Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

September Tarotscopes

September tarot cards for all 12 signs

Happy, happy, September to you all! I don’t know about you but I am SO ready for fall. We are moving out of mercury retrograde’s shadow, which comes to a complete end on the 11th. Don’t get too comfortable because we are now entering eclipse season. This month it is imperative to focus on grounding because of the eclipses. Eclipses always come in pairs, 2 weeks apart. On the 17th, we have a full super moon eclipse in pisces. This brings forward an amplification of our feelings, our dreams, and how we can use them to express the fullness of who we are. It’s also a great time to do shadow work.

This full moon eclipse can also bring karmic endings. If, during this time, you experience any sort of ending know that it is helping to bring you into alignment with your destiny. What happens this month will all inevitably be urging you to clear away emotions, fears and shadow energies that may be preventing you from fully embodying the true expression of who you are. Especially as we get closer to Neptune leaving Pisces in the middle of this month, you may see where you have been disillusioned.

Then on the 22nd, we have the Equinox. Day and night becomes equal. Nature is harmonizing. Balance is here. This is a magical time to lift the veil to see beyond what your eyes have been able to witness. You can use this time to truly change your life in profound and deep ways. If you want some personal guidance to help you understand how best to work with this eclipse, or what the eclipse is trying to show you, you can book an eclipse reading below.

Full Moon Eclipse Reading

Select this reading to see what changes you need to make, how to make them and how to be successful. I will do a deep dive into what this full moon eclipse is bringing to the surface for you.

Were running low! Act fast!
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Before we continue, don’t forget that this Friday we have 3 group candle services to choose from.


Attract anything you desire. This service will help to make you charming, charismatic, successful, lucky, compelling, persuasive, magnetic and irresistible. Become a magnet for all you desire whether it be love, wealth, work, approval, favor, or anything you desire.

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Triple Skull Service

Triple Love Defense~ use for love to stop your partner from hearing, seeing, or speaking to third party or anyone meddling or anyone you desire to have cut out of the picture.

Stop Gossip~ Tie their tongue, make their words ineffective against you, put a stop to slander, lies, or words that will cause you harm, shut them up, prevent rumors from spreading, stop gossip, expose your enemy to others for who they are.

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Aries~ The Empress: A season of harvest will greet you this month. Your efforts to nurture your dreams or goals or yourself bear a sweet fruit and you are being encouraged to allow yourself to enjoy it. Spoil yourself, you deserve it.

Taurus~ Page of Swords: News finds you. You must remain vigilant this month. Protect what is important. Protect your ideas. Be ready to act swiftly and think on your feet. You are too clever to not see what is coming. Keep your wins to yourself.

Gemini~The High Priestess: You are stepping into your power this month. You are conjuring up some intense magic that ushers in a season of change. This is good for you. You have information to share and information to gain. It’s your kind of month.

Cancer~ 6 of Cups: When you surround yourself with the right people it is easy to see that there’s goodness for all. Invest in the ones who lift you up. Who fill your cup as you fill theirs. This brings a profoundly healing energy to your life. Absorb it all, let the love soak in.

Leo~ Spirit Of Midnight: The veil is lifting. You finally see the light, the way, the truth. What was dark is now glowing brightly, exposed for you to see. Bring balance to these issues. Use your keen wisdom and fierce spirit to carry you through. Trust your instincts.

Virgo~ King Of Pentacles: It’s time to take in your kingdom. Your efforts have been richly rewarded, you are a Virgo, you do do everything perfectly. LOL Allow yourself to feel your own glory. It is safe for you to receive.

Libra~ 10 of Swords Reversed: It’s time to set this down, Libra. These swords are not yours to carry, they belong to whomever placed them in your back. Their projections are weapons you do not have to succumb to and no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Something great is on the horizon.

Scorpio~ Queen of Cups x Wheel of Fortune: This is a time for you to trust your instincts. Things within you are changing for the better. There may be some upheaval, it may even come unexpectedly, but it is changing your fortune in a positive way. Some new feelings or information is revealed to you, and it changes your outlook. The eclipse in Pisces could be especially potent for you.

Sagittarius~ 10 of Pentacles: Things feel more secure this month than they have recently. You have the right group of people around you. They will be helping you build a new kingdom that is prosperous, protected, and connected.

Capricorn~ Judgment: The horn blows. A call rings from the Heavens of which you cannot ignore. Will you rise to the occasion? If you do you will reach new levels and breakthrough barriers. Something is weighing on you, trying to keep you buried but you are about to burst forth.

Aquarius~ Ace Of Swords Reversed, 7 of Wands, Queen of Pentacles: A challenging conversation emerges. Speak very intentionally. Watch out for being on the defense in yourself and others. You can move past this if you are willing to focus on nurturing and not on being right.

Pisces~ 7 of Swords: A sneaky little imp sneaks in trying to tempt you into a bad decision. Resist the urge. Say no. Choose wisely. Protect your energy. All is not as it seems. Someone is an opportunist and does not have your best interests at heart.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

August Tarotscopes

Happy August everyone! We have a wild month ahead of us with some pretty intense or tricky transits to traverse. Up first, we have the hot news everyone is talking about, Mercury Retrograde! This will be happening in the signs of Virgo, then Leo. Because of that we will all likely be faced head on with how our routines and our perception of ourselves are helping or hindering us. As usual, Mercury Retrograde will bring with it some chaos, delays, and confusion. Communication can get dicey, technology malfunctions, and just what is up with all the traffic and airline issues? Not to mention, I have noticed Mercury Retrograde likes to claim household appliances too. It can cause difficulties with managing tasks or completing work.

But it most definitely isn’t all bad. I am a firm believer in “As Above. So Below.” So, if it is happening in the cosmos you can rest assured it is happening to benefit us in some way. There are many ways to use this time to your advantage for your growth and long-term prosperity. A few things I find helpful:

  • Embrace the delay! Use this time to reflect, revise, review, redo, revive. You may find yourself with extra time on your hands and so instead of fretting over it, use it to your advantage.

  • DO NOT be rigid. Especial with Mercury Retrograde happening in these two signs. Practice detachment and stay flexible.

  • Plan for delays and mishaps. Always have a backup plan for what you are doing during this time and give yourself lots of extra time. It will save you frustration.

  • Observe what is happening around you but don’t absorb it.

    Communicate very mindfully. Don’t react to misunderstandings or communication snafus, instead pause and reflect and formulate a good response. Don’t do anything in anger.

There’s two dates I think may be especially important during this transit:

August 7th brings us an excellent healing opportunity! If you have been wanting closure around a past relationship or looking for the ideal time to reconcile differences in existing relationships then this is a great day for it! Venus will be moving into Virgo and joining forces with Mercury Retrograde giving us the opportunity to turn sour grapes into sweet honey. It’s also an opportunity to resolve financial conflicts.

Then, on August 18th, Mercury Retrograde in Leo is forming a square to Uranus. OOF! This bring major drama into the news. There could be shocking revelations on the world stage. It’s also possible you may receive some news in your personal life that leads to explosive revelations. This could be good. While it may feel shocking in the moment, it could lead to BIG changes after you make a few small ones. Be extra careful on this day when operating machines, technology, knives, appliances, and while driving. Unusual ideas should not be dismissed. Hold onto them and ponder them until the retrograde is over.

You do not need to fear this transit if you work with it and use it to your advantage. We are hosting a Mercury Retrograde Rescue service that will help to mitigate delays, miscommunications, tech problems, and keep you safe, peaceful, prosperous and protected. We also have the Midas Touch coming up on Sunday. Our monthly money service is back. The results have been stellar!

Midas Touch Money Service
from $50.00

This ritual is meant to draw untold success, prosperity, good fortune to you. It will help you to make better and more thoughtful decisions in all areas of your life. It will keep you from getting side tracked or distracted. It helps to protect your blessings.

