other’s it is a financial matter that impacts a family or community. It’s as if you’re afraid to open the door and look at something but once you do you’re going to see it’s way better than you are afraid of. You’re going to the worst case scenario and it’s making you stuck. You will be successful, you’ve just got to do the work. Despite the fears, I see this month being very prosperous for you.

Virgo~ The Moon, Hanged Man & Page of Wands. April is asking you to explore your inner world. It’s time to do some intense shadow work or serious introspection. I feel for a lot of you, that you are trying to make new opportunities happen and you’re so used to doing things by the book, as a Virgo, that it is clouding your vision. You might need to broaden your horizons. Look within to see why it is you feel you need to play it so safe all the time. This is key to breaking free from stagnation. For some, there is also a message here to closely examine offers coming your way. Things may not be what they seem and you don’t want to rope yourself into a bind.

Libra~ King of Pentacles, Temperance, 6 of Pentacles~ April tasks you with bringing balance to financial matters. I see opportunities for growth, success and security and the need to pay attention to your money. This isn’t bad, this is needing to balance your checkbook, do your taxes, take inventory. Bring other’s in to bring things together as smoothly as possible and don’t be afraid to seek aide if need be. You’ll find more than enough support. I also see opportunities for new beginnings that require a little maneuvering to get under control. You’ve got this.

Scorpio~ Queen of Swords, Ace & King of Pentacles~ April has you bursting with money making ideas! You will have the clear vision and the knowledge to see things through. An important masculine person in your life or an Earth sign will be celebrating a big accomplishment connected to finances. Someone close to you could be landing that sweet new gig. You may also receive some gifts and recognition for jobs well done this month. Allow people to be as good to you as you are to them. For some of you there could be a proposal coming your way. Could be marriage, business or some other sort of offer. Take it.

Sagittarius~ The Wheel of Fortune & Knight of Wands. Jupiter ruled Sag has pulled the Jupiter card! I see this month being extremely important for your career. Putting yourself out there this month will be very important. I see you taking to tie up some loose ends but you’re confident and tackling it like a pro. Sometimes, procrastinating Sag, really thrives during challenges. I don’t see you putting anything off this month, however. You’re going to see just what you’re made of and how accomplished you truly are.

Capricorn~ Page of Swords, Temperance, 6 of Wands. This month communicating mindfully is important. I see the need for an important conversation and it’s imperative to all parties that you choose your words wisely. Decide what truly needs to be said. It may be best to stick to the facts and leave out the feelings. It may benefit you to write things down first, review your words and pick and choose the information that will be most helpful. You may also find yourself feeling particularly ambitious and that leads to you creating some beautiful new things that people can’t get enough of.

Aquarius~ The Moon, 3 of Cups reversed, 8 of cups, The Tower. Someone close to you is about to turn on a dime and this may come as a shock. It’s best to let things fall away. Don’t be afraid to assert your boundaries or to simply pack up and go. I see someone being very unkind and saying some hurtful words. If anyone tries to convince you you are too much they can go find less. On the other hand, you may have to set someone straight about their anxiety/depression/dependent driven behaviors and how smothering that feels. If you communicate mindfully, you could help them grow.

Pisces~ The Tower, The Moon reversed, Page of Swords, Judgement, 8 of cups. A lot like Aquarius, Pisces, you have an impending conflict. You seem confused about a situation. You are looking at someone and wondering how they can be so selfish. The problem might be that you don’t see the whole picture and you do not want to go flying off over an assumption. It’s better to compassionately confront so that you can clear the air. I see two possible outcomes, the end of the relationship or a reconciliation. It’s all in how you handle this.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

Our dear old friend is back. We know it, we fear it, we need to understand it. There’s so much fuss around this event but it isn’t for no reason. Mercury retro causes mishaps, delays, setbacks, frustrations and slow downs. If we educate ourselves and get prepared not only will we survive but we can create opportunities to thrive during this time. Thankfully we will only have 3 Mercury Retrogrades this year, last year we had four and, personally, they were INTENSE.

This year all but 1 of our Mercury retrogrades will be in Earth signs. So, what does that mean? On April 21st Mercury will go retrograde under the sign of Taurus. With the shadow period we will begin to experience and feel this as early as the 7th. Taurus is ruled by Venus and is associated with luxury, indulgence, beauty, love, money and comfort. When we have a Mercury retrograde under this energy our relationship with how we care for ourselves will brought into sharp focus. With all of these Earthy Mercury Retrogrades you can expect your relationship with money to be up for scrutiny and examination.

We may find we are pushed out of our comfort zones in April. This leads to growth and expansion and new ideas. We will be feeling the urge to explore creative money making ideas. For some, you may be forced out of a comfortable job but this could be a launching point for new beginnings in your professional life. Our friendships and love life will also be heavy on our noggins. Anyone or anything that is holding you back has got to go. Mercury retrogrades are a great time for cord cuttings which are used to free you from any toxic attachments whether that be your own bad habits, negative energy, or cutting the cord between you and a person or situation causing you harm giving you the ability to take your power back.

