Hack Your Magic: Using Tarot For Manifestation & Rituals

You can use Tarot cards to cast spells. The imagery and meaning behind each card adds energy and adds focused intention to your work. This is a great practice for everyone but especially beginners. It accomplishes two things. 1. It helps you become acquainted with the Tarot if you are interested. 3. It makes focusing your rituals towards your goals easier. This strengthens your spell work and expands your practice. Make sure to keep your Tarot deck cleansed. A great way to do that would be with my Retrograde Rescue spray great for clearing negativity and enhancing communication or a selenite crystal slab to keep the energy perpetually clear. Don’t forget to check out my entire selection of herbs, curios, and ritual oils to further hack and boost your manifestations. I have everything you need from herbs, to fireproof spell work plates, ritual powders and oils.

You should be using divination prior to engaging in spiritual work. This will help you to assess what work needs to be done and the success of the work. If you would like a blog, video or post on the spell work correspondences of each card let me know.

The Tarot is a great tool for magical planning. In fact, I use my cards to plan services and offerings and even the content I make for all of you. Use your cards to ask your guides what herbs to add. You can do this by learning the planetary ruler or astrological significance of each card and pull an herb from that. Or you can do this by using keywords. Let’s say you pull the 6 of swords, this is your guides’ way of saying you need to add an herb or ingredient for healing, calmness, or release.

Let’s talk about the suits and their application in magic.

A varying selection of Tarot cards from the Pentacles suit.

Pentacles: Earth

Pentacles, this seems like a good place to start. The suit of pentacles is often thought of as the money suit. This is true but there’s more to this suit than meets the eye. You can use various cards in this suit for many reasons including protection, stability, ancestral work, marriage, family magic and more.

The 10 of Pentacles is an ancestral card and so adding it to your ancestor altar or placing it underneath an ancestral offering candle is a great way to strengthen your ancestor magic.

The Ace of Pentacles would be the perfect card to bring in a fresh start or to boost your money spells.

The King and 9 of Pentacles have a lot to do with security and protection.

I think you get the idea here.

A varying selection of Tarot cards from the suit of swords.

Swords: Air

The suit of swords is all about force, action, movement, change, power. Thoughts, ideas, logic, reasoning, right and wrong, and strategy are all woven throughout this suit. This is the suit I think most people find challenging. Why? Because this is the suit that slaps you in the face with the truth. It rips you from your delusions and plants you into reality. Depending on the kind of person you are you will either find that idea completely freeing or totally freaky. So how would you utilize this suit in ritual?

Use the ace of swords to manifest perfect clarity or to break through stubborn, stuck energy.

Use the 6 of swords for healing through transitions.

Use the 4 of swords for a good night’s sleep.

A varying selection of Tarot cards from the suit of wands.

Wands: Fire

The Wands suit is probably a personal favorite of mine. Wands are all about drive, creativity, passion, willpower, desire and taking risks. This suit has a lot to do with our ambitions for our lives and how we approach that. Even the challenging cards in this suit hold the opportunity for success and overcoming your circumstances. This suit drives you to do your best no matter what you are up against. The downside is the hubris and ego involved in many of these cards.

The 4 of wands is an excellent card to add to a ritual to bring success. This card signals celebrations.

The Queen of Wands would be a great addition to a self love spell. This queen is a baddie and she knows it!

The Ace of Wands or Two of Wands would be great for road opening work. Open the path and draw in cooperation.

A varying selection of Tarot cards from the suit of cups.

Cups: Water

Emotional and intuitive, the suit of cups helps you to get in touch with your feelings. This suit highlights the times where our feelings are running wild. The times where we are less than rational. And it illuminates when to trust our heart and to go with the flow. It’s a window into how our emotions are impacting us, coloring our experiences, and sending us messages.

The Ace of Cups is the perfect card to add to your love spells. Manifest your dream relationship or take things to a new level with your current partner.

The King of Cups is the perfect card to add to a ritual to manifest emotional well being.

Add the 6 of cups & the 2 of cups to your next reconciliation working.

The possibilities are endless…

You can combine different cards from different suits to tell the story of your desired outcome and give your rituals a clear objective. Reversals can add new depth. Print off photos of cards and use them as petition paper. Stick your glass candles right on top of the cards you have chosen to draw that energy into your candle. Use the major arcana cards for big changes or stubborn situations. If you would like a blog post or Instagram video on the major arcana let me know.


June Tarotscopes


New Moon in Taurus