Develop better work ethic, increase focus and productivity. Helps to get you in the vibration of wealth and abundance, align your thoughts to a wealth mindset as opposed to a scarcity mindset. Increase feelings of gratitude and mindfulness of all of life’s blessings great or small. Become a magnet for money to attract wealth, abundance, and wellbeing.

Turn everything you touch into gold. Use this service to attract wealth, luxury experiences and vacations, dream possessions, and abundant success. Make everything work in your favor. Attract clients & steady work. Keep money flowing in at a steady and abundant rate. Make all financial dealings work in your best interest. Attract high paying customers and big tippers. Attract overtime and raises. Attract generosity from all around you, even strangers. Attract unexpected financial blessings.

Great for situations where you are seeking financial assistance or approval in financial related matters, too! Such as asking for a promotion, seeking a loan, seeking government assistance, buying & selling a home, business transactions and more.


These are additional add on 7-Day candle services for you to customize your service to suit your needs. They’re only $10 additional!

If you are feeling really stuck mentally around your finances you would likely benefit from an uncrossing.

If you are feeling totally blocked, you’ll benefit from a blockbuster.

If you feel you need spirit to help clear out some obstacles and open up the pathways to opportunities, you’ll likely need a road opener.

If you want your results to come as fast as possible, choose the Speedy Results.

If you feel you need or want a dose of luck, Good Luck is the choice for you.

You have the option to purchase a candle reading and/or a 15 minute DM/Recorded reading as well to accompany your work. This can help give you clarity and direction to ensure your results are the best possible. It will be a financial reading only.

If you don’t want spell boosters or readings simply select “none”.

Midas Touch:
Ritual Boosters:
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Okay, lets get into your readings! Check your sun, moon, and rising!

Aries~ The Hierophant: Aries, you need to seek out some guidance this month. Perhaps you need to see the doctor, get a good sesh in with your spiritual advisor, or have a meeting with your boss. This is much needed and will help you get some good ideas for how to proceed in certain areas. You may also find yourself stepping the role of the wise mentor this month. If you’ve got a message you need to share, let it fly.

Taurus~ Page of Swords: I see that your mind is quite sharp this month. I want you to embrace an energy of curiosity as you move through situations this month. It’s a great month to acquire needed knowledge or info or to change your perspective. You may also be gaining a new understanding of how to back up your words with your actions, I see some big ideas coming through.

Gemini~ Temperance: Gemini, you are working hard and creating some new things so be sure to balance that work with rest. Don’t over exert yourself this month. Make time for rest, it will fuel your creative juices and refill your cup. Despite the retrograde you can find your groove. The trick is to embrace a steady flow, and don’t rush anything.

Cancer~ Ace of Wands: This month is bringing powerful change and fresh opportunities. I feel like a fire is being lit or reignited for you. You finally see that opportunity coming into view or coming back to life. It’s a great month for you to say yes, even with the retrograde. The Universe is bringing some exciting options to you. If you get an urge or an idea, don’t ignore it. Maybe wait to launch until the retrograde is over, but work out the details in the meantime.

Leo~ The Wheel of Fortune: Things are changing for you in a big way. If things have felt difficult lately, a big shift is on the horizon. You are learning to ride the waves of life, and if there’s some undesirable events transpiring you have what you need to break the wheel and stop the vicious cycle for good. It is your season, the Lion’s Gate is coming up. I see some big wins, major breakthroughs, and lucky breaks coming in.

Virgo~ Queen of Pentacles: Oh, Virgo, money looks so good for you. Things are feeling secure and comfy around you and it’s because you have worked hard to make it so. Your mother may also need some attention or may come up as a relevant theme this month. I see you making some really solid decisions this month that not only benefit you, but your family. You see what matters most.

Libra~ Seven of Cups: Libra, I am feeling this strong need to encourage you to allow yourself to day dream. Indulge a good fantasy. This could be diving into a juicy romance novel or visualizing a dream coming true. This isn’t about being delulu, it’s about manifesting a powerful vision, one that you may not see in the physical quite yet, but feel in your inner world. This may require you to get honest with yourself about some things but this feels like a huge release.

Scorpio~ 4 of Pentacle: Solid Scorpio. That is what you are. You are patient, determined, and holding tight to your vision in the most empowering way. I do want to tell you that it is time to let people in. Stop guarding your heart or holding onto the past so tightly. You can’t get to where you want by living in the past. Sure, maybe there were some disappointments, but is carrying that weight helping or hindering you? Forgive yourself. Money looks super solid in August.

Sagittarius~ The Star: A time of renewal, peace, and prosperity awaits you. You may have felt like you were being put to the test lately but things are about to balance out. I feel a renewed sense of purpose emerging within you. You finally see that the Universe has always been on your side. Next time things get dicey, maybe don’t panic as much? LOL It’s important that you are generous of spirit over the next few weeks. It will have a major impact on you.

Capricorn~ 10 of Cups: This month you feel content with something or someone. The retrograde isn’t holding you back. Perhaps it is helping you by providing you with the necessary time needed to make some emotional transformations. You are comfortable this month. I also see some important new people coming into your orbit. This is something you have been waiting for.

Aquarius~ The Emperor: Look at you, large and in charge. You are shaping your world and securing your future through hard work and commitment. Your efforts will be successful this month. At work, you could making a great impression on an authority figure. Your mind is particularly sharp this month. I have this sense that you will be mastering some new task or gaining power in mentally challenging situation.

Pisces~ King of Wands: Pisces, you will need a good strategy to get through this month. You have the power to bring things together in exactly the right way. I see you receiving this download or vision of sort of where you need to be heading next in a key area of your life. For some of you this is work related, and for others, it’s more about an internal change. You may also be called to step into a role that requires much more visibility than you are used to. You’ve got this!

I hope this was helpful for all of you! Thank you and have a great August. Blessed Be.


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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

July Tarotscopes

Hello there and happy July. I wanted to start off this month’s blogs by first showing my gratitude for all of you. I am very happy and grateful to have all of you loyal readers, customers, and clients. All of you have changed my life in many profound ways and I hope I give that back to you. Thank you for your continued support. 🩷

This Friday we have this month’s new moon. It will be resting in the sign of Cancer. This is an ideal time to focus on manifesting financial and emotional security. The moon loves being in Cancer, as it rules Cancer. It’s the perfect time to cast spells that bring your relationships closer, to heal emotional wounds, and to manifest new, emotionally fulfilling beginnings. That is why on Friday I will be holding the monthly Midas Touch money ritual and the Hold Me Closer jar service.

Midas Touch Money Service
from $50.00

This ritual is meant to draw untold success, prosperity, good fortune to you. It will help you to make better and more thoughtful decisions in all areas of your life. It will keep you from getting side tracked or distracted. It helps to protect your blessings.

Develop better work ethic, increase focus and productivity. Helps to get you in the vibration of wealth and abundance, align your thoughts to a wealth mindset as opposed to a scarcity mindset. Increase feelings of gratitude and mindfulness of all of life’s blessings great or small. Become a magnet for money to attract wealth, abundance, and wellbeing.

Turn everything you touch into gold. Use this service to attract wealth, luxury experiences and vacations, dream possessions, and abundant success. Make everything work in your favor. Attract clients & steady work. Keep money flowing in at a steady and abundant rate. Make all financial dealings work in your best interest. Attract high paying customers and big tippers. Attract overtime and raises. Attract generosity from all around you, even strangers. Attract unexpected financial blessings.

Great for situations where you are seeking financial assistance or approval in financial related matters, too! Such as asking for a promotion, seeking a loan, seeking government assistance, buying & selling a home, business transactions and more.


These are additional add on 7-Day candle services for you to customize your service to suit your needs. They’re only $10 additional!