As for navigating the retrograde as efficiently as possible I highly advise getting a retrograde reading . I have crafted two very useful products to help us navigate this time, check out my Retrograde Rescue Spray and my Communication Anointing Oil . Both the spray and oil were developed to help you through Mercury Retrograde, and the oil is also a communication oil.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Poppet Magic: The Basics

Poppet? What is a poppet?

You are likely more familiar with poppets than you realize. Ever heard of a “voodoo doll”? That’s a poppet! Most people think poppets or “voodoo dolls” are evil but I am here to put that misconception to bed once and for all. They are powerful and effective tools for cursing, yes, but they are much more than that. Poppet magic is vast and extremely useful. So let’s cover the basics of this handy form of sympathetic magic…

Poppets are one of the oldest known magical tools.

Since the beginning of recorded history there are records of poppet magic being used. Archaeologists found an ancient cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia detail various spells but one in particular references a healing spell that utilizes a clay doll as an effigy. The statues of Ancient Egypt are all a form of poppet magic. Ancient Egyptian’s believed statues and art contained spirits. Even children in these times were made to play with special dolls believed to promote fertility. We can thank the Kolossoi of ancient Greece/Rome, in part, for the practice of using poppets for cursing. Throughout history poppets have been constructed from stone, clay, corn husks, cloth, wax and more.

What can you use poppets for?

The short answer is… everything you use candles for! Specifically, they’re very effective at creating change by acting as a representation of you or your target. A poppet is used to harm and heal, empower or humble, bless or teach a lesson. A poppet is your stand in or the stand in of your target. You stuff them with stuffing, herbs, petitions, other curios, and personal concerns. You give it an objective to fulfill. You must tend to them. You must care for them. You must wake them. You can purchase an awakened & blessed poppet here or you may purchase a “blank” doll here . I hand sew every one of these dolls and the awakened & blessed dolls are prepared in ceremony by me to meet your needs. Here is a helpful chart for how to use poppets.


Poppet Uses and Color Correspondences:

Black: banishment, habit breaking, protection, hexing, jinxing, cursing, absorbing or repelling

Yellow: happiness, creativity, luck, vitality, anti-anxiety/depression, intelligence, focus

White: healing, protection, all purpose, new beginnings, truth, purity, calm

Green: money, wealth, good health, fertility, prosperity, growth

Pink: love, self love, child magic, romance, forgiveness, reconciliation, happiness

Red: passion, power, lust, strength, sex, anger, stamina, courage, willpower

Blue: mental healing, communication, peace, protection, dream recall, protection, enlightenment, focus

Purple~ boost psychic powers, deepening spiritual connection, strengthening intuition, enlightenment

Orange: legal matters, networking, joy, energize, attraction, justice

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

March Tarotscopes 2023

Hello everyone, we are back again for our monthly Tarot forecast! I will give you guidance for all 12 signs. Check your sun, moon and rising. Or, if you’re crazy like me you can check every sign in your chart for a very thorough reading. This month I am excited to announce that I am running a 10% off special on live readings. Use code THANKYOU when booking.

Don’t forget to sign up for April’s Candle Magic Workshop where you can join me for a 2 day, 60-minute workshop, where I’ll walk you through how to make your own candle spells and how to do candle readings. Class will take place April 5th and 6th at 5:00 p.m. PST. You will be sent a Powerhouse Protection spell kit to participate live. 

This will be great for beginners and intermediate practitioners. Learn how to manifest proficiently and how to interpret your results. I will cover how to read figural, glass encased, and free-standing candles! You will receive a printable and helpful chart, workbook and a mini magical correspondences chart.

Now, let’s get into the Tarot readings…

Aries~ 4 of Pentacles & The World. Aries, it looks like you are securing a big win in March! I feel like some of you are seriously securing your finances this month. You’re trimming the fat in some ways and it leads to expansion in other areas. Look at ways you can bring your finances under control now and by the end of March things in your world will be blossoming. If you are starting a new job it’s going to go well for you. You’ll grasp the tasks with ease and understand your duties brilliantly. Lastly, look for ways you can release blockages this month. Let go of the old and welcome in the new.

Taurus~ 10 of swords, 2 of Pentacles. Something is coming in that might try to knock you off your balance. At times you may feel so restless and uncomfortable that you want to jump out of your skin. Watch your words and actions in March because you might find yourself feeling very embarrassed. Think before you act and take nothing at face value because other’s may try to throw you under the bus as well. There’s some painful events happening but you’ll manage to juggle it all even if in the moment you feel like you are drowning. You’ve got to try your best to remain flexible and remember that you can only move up from here. Hope is not lost, things may simply need to be reworked.

Gemini~ The Emperor. March is all about showing them who the boss really is. You’ve got your armor on, your boundaries are reinforced and you are prepared for action if need be. Remain logical and don’t go looking for trouble. As your power grows, so too may people attempt to challenge you. Show them who the authority is. You are about to make some major moves this month and it increases your standing in many ways. Someone could take an interest in you this month so put your best foot forward. It could create opportunities down the line.