If you are feeling really stuck mentally around your finances you would likely benefit from an uncrossing.

If you are feeling totally blocked, you’ll benefit from a blockbuster.

If you feel you need spirit to help clear out some obstacles and open up the pathways to opportunities, you’ll likely need a road opener.

If you want your results to come as fast as possible, choose the Speedy Results.

If you feel you need or want a dose of luck, Good Luck is the choice for you.

You have the option to purchase a candle reading and/or a 15 minute DM/Recorded reading as well to accompany your work. This can help give you clarity and direction to ensure your results are the best possible. It will be a financial reading only.

If you don’t want spell boosters or readings simply select “none”.

Midas Touch:
Ritual Boosters:
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Okay, let’s get into these readings!

Aries~ King Of Cups. Go easy on yourself this month, dear Aries. Your emotions could be front and center and could be making it hard to see what’s up. Don’t let the storm inside create storms outside. You must remember your power and capabilities. Folks and situations could be testing your patience. This month, it will benefit you to try and go with flow. A little tolerance and compassion for yourself and others will take you far.

Taurus~ 4 of Wands. Taurus, are you going to a fun party without me? Okay, fine, be that way! 🤪 In all seriousness, if you have a chance to kick off your shoes and dance and celebrate, go for it. Maybe you’re attending a fun event or wedding. It will be a wonderful time for all involved. You may also have some other reasons to celebrate this month. You’re scoring a big win. Yay!

Gemini~ 2 of Cups. Relations move to a whole new level of seriousness for you this month, Gemini. You and someone important are growing closer or getting a new understanding of one another. You could find yourself attracting all the right people, jobs, clients, opportunities, etc. Things feel balanced and by the time the month is over you will see who is for you and who isn’t. Also, there could be a happy reunion for some of you Geminis. Yay!

Cancer~ 7 of Pentacles. Cancer, what’s testing your patience? It’s a good month to ask yourself why you NEED things to happen NOW instead of when the time is right? Your ability to adapt and persist past obstacles is put to the test this month. There could be a snake in your grass so please protect your energy and cut out anything that isn’t serving your growth.

Leo~ The Star. Leo, you have been going through it lately and this month brings some needed relief. The light at the end of the tunnel becomes visible and you finally see the opportunity you’ve been searching for peek out. I see a renewal of faith incoming for you. Some of you have really been questioning yourselves, your choices, the Universe. You have not been forsaken, you are just in the midst of a transformation. Let the Universe show you what it’s been working on for you behind the scenes.

Virgo~ Knight Of Pentacles. Patience, Virgo. You have to make decisions with care this month. Do not rush into anything. You need time for things to unfold before you can make your next move. Plan, prep, stay aware. Financially, things seem solid this month. You’re cultivating a big win.

Libra~ Queen Of Swords. Off with their heads, Libra! There’s an energy lingering in your orbit that I sense is ticking you off. It’s like a fly that won’t die or a guest who has overstayed their welcome and won’t leave. You have to be direct, blunt, don’t mince words. It may not be pretty but this has got to come to an end. Cut it out and don’t look back.

Scorpio~ 3 of Wands. I get this sense that you need to have patience, Scorpio. You are sitting here like “wtf, where are the results?!?!?!?” They’re coming. You may need to come up with a new plan of action to bring people together to accomplish a specific goal. You will pull this off very well. There’s maybe a move or pivot or change of direction you are considering, gather the facts then act. Travel and outdoor activities bring you joy and rewards.

Sagittarius~ Knight of Swords. I think it’s time you remember your power, Sagittarius. There’s some stuff you are growing tired of and you are ready to tackle it and conquer it. Your ambition will take you far. Don’t let anyone or anything slow you down. Go with what comes up for you and adapt.

Capricorn~ Ace of Cups. New opportunities are making their way to you. I get a sense of new levels of emotional fulfillment. This can be in romance, work, or any other area of importance. I also sense a creative breakthrough coming in for you. Open yourself up to new possibilities and see where they take you.

Aquarius~ 10 of Pentacles. Dang, Aquarius, you’re RICH rich. Okay, maybe, but in reality money looks great this month. Financially, things are very secure. If you’ve been worried, you won’t be by the end of the month. Another thing, connect with your community. It’s gonna do you some real good. This could also be a legacy month for you, your reputation is getting a big boost.

Pisces~ 10 of Swords. Oof, Pisces. This month is touch and go. You could experience some painful endings but I see a great turn around and a bright spot at the end of the month for you. The first half could be rough and leave feeling like life is playing with you. It WILL be okay. Embrace what needs to end and open yourself to a fresh start.

If you appreciated these readings and would like to send a tip it would be greatly appreciated but it is in no way expected. Another way to show appreciation is to join a service or purchase a product. It would be so appreciated.


Venmo~ @beththewiccallc

CashApp~ $bjthewicca

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

June Tarotscopes

Hello and happy June! I truly hope you all are doing well. I wanted to take some time to thank you for being here and for your continued support. Tonight, 6/6 we have our next monthly money service with our Midas Touch service. This unique group candle spell has been crafted by Beth to manifest wealth, financial security, a healthy relationship with money and more. Each participant gets their own candle. The Midas Touch also comes with optional Spell Boosters to cater to your needs.

Midas Touch Money Service
Quick View
Midas Touch Money Service
from $50.00

This ritual is meant to draw untold success, prosperity, good fortune to you. It will help you to make better and more thoughtful decisions in all areas of your life. It will keep you from getting side tracked or distracted. It helps to protect your blessings.

Develop better work ethic, increase focus and productivity. Helps to get you in the vibration of wealth and abundance, align your thoughts to a wealth mindset as opposed to a scarcity mindset. Increase feelings of gratitude and mindfulness of all of life’s blessings great or small. Become a magnet for money to attract wealth, abundance, and wellbeing.

Turn everything you touch into gold. Use this service to attract wealth, luxury experiences and vacations, dream possessions, and abundant success. Make everything work in your favor. Attract clients & steady work. Keep money flowing in at a steady and abundant rate. Make all financial dealings work in your best interest. Attract high paying customers and big tippers. Attract overtime and raises. Attract generosity from all around you, even strangers. Attract unexpected financial blessings.

Great for situations where you are seeking financial assistance or approval in financial related matters, too! Such as asking for a promotion, seeking a loan, seeking government assistance, buying & selling a home, business transactions and more.


These are additional add on 7-Day candle services for you to customize your service to suit your needs. They’re only $10 additional!

If you are feeling really stuck mentally around your finances you would likely benefit from an uncrossing.

If you are feeling totally blocked, you’ll benefit from a blockbuster.

If you feel you need spirit to help clear out some obstacles and open up the pathways to opportunities, you’ll likely need a road opener.

If you want your results to come as fast as possible, choose the Speedy Results.

If you feel you need or want a dose of luck, Good Luck is the choice for you.

You have the option to purchase a candle reading and/or a 15 minute DM/Recorded reading as well to accompany your work. This can help give you clarity and direction to ensure your results are the best possible. It will be a financial reading only.

If you don’t want spell boosters or readings simply select “none”.

Midas Touch:
Ritual Boosters:
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This month brings a lot of exciting things into our lives. Summer starts, Gemini season is in full swing, and the summer solstice is approaching. Today, we have the New Moon in Gemini which brings to us a great opportunity to improve communication, brings us a boost of creative energy and some positive changes to our immediate environments. If you are having trouble reaching folks in any capacity, take some time to think over what needs to change or to be adjusted in your life in the way in which you communicate. That’s probably just the thing you need to get where you want to be.

Some notable astrological transits happening this month:

June 9th~ Mars in Taurus: grounds us and gives us determination.

June 17th~ Mercury and Venus in Cancer: increase emotional perceptiveness leading to more nurturing and empathy in relationships.

June 20th~ Cancer Season begins. Litha begins.

June 21st~ Full Moon Capricorn: powerful release of emotional blockages.

Under today’s new moon a good day to some cleansing work around the home. Open the windows, light some herbs and resins, or diffuse some Florida Water or use this handy Florida Water Room Spray. Lavender is a great option for smoke cleansing during Gemini season because it smells great, banishes negative energy and attracts peace and protection and is ruled by Mercury.

Another simple ritual is to get some limes, salt, and cloves, quarter the limes to open it like a flower (don’t slice all the way through), stud the lime with 7 cloves each, place on a plate and cover with iodized salt. Make one for every room in your home. Allow to sit for a week and discard in the trash. This will pull any negative energy out of your space, into the salt.

Here’s what all 12 signs need to know for the month ahead:

Aries~ 9 of Cups. You’re getting a clear picture of what you truly desire and are setting your sights on making it happen. The Universe wants to support you in this. Set some intentions to attract your dreams.

Taurus~ The Hierophant. Taurus, this is your card. Needless to say, you’ll be in your element this month. This month it’s imperative that you carve out time to connect with the spiritual side of things. If you’ve been disconnected from your practices Spirit is urging you to reconnect.

Gemini~ Queen of Wands Reversed. Your self confidence may take a blow or may require a boost this month. If someone says something that hurts you or shakes you please remember that it is a reflection of them and has nothing to do with you. Stay away from a-holes this month. Shields up!

Cancer~ 4 of Wands. Cancer, June is bringing you plenty of reasons to celebrate and have fun. You’re kicking off your season with a bang. It’s a great month to say yes to invitations to go have fun and explore your world. Celebrate your wins and those of the people you love most. I see big successes coming your way. Graduation, sales, business milestones, parties, reunions, getting your home in order. June is your month.

Leo~ Page of Wands. Leo, you’re on a journey of self discovery that is guiding you to new person heights. It might be hard to see what’s next or where this path is leading you. It’s important to trust it is guiding you to where you need to be. Please be patient with yourself, with others, with Spirit. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you by having a bad attitude or getting impatient and giving up. Curb your impulses.

Virgo~ 2 of Pentacles. June is busy for you. There’s a lot on your plate and you’re trying to manage it all. You will manage, but it will require flexibility and fancy footwork. You might be growing weary of an ongoing financial struggle. It’s time to put yourself in a better position. Your ship wants to come sailing in, stop settling for less than you deserve.

Libra~ 7 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles. It seems like opportunities are just falling out of the sky this month. It’s imperative that you only take the most perfect opportunities for you. Some may be more than you’ve bargained for and some may not be what they’re cracked up to be but then there are a few that are as good as gold. Use discernment and only plant the seeds that you know you can nurture to fruition. I see a lot more money coming in.

Scorpio~ 2 of Cups. Oooooo Scorpio, your relationships get a major upgrade this month. You are fostering amazing connections and focusing on what truly matters. There’s a beautiful balance in the energy. What you give to is equally giving back to you. You’re attracting all the right people, all the right opportunities, all the love and support. Yay!

Sagittarius~ Two of Swords. I feel as though there is some energy in your orbit, another person. They are attempting to work against you. It’s not working because your intuition has already clued you in. The best thing you can do to overcome this is cleanse and protect and do not engage. Simply don’t feed into it. You may also face a decision this month that feels overwhelming. Get out of your head, listen to your heart. You know the right choice.

Capricorn~ Temperance. What a peaceful, groovy month for you. Literally, there’s this energy of harmony and ease around you. Even if you face challenges you’re confidently mastering them and turning lead into gold. There’s something to be said for the level of inner peace I feel washing over you this month. Everything is working out for you in the best ways and right on time.

Aquarius~ 6 of Swords. You are leaving the past behind you once and for all. This month sees you overcoming some major obstacles and heading towards a much smoother path. Much like Capricorn, an energy of peace and ease is coming into view. You are intentionally choosing peace and healing and better things for yourself, your family, your loved ones and it is everything you’ve been needing.

Pisces~ The Moon. Pisces, this is your card. You’ll be in your element. June is a highly intuitive month for you. Use your intuition to guide you towards success. You may uncover some hidden knowledge this month. If anyone has been trying to pull the wool over your eyes, they will soon be showing their a$$.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Full Moon Sagittarius

The full moon in Sagittarius is approaching. For me, this is an excellent lunar transit for releasing limitations. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is a planet of expansion. and liberation Full moons are the ideal time to release, purge, and cleanse in order to harvest and take in more. Using a full moon in Sagittarius to release and relinquish limiting beliefs. internal obstacles and negative energy is very effective. It’s a phase that helps us not only let go, but to transmute and transform some of what is working against us to make it work for us. Because of this I have planned 3 special services during the Full Moon Sagittarius.

This particular full moon is also meeting up with a Jupiter/Venus conjunction. This is a HUGE transitionary period for all of us collectively and individually. This is going to bring some powerfully positive endings and changes. This is a time where we begin to truly understand what matters most to us and we are able to connect wholly to the deeper meanings of things. It’s a time of growth and love.

Let’s get some quick guidance for all 12 signs for this full moon. What will it bring each of us? If you appreciate these free readings tips are greatly appreciated though not expected. You might also consider joining one of this month’s group services or booking a personal reading. Again, it is not expected but would most definitely be appreciated. Thank you! :)

Aries~ 4 of Pentacles. Aries, you’re gaining some ground during this full moon. Things around you are starting to feel more secure because you are taking steps to cultivate that security. You now understand the meaning of control. It’s not about others, it’s about you. You see that your true power resides in doing what is best for you and worrying less about the other guy. Money could be looking good. Make some money decisions that will set you up for success in the future. The full moon might be the perfect time to plan for your future.

Taurus~ Justice. The full moon in Sagittarius is bringing you to a point of decision. You have to make a move and it is really important you make the right one. The actions you take today, will have far reaching impacts in your future. Don’t be short sighted today. If you find yourself facing an ethical dilemma I am confident you will do the right thing. Do what is most fair to ensure it works out best for all involved. This day could also find you making a big commitment. It’s good for you!

Gemini~ King of Cups. This day asks you to be diplomatic as possible as certain events transpire around you. Folks could be looking to you to guide them, or you may need to seek the wisdom of some wise counsel yourself. You might find a friendly and caring vibe permeates your day. I feel a calm clarity washing over you and a sense of contentment as you wrap up some major dealings. Yay!

Cancer~ 6 of Cups. This full moon could find you reconnecting or reuniting with someone from the past. There’s a happy and healing energy present here. It could be someone has a gift for you, or they’re approaching you with an offer or even an olive branch. Open your heart and be willing to receive this gift. If things have been troubling you, this says that this moon offers you the opportunity to release the past and call in harmony.

Leo~ The Hanged Man. Leo, put your feet up and rest. During this full moon it will benefit you to take a pause and work on some powerful releasing. If you’ve felt stuck or held back this full moon helps you to release what isn’t serving you. You may see how you truly needed to let go of certain energies, people, and things and how those things were holding you back. A good pause to reflect is needed. It doesn’t mean you won’t progress further. This is actually how you reach your next steps forward.

Virgo~ Queen of Cups. This full moon could be an emotional day. You could be overwhelmed by your feelings or the feelings of others. I want you to listen to what these feelings are telling you. Are you moody and sensitive? You’re probably overstimulated or maybe you’re hangry. The other thing I see for you is incoming clarity about who truly has your back. There’s a woman or feminine energy around you nurturing you through things. Please give back to them and show some appreciation.

Libra~ King of Swords & The Hermit. During this full moon you are being guided to do some serious introspection and soul searching. You are on a quest for enlightenment and the answers you seek are within. Pull away from the world. Shut out the noise. Disengage from distractions so that you can assess things for yourself without the input of others. Apply logic and reason to whatever you are facing, this will bring solutions to any challenges surrounding you during this time. P.s. stop doubting yourself.