Cancer~4 of Wands, 10 of Pentacles. Cancer, you are about to be blessed with so much abundance and success this month! You may also be attending a lovely event with family or chosen family. This month is all about focusing on and investing in your happiness and success. Take time to celebrate and appreciate the little things so that when the big win comes it’s even more enjoyable. I like to view the 4 of wands as a reminder to get our “house” in order. The 4 pillars of the self, if you will, are what make up this “house”. The mind, body, spirit, and the mundane. Check in with your mental and emotional health, physical health, spiritual health and your family, home, and money. 4’s have a lot to do with alignment so you are being guided to bring these things into alignment to prepare for the success you are looking for.

Leo~ 4 of cups reversed, 8 of wands. Big moves this March, Leo. Big moves! You’re not sitting around any more. You are up on your feet and taking action. Be mindful you don’t allow your emotions to stall your progress. You are going to be feeling shiny and new, and if you aren’t quite there yet then what you need is to take some time to do some inner reflection. Soon you’ll be focused and positive. Things really start to pick up pace for you in March so it would be wise to get that inner work out of the way now. Practice gratitude and mindfulness this month. I also feel as though you’ll have an important insight to offer so don’t hold back.

Virgo~ The World. Virgo, things in your world will be full of possibility this month! Some things are coming to a close but for your benefit. This puts you on a path to success and achievement. I see you trying out something new and finding a passion in this experience. It brings a sense of wonder and pride. You might wonder at first if you really belong but you will quickly find out you are capable of anything. You effortlessly blend into these new transitions. I see opportunities for travel opening up as well. Seize the day!

Libra~ The Magician, Three of Wands. I better not catch you holding back this month, Libra. It’s time to broaden your horizons and and exercise your potential to the fullest. Many opportunities are coming your way this month. For you business owners, expect and expansion. New clients, new sales. Make sure you stay on top of everything. Your determination to succeed is what will carry you through. For non-business owners, be on the lookout for opportunities of your own. You might be thinking of traveling or of studying something new. Do it! This is funny, but for some reason I feel like someone might lose something this month and I see a broad search but what you are looking for is close to home or right under your nose. Anyways, I also feel that there is a need to focus and direct our energy with specificity. You may want to implement a tool to assist in this objective.

Scorpio~ The Magician, 4 of wands. Listen, I shuffle for jumpers so I promise you are not getting Libra’s recycled cards. These are the two that Spirit pulled out. However, much like Libra, I hope to see you doing big things this month. March is not a month to play small. Get everything in order. Take control of the important matters. Work hard, play harder! You will be celebrating some big wins brought about by the exercising and display of your talents. You will be determined, resourceful and ready to succeed. You will feel positive overall this month and it’s due to the fact that you are doing your part. I am seeing prosperity. I am seeing major manifestation. Scorpios, make some big wishes this month.

Sagittarius~ Page of Cups, Knight of Cups. You have many emotionally fulfilling opportunities headed towards you this month, Sag. Your mind and heart will be a fountain of creativity and intuition leading you to expansion. Any creative urges are worth exploring. Follow your heart because you are going to need stimulation this month. Channeling that into creativity is the best course of action. There are going to be people and opportunities that want to commit long term this month. I want you to focus on forward thinking this month. In love, it could be an extremely romantic month for you. There’s a potential romantic getaway in your future or a sweet date.

Capricorn~ 10 of wands, 6 of wands. Hard work pays off for you this month, Cappy and I know you don’t mind work. The opportunities are many, but with that will come some stress. Don’t fret too much as you have a support system around you and they want to see you win because it means they win too! Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. Look for ways you can lighten your load a little bit. If you have to make some sacrifices people will just have to understand. Your ambition and drive will push you far in March. I see you being in high demand. Make sure you set systems in place so your burden doesn’t become too great. Take frequent breaks and make time for rest and play.

Aquarius~ 3 of Pentacles, 10 of cups. Home improvement is heavy on the mind for you this month. Do some spring cleaning and make some repairs. Some of you may be looking to move or expand your property in some way. This is a good idea for you. I see a contract of some sort being signed. You may also be making improvements in other areas of your life as well. You could be starting a new mental health improvement journey by going to therapy or embarking down a new spiritual path. Plans need to be made and it’s important to consider all involved. Some of you may also be attending a wedding or getting married. Lastly, collaborating with others yields some beautiful fruit for you this month. Put your heads together and you’re going to make magic!

P.s. I didn’t forget you this month, Aquarius! LOL ;)

Pisces~ Temperance. Your angels are surrounding you this month, Pisces. Some people and situations need to fall away but you won’t mind. March asks you to find the middle ground and to avoid extremes. Patience and planning will benefit you. Don’t rush into any decisions. Step back and mull things over first. Don’t be afraid to experiment with ideas and try some new methods to accomplish your goals for March. In this process of creation and exploration I see you channeling divine energy, finding your groove and blazing a new trail but in the most calm and confident way possible. Be on the lookout for an opportunity to meet someone very important to your life. You’ll know it’s right because it will be effortless.

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