Scorpio~ Page of Cups & The Chariot. Hey, Scorpio, some good news is coming in and it’s putting a big pep in your step! The Universe is handing you some sort of gift or opportunity. You are in a huge period of emotional growth and creative expansion, too! With the Sagittarius full moon and Jupiter/Venus conjunction smiling upon you you could be coming up with some ground breaking ideas. Balance your feelings and your willpower and you will be unstoppable. Open yourself up to new connections. Put on a show and be a good leader.

Sagittarius~ The World. Your moon, your way, your day. It’s gonna be a good one. The World indicates you will find yourself in the midst of the results of your good work. This full moon brings a sense of fulfillment and some major accomplishments. I also feel for some of you it brings you a true understanding of your power and capabilities. Your career could be reaching new levels on this day. Be sure to set those intentions. You are likely to receive praise or recognition for your work. Don’t be shy. Share your accomplishments with the rest of us.

Capricorn~The Emperor. This full moon brings you focus. You’re more in control than you’ve ever been and I get a sense that that is because you have been doing a lot of inner work. You will find practical solutions to expertly handle whatever you come up against during the full moon. You may need to set some boundaries with others but are able to do so in an authoritative but respectful way. You will be very ambitious during this upcoming lunar cycle. I think it is important for you to set intentions for success, protection, and determination to see things through. You will achieve what you desire. Your results will be equal to your effort.

Aquarius~ Knight of Swords. Wow, Aquarius, you are driven to succeed. Your mind is sharp and is providing you with clear insight into the path forward. Use your sharp mind to help you achieve your goals. You must focus, and don’t allow yourself to be deterred by things that might try to thwart your progress. This day may call you to be honest and direct. Tell people how you feel, but don’t get sharp with them. I would strongly advise you practice mindfulness and grounding so that you don’t get irritable or develop tunnel vision and accidentally trample others and their feelings in your pursuit of greatness.

Pisces~ Queen of Cups. You’ve got the same card as your opposite sign, Virgo. For you, Pisces, I feel a very dreamy and creative vibe sweeping over you. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of both Sag and Pisces so you will be feeling all the good vibes during this full moon. Your intuition is likely to be heightened. Pay attention to your dreams and your feelings and you will quickly realize what’s up and what to do next. You could play a nurturing role in someone’s life. Who better than you, sensitive Pisces, to hold the precious heart of another and give it kindness?

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

May Tarotscopes

Happy May! We have a BIG month ahead of us! Let’s talk about it! On May 7th the universe is blessing us with a New Moon in Taurus. This is the PERFECT time to manifest wealth, luxury, richness, abundance, blessings, beauty, and prosperity. This is why we are launching our BRAND NEW monthly money service the Midas Touch Group Service!

We’ve all heard the tale of King Midas, his greed and haste caused him a lot of problems, though he was a good man who was loved by all in his kingdom, especially his family. It is a reminder to seek all the pleasures of the world with humility and gratitude. That is why this service not only focuses on attracting wealth for your SECURITY and SAFETY and ENJOYMENT but it also works on our psyche and mindset around money and wealth. It is perfect for everyone including business owners, entrepreneurs, those who work a 9-5, and it will benefit you in any financial dealings such as loans, assistance, and more. The very cool thing about this service is we have developed add on’s we are calling spell boosters! For $10 more you can add an additional candle and customize your service. You can choose from Speedy Results, Good Luck, Road Opener, Blockbuster, and Uncrossing or any combination therein. You also have the option to book a money reading and save.

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On May 18th the universe is handing us another big blessing with the Jupiter Cazimi transit. We are holding the Jupiter Cazimi Massive Luck Service. This is MAJOR. Jupiter Cazimi is the moment Jupiter, the planet of luck, good fortune, abundance and expansion conjuncts the Sun in the sky. This Jupiter Cazimi will be conjunct the sun in Taurus which is ruled by Venus. Venus is the planet of love and luxury. Jupiter WANTS to make us happy. This is a huge cosmic kiss of good fortune in important areas of your life like love and money. Taurus rules money, values, creativity and luxury. This is a RICH transit. Rich in opportunity and excellent for attracting good fortune. Any planet being in cazimi brings opportunities for growth and renewal around that planets functions. The sun sends sparks to the planet’s core quality; for Jupiter, that’s luck and good fortune.

What do we all need to know for May?

Aries~ The Heirophant. Interesting you’ve pulled Taurus’ card. I feel strongly that this is a sign of blessing for you this month. Something you have been praying for or working hard on is about to come into reality. I feel like it’s been a bit of a chaotic, and maybe even painful process for some of you, to get here but here you are nevertheless. Sometimes the chaos is exactly what we need to restructure things in the best way. I feel there is also a message here about trusting a conventional approach. Don’t try too hard, go with the flow. Your boss or a hiring manager or another authority figure or institution may have some good news or feedback for some of you as well.

Taurus~ 9 of Swords & 6 Of Cups. Taurus, are you getting stuck in the past? In May this could be a big struggle for you. Revisiting things with the intention of healing is good but picking at old wounds and fixating on the pain will not help you. You could also have some people leaning very heavily on you to have their needs met. It’s super important to check in with yourself and whether or not it makes sense for you to help. Sometimes the most compassionate thing you can do is say no. Helping someone out of a mess they created does them no good. Don’t rescue folks from their karma. A drowning man will try to drag you down with them. If you do help, it may come back to haunt you later on. Protect your energy.

Gemini~ The Hermit. Alone time to be in your own head. That’s what your soul is craving in May, Gemini. All the answers you seek to any big questions or decisions you will come across are within you. It’s okay to seek input from others but ultimately on you know what’s best for you. If you need to withdraw from things, well, that’s just the way it needs to be. No sweat off your nose, no tears from your eyes. You could be playing the role of wise counsel for many in May. Gemini is pretty damn smart, so this doesn’t surprise me. You’ll have a way of seeing things from a higher perspective that will be very beneficial for yourself and others. It’s a good month to rest, too.

Cancer~5 of cups RV. This month is pushing you to really get in touch and in tune with your emotional world. Maybe your feelings, thoughts, and emotions have been giving you some trouble lately. Your inner self is trying to get your attention. I see things easing up for you in many ways in May. The first step to achieving that relief you are craving is by dealing with the inner self. You may need to work hard on forgiving yourself, but you really are worthy of forgiveness, Cancer. You, like Taurus, may need to stop dwelling on the past too. That’s hard to do if you’re holding on to guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, or self blame. New beginnings are coming and your future looks VERY bright.

Leo~ Knight Of Pentacles. Things look really solid for you in May, Leo. It’s because of your consistent hard work and dedication to your craft, whatever that may be. You previously planted or are planting some big seeds this month that are going to bear fruit. I see you developing or falling into a new routine or way of doing things and this is putting you on a new path that leads to greater financial security. I also want to tell you that patience is a MAJOR key for you in May. Don’t give up simply because you feel things are moving slow. Trust in the divine order of things and keep plugging away. You will get to where you want to when the time is perfectly right. (I think it’s a lot closer than you believe!)

Virgo~ Page of Wands & The Sun. Virgos with kids or pets are gonna be so super proud this month! Your kids or pets could be achieving a major milestone or have another reason to celebrate! Maybe even you will have some exciting news to share at work or in some other endeavor. This could also signal the birth of a child, fresh opportunity, or project or even a big announcement that brings a lot of joy and happiness. May feels like some doors are opening for virgos. Things around you are transforming and I get a sense of more freedom and your desire for something new being satiated. It’s an excellent month to indulge your creative curiosities. If you have an idea or an urge, act on it. It will bring you great happiness.

Libra~Ace of Wands. I love this card and am always so happy when I pull it for myself or someone else because it represents a fresh opportunity and endless possibility. Whatever you wish to have, do, be, or achieve can be yours in May should you seize the moment and own it. Any challenges you face will only serve to elevate your status. You will find yourself bursting with ideas and all the energy to see them to fruition. If you have been feeling low, this month brings a big turnaround. When it comes to work and business you could see new projects, clients, ideas, and opportunities that bring you major growth. I also feel for some of you, you are generating good word of mouth. You may receive some high praise. The right people are watching and you’re making a good impression. Be yourself, express your exuberance and nothing will hold you back.

Scorpio~ Death & Knight of Pentacles. Scorpio, this is a big month for you. You’ve been working really hard on weeding your garden. You’ve been cultivating the perfect, most fertile environment in which you can grow. This may have led you to have to make some painful or difficult decisions but trust that it was for the best. Whatever died and was cut away was only holding you back. You must continue to push forward with the full understanding that your success is inevitable and it is because you are embracing these changes and moving through them even if sometimes it is hard to accept. I think for some of you it’s time to stop putting all of your power in the hands of others and start embracing your wonder and power instead. Stop playing small. Any strategies you are developing are putting you on a major path of success. Oh, and changes at work are setting you up for new streams of income and major financial blessings. Huzzah!

Sagittarius~ The Emperor. Sag, I know you like to be carefree but this month it is time to get serious. I am confident you can still find ways to be your spontaneous and peppy self even amongst the serious energy I see you adopting. I feel like a lot of you are tired of the b.s. (maybe especially your own) and are ready to take some powerful steps to secure your future in some way. You need calm order. No more chaos. For those of you who own businesses this is a very prosperous month for you. I see you making all the right decisions. Taking the right actions. It’s time for you to create order in your work and it will be rewarded handsomely. This card says that the more effort you put into your work the more results you will see. I also feel like work helps you sort out some issues internally as well. It’s also a good month to kick it with your Dad. Call him and chat. If he has crossed over talk to him, he can hear you.

Capricorn~ 3 of Swords, 6 of Cups, Ace of Wands. Capricorn, the solution to you getting what you desire is by doing the inner work. You cannot run from the pain because it will continue to resurface and each time it will get louder. You have got to let go of the past and shed what isn’t serving you. I see you need to be very gentle and compassionate with yourself this month as you work to untangle the knots and dislodge the swords. Everyone has emotional blocks, it’s your turn to address them. Your feelings are keeping you from fully embracing certain opportunities but you can move past that. I see a big breakthrough and major healing coming in. You deserve this. P.s. I feel some really good news coming in.

Obstacle Removal & Break All
from $77.77

Obstacle Removal~ breakthrough and demolish any obstacles standing in your path of a goal. This is ideal for those situations where you just feel stuck, no matter what you do you can’t seem to make progress or you fail to get the results you desire.

Break All~ Think someone may have cast a hex or spell on you? Maybe someone is sending you the evil eye. This ritual breaks any spells cast upon you against your will, both known and unknown. Fight against any spells meant to cross you up, break curse, hexes, evil eye, and harmful spells. If you are having bad luck, weird things happening, breaking things, problems with people around you, losing things, struggles with accomplishing tasks or being successful, then you likely need a spell like this one.

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Aquarius~ The Wheel of Fortune. Aquarius, the Universe is on your side in May. I see big wins coming in. I see major strokes of luck. Breakthroughs, windfalls, big changes. The tides are turning in your favor. Your relationships are going well, money is flowing nicely, new opportunities are beating down your door, and life feels good. If you have been struggling in the recent past, this card says that whatever was plaguing you is now turning in your favor. You are being urged to enjoy life to the fullest in May. You may find life is pushing you to more flexible and adaptable. You may find yourself faced with a lot that is out of your control but there is something to be learned here, the lesson is how you meet the changes. Do you throw your hands up and say f it, or throw a pity party or will you ride the wave and stay grounded trusting that you can and will succeed no matter what? Adjustments need to be made, it is not bad, it is for the best!

Pisces~ King of Pentacles & The Sun. I see some major financial blessings coming to you in May. Maybe someone has a gift for you. Maybe you are planning a big trip. Maybe you’re getting a raise or more money is coming in or someone close to you has some big news about finances. It’s going to be a very happy month for you. It’s a good month to spruce up your home, too, and to make sure everything in and around your home is nice and secure. Put up the Ring doorbell. Maybe get your new garden started this month or get that new Lay-Z Boy you’ve been eyeing. I think this month also brings a new sense of self confidence. I see you accomplishing something that leaves you feel super proud. Yay!

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Can Spells Backfire?

I get this question a lot. In truth, this is a matter that we witches have gone back and forth on time and time again so I am here to share my thoughts, opinions and experiences. Yours may differ and that’s okay! It is great, in fact! As a reformed Wiccan (haha), I have seen both sides argued well but my experience has shown me that’s really not how magic works.

First, I am a firm believer that all magic has a purpose. This may shock you, but I am a pro safe hex witch! There are circumstances where certain kinds of magic are beyond justified. I have had people come to seek justice through magical means. Oftentimes, the police, the law or other authorities are no help. Not everyone has access to that kind of help. This is just a fact, but anyone can access a witch or do something for themselves magically. With that being said, if you are abusing magic. If you are using it to cause harm to people for fun, amusement, because of your ego, etc. there are karmic consequences for that. So, if you have been abused or wronged and want justice, you will not be punished for taking steps to obtain your justice.

I think many have not done the work they need to on their religious trauma. This notion to expect punishment is religious dogma. I cannot be convinced that any deity, angel, or spirit guide would seek to punish you for asking for help. Especially in a situation where you have been wronged. For some this fear runs so deep that they are worried that if they light a money candle they’ll inherit money through tragedy. I’ve been asked a myriad of questions in this same vein. Let me help put your mind to ease.

You are allowed to ask for help. You will not go to Hell. You will not be punished. You will not experience a tragedy. Magic doesn’t take the energy from where it is and make things worse, unless you are using it in that way. It is not a trick. This is another fear and, quite frankly, a negative stereotype to unpack.

Once I had a client come to me distraught after lighting a protection candle for their sister and her boyfriend and her boyfriend’s mother from her boyfriend’s mother’s boyfriend. (I know that was confusing! LOL) Bear with me. They lit a protection candle for them and their household because this man was breaking in, stealing, he stole a car full of Christmas presents from their sister’s boyfriend’s mother and he was stealing from their sister to feed his drug habit after having just got out of prison. About a week after they had finished the candle the man was found dead from a drug overdose. Magic will take the path of least resistance. Still, I don’t believe the protection candle led to his drug overdose. His drug addiction did. Logic applies, especially in magic.

With that being said, clearly, interesting or even strange things can happen as a result of your spells. This is why it is incredibly important to choose your words carefully. It can be very helpful to create rough drafts for your petitions before implementing them to be sure you are choosing your words wisely. With my client’s protection candle, they had merely asked that they and their household be protected from theft and harm. I think they were protected and he also lost his battle with addiction. The two situations are not related.

It is so important to have ethics and to make sure you are using discernment. Especially if you are going to hex. You must be sure you are being objective and reasonable before making that sour jar. If you are culpable in the situation, it won’t go well for you. Hexing a lover because they aren’t interested in you, because they have mental health issues and can’t seem to get themselves together is WRONG. Flaking on a date, ghosting you, while shitty, is not a hexable offense. Hexing someone because they abused you is justified.

It’s important to make sure you are using proper ingredients and aren’t overstepping any boundaries. If you are, let’s say, trying to work with a deity from a closed cultural practice of which you do not belong or have not been invited into, THAT could cause issues.

I have also seen issues arise when people include themselves or some sort of taglock of their own in their spell work involving others. I have also seen issues when a person comes to a spell in a compromised state;

Example 1: a client did a spell to make someone regret being cruel to them and then spent the next week super emotional. It turned out they used a photo of themselves and that person in their working. This was a mistake on their part. Had they only used a photo of the target, this would not have happened.

Example 2: a client cast a money spell while angry and then had a rough few weeks at work. Had they calmed themselves and centered before hand, this would not have happened.

Example 3: a client did a strong attraction and compelling spell on her boyfriend. He was already very interested. However, he had some mental health concerns. The spell work quickly made him a little too eager to be around her, bordering on obsession and smothering. Some magic is not suited to some people. Certain kinds of spells like domination spells have adverse effects on people who have particular personality disorders or psychological issues. This client was not aware of this.

It’s not the spells backfiring that is causing these issues, it is human error. It happens. We all make mistakes. It’s important to be careful and wise to ensure you are taking the appropriate steps. It is important to know what you are doing. I know people like to say intention is everything but it is secondary to knowledge, understanding and execution, in my opinion.



Sweetening Jar

Attract love, kindness, joy, goodwill, generosity, harmony, relationship healing, happiness, favor and goodness with our Sugar Jar Service. Great for love, self love, self healing, money, success, sweetening a person to you, helping you to be favored, making things go your way and attracting happiness.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Spell Oils: Why you should use them and how to make them work for you…

In the realm of manifestation practices, witchcraft, and spell work, spell oils are valued for their enchanting attributes and their capacity to elevate rituals, enriching and enhancing your results and experiences. Here at Beth The Wicca, we craft spell oils that are imbued with potent energies to support you in your magical endeavors.

Elevate Your Spiritual Practices

Our spell oils are meticulously blended with pure essential oils, crystals, organic herbs, and other sacred ingredients and curios. Each oil is crafted with intention and purpose to align with specific energies, making them ideal companions for your spiritual practices. Whether you are looking to amplify your meditation sessions, connect with your intuition, or cleanse your space, our spell oils can serve as powerful tools to enhance your rituals.

F*ck Me Anointing Oil 1oz
from $15.55

Get your freak on, baby! This oil amplifies sexuality and attracts attention and interest. Great for couples or single folks looking to spice up their s*x life. Especially great for those looking to attract male attention. This is also good for women looking to attract a wealthy lover or husband. It will have folks treating you extra nice and scrambling to be affectionate towards you.

Apply to a cotton ball and wear in your bra. Another option is to moisturize your thighs with the oil. Use in a red cloth bag with a piece of jezebel root. Create a petition and/or get a small photo of the person you want to attract and add them to the red cloth, then add 5 drops of the oil. Place under your pillow. If you don’t know or don’t have a specified target and are wanting to use to attract a new love, skip the photo, use a petition.

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Manifest Your Desires

Manifestation work involves harnessing the power of intention to bring your dreams and desires into reality. Our spell oils are carefully curated to help you focus your intentions and amplify your manifestations. By anointing yourself, your candles, or your sacred objects with our spell oils, you can create a harmonious environment that supports your manifestations and attracts positive energies into your life.

Enhance Your Spell Work

In the realm of spell casting, the use of oils can serve as a catalyst to amplify the energy of your spells. Anointing your oils, petitions, poppets, and even yourself is a powerful way to create optimal conditions to bring your intentions into reality. Our spell oils are crafted with specific intentions in mind, making them ideal for enhancing your spell work. Whether you are performing love spells, prosperity rituals, unblocking rituals, cord cuttings, or protection ceremonies, our spell oils can help you infuse your spells with the energies needed to achieve your desired outcomes.

It also is worth mentioning that utilizing our spell oils is a GREAT way to boost the results of your group and private services you have done with me. Folks are always asking how they can help from home; incorporating our oils into your daily routines and rituals is the perfect thing to do.

So… How do you use them?

Our spell oils are crafted to work in all of your rituals, spells, and manifestations. They are body safe and are also meant to be used as an anointing conditioning oil for your body as well. Applying oils to objects or parts of your body that your target will touch is a discreet way to execute your magical objective. Let’s say you want your bestie to be safe while going on their road trip, you can take some Powerhouse Protection Oil and pray a protection prayer over it as you rub it in your hands. Then, you can touch their door handle, steering wheel, or another part of the car they will touch.

Powerhouse Protection Anointing Oil 1oz
from $15.55

Powerhouse Protection oil is designed to protect you from negativity, evil, harm, general bad energy and the evil eye.

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Perhaps you are looking to make a good impression in an interview or meeting. Rub some Midas Touch or Be Sweet To Me Oil into your hands and be sure to shake hands with everyone there. If you are trying to manifest more love or money into your life, not only can you use our oils in a money candle or jar spell, but you can anoint yourself starting at the bottom of your feet and working the oil up your body to the top of your head.

Midas Touch
Be Sweet To Me Anointing Oil 1 oz
from $15.55

This attraction oil is PERFECT for enhancing love, helping a relationship or interaction go smoothly, and to sweeten situations your way and in your favor. Use to attract your hearts desire. Use to make yourself more attractive and desirable. Use to sweeten outcomes, situations, and people to you. Great for businesses to attract customers. Great for quarreling lovers who wish to make things right. Great for attracting romance or, for you single folks, your ideal partner.

Apply to candles, add to jar spells, poppets, or charm/mojo bags. But if you really want to kick things up a notch apply it to the person or persons hand or something they will touch to attract your desires.

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Embrace the Magic Within

At Beth The Wicca, we believe in the inherent magic that resides within each of us. Our spell oils are designed to support you on your spiritual journey, helping you tap into your inner wisdom, manifest your desires, and harness the power of your intentions. Our spell oils are potent tools that can elevate your spiritual practices, enhance your manifestations, and amplify your spell work. Embrace the magic within you and let our spell oils guide you on your mystical journey towards self-discovery and spiritual growth.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

How the Solar Eclipse in Aries Will Affect Us

On April 8th at 11:28 a.m. PT a solar eclipse in the sign of Aries will occur. along with a Chiron Cazimi in the midst of Mercury Retrograde. This can bring with it some surprises, but it is nothing to fear. You should not be afraid because even if something a little dramatic happens it is serving you in some way. Since our eclipses this year are occurring across the Aries/Libra axis, all the shakeups are connected to themes of autonomy, independence, behavior patterns, actions, and relationships.

Because this is also happening near the North Node, we may all feel a surge of determination, and a drive to get things done. We may feel impassioned, bold, but also we could be reckless and impulsive. At this time, you must be mindful of any tendencies to push yourself or perhaps others too hard in hot pursuit of your desires. You could push yourself or others into burnout, so try to remain grounded.

Here's where it gets serious:
The chiron cazimi. Happening at 11:28 a.m. PT. This, this is a moment to face our deepest fears and most burdensome wounds. This is when all the limiting beliefs may bubble to the surface to get your attention. This is a moment of great awareness of how we have stifled or limited ourselves.

This combination of transits can also bring the opposite out and give you foot in mouth disease or have you lashing out and blowing situations up. Aries is hot headed and Chiron encompasses our deepest emotional and spiritual wounds. You may get a very clear idea of how your emotions have been running you and not the other way around. You must watch your mood and keep a cool head. My suggestion is to journal or meditate at this time to avoid any drama. If you have any misplaced anger, you will become acutely aware of it.

We may see many world leaders experience a great public humbling. That fall from grace will not be pretty, but it will be needed. It could be a scandalous news day, so be on the lookout. It's good to ask yourself if you are showing up as your best self in everything you are doing.

Don't forget that this Friday, before the Eclipse, we have an Uncrossing & Reversal group service for $55 a candle. This is a good ritual to do during Mercury Retrograde and eclipse season to ensure we are able to move forward as easily as possible. Uncrossings also help eliminate limiting beliefs and destructive patterns. Entry closes at midnight on Friday.

Uncrossing, Reversal

Uncrossing~ Eliminate crossed conditions. Clear out cleanse away anything holding you back. Undo curses, hexes, and jinxes.

Reversal~ Send negative energy back to its source. Use to reveal the truth where you suspect lies. Use to help a person change their mind. Use to reverse negatives into positives, negative situations into positive.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

April Tarotscopes

Our April Tarotscopes are here and so are the April Group Service Offerings. Please know you can always email or DM me if you have questions about whether or not a service is right for you! I am also always accepting private candle work if you don’t see something on this list that is right for you. :) If you are in need of a reading I offer 1 on 1 Sessions AND DM Readings to suit everyone’s schedules and budgets.

Aries~ Ace of Swords. Your perceptions are sharp and the truth is your weapon this month. April is a month where you need to have important conversations. This could be a bit contentious BUT it is needed! Try to remain objective and astute and no one will pull the wool over your eyes. April is also a month where I see some big mental breakthroughs for some of you Aries. This could be that next book idea, creative writing project, speech, contract, product or service idea, that moves you past obstacles and broadens your horizons.

Taurus~ The Hanged Man. Taurus you need to rest and relax this month. Kick your feet up, surrender your worries, and allow the Universe to sort things out for you. You may need to let go of some heavy things this month but it will serve you well. I would not rush into anything in April. Take your time and soon you will see the best move forward. If you feel really stuck or hung up by or on some big things then this is a sign to ask for help. You might need a new perspective or fresh eyes to get the clarity you are seeking.

Gemini~ The Lovers. Hey, Gemini, this is your card! You are in your element for April. You are getting along well with others, having meaningful exchanges, meeting new people, catching up with old friends. It’s a great month! You could be engaging in some new creative endeavors. If any new partnerships or contracts present themselves to you, seize those opportunities because this is mutually beneficial. April might also push you to make some needed sacrifices in order to gain something much better. If anything comes to an end, it is making room for something new.

Cancer~ 4 of Wands. Cancer, April holds so many happy surprises and occasions in store for you! I see good news coming your way. I see fresh opportunities coming in. I see quality time spent with the people who mean the most. April is going to show you what truly matters and who truly matters. This is an excellent month to get your home tidied up. This is an excellent month to take time to count the small blessings as much as the big wins. Gratitude is the attitude you need. Lastly, April is a good month to strengthen your relationship with your community. Get out there and connect.

Leo~3 of wands. April is all about moving forward for you. You are setting your sites on your goals and shutting out all distractions. Even if you come up against challenges, keep going and keep pushing. This card signals success in your future. You will be sure to enjoy the fruits of your endeavors and it comes as a result of you working steadily towards your goal with determination and focus. Nothing and no one will stop you. This can also signal some praise or recognition for a job well done. This month may also require you to course correct in some way. It’s okay to take a detour or move in a new direction. Trust what your instincts are telling you.

Virgo~The High Priestess. April may reveal a new skill or talent or perhaps this is a sign for you to brush up on that skill or talent you’ve been suppressing. You may also stumble upon some new and interesting information that points you where you need to go. Keep your secrets to yourself, and don’t share too freely. Maintaining an air of mystery will serve you well. Your psychic senses will be on a whole new level this month. Quiet your mind and listen.

Libra~ 4 of Cups. I want you to be mindful that you don’t pass up a promising opportunity based on a snap judgement. Hear people out. I see that you are focused on a big goal but your tunnel vision could cause you to miss out on some necessary information or opportunities. Day dreaming is nice, but don’t get lost in your feelings. Take that energy and channel it into something creative instead of telling yourself stories or making assumptions. I think a few of you would benefit from positive visualizations. If you have the mental power to create negative scenarios in your mind, imagine if flipped that energy and used it to envision the life you desire instead.

Scorpio~ King Of Wands. Big boss moves in April for you Scorpio! You have got a big and powerful vision and this is the month to enact your plans. The King of Wands gets to be the king of wands because he is a good leader. He is passionate and knowledgeable and decisive with where he puts his energy, and his also an excellent problem solver. Make sure your passion isn’t clouding your judgement. Lead people by motivating them, not intimidating them. There’s a lot of respect coming in for you because of how you handle things. You are a champ, don’t forget it. You aspirations for yourself will be achieved.

Sagittarius~ 6 of Swords. It’s a good month for travel, there may be some very promising news connected to travel this month. Plan that vacation or buy that new car. It’s a good month for retreating and moving onto better. Perhaps March was rough for you, people tested your patience, let you down, maybe money was touch and go. This card signals that you are moving past that energy of struggle and onto calm waters with a promising future. If money was tight April brings you lots of breathing room. If tensions were high in relationships, you can finally move forward. Don’t let things get you down. Chin up. Carry on. Healing is coming.

Capricorn~ Death & Page of Wands. A big, fresh start is coming in! You are letting go of the past, relinquishing what is no longer serving you, and starting out on a brand new and exciting adventure. This is a significant period of transformation and growth in your life. This is very focused on creative energy and business pursuits. Before all of this can begin you need to make some changes about how you are going about things. There are old patterns you really need to release. The path to freedom is through taking some risks, so don’t fear the unknown. Whatever ends, clears the way to something much greater.

Aquarius~ King Of Pentacles & The Sun. You are manifesting some BIG wins in April. This is going to be a time of great prosperity and abundance for you. You have worked hard to get here, took some risks, made some hard but practical & calculated decisions and that is leading you to great success. What you need to know is that this month, you are on the right track. No doubt about it.

Pisces~ 2 of wands. April brings you to a cross roads. You may find yourself saying ”should I stay or go,” “is this worth my time,” “is this really serving me?” You have goals for yourself and big visions for your future and you may be looking around at people or situations and assessing if it really is best for you. It may be time to detach from certain things in order to get what you desire. Make a solid plan and you can’t go wrong.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Full Moon In Libra Tarotscopes

The full moon is here on Monday, 2/25/2024. Let’s get some guidance on what this moon is bringing to the surface for you and what you should be focusing on.


Aries~ Illumination~ The Fool~ A new beginning is emerging for you, dear Aries. This moon triggers a period of rebirth and you may be learning something new. For some of you, you may also learn a lesson about trusting too easily. Yes, you should have faith but being passive and naive is not serving you. Focus~ 3 of Cups Lean on those close to you and look for ways to count your blessings. Working with others, reuniting with loved ones, manifesting celebrations should be on your agenda this evening. Some of you may be thinking of traveling soon or attending a gathering.

Taurus~ Illumination~ 3 of cups. Look, I shuffle for jumpers so this isn’t a fluke. You are learning valuable lessons around joy and pleasure. How very Taurus of you. Indulge yourself, care for yourself, celebrate yourself. Focus~ Queen of Cups. Doing what feels right in your heart is what you need to be focusing on. Your focus may be on matters of the heart, this is a great use of your energy. Set some intentions around love and healthy relationships.

Gemini~ Illumination: 5 of Cups. You really need to let go of past disappointment. It’s holding you back and impeding your progress. Someone or something has let you down and left you sad and because you are giving too much energy over to this influence you are missing what’s most important. Focus: King Of Swords. YOU are ethical and responsible and at the end of the day all you can control is you. Don’t get trapped in your head, put that mental energy to good use and study something new, read a good book, finish up that important project.

Cancer~ Illumination: Justice. Cancer, this full moon for you is all centered around karma. Things from the past are resurfacing and how you handle it now will determine your future. You have some big life lessons ahead of you. The truth will ultimately set you free. Legal things may be on the docket, handle it now. Focus: The High Priestess~ Tonight cancer you need to call upon a higher power. Whether that is your spiritual team, your higher self, or God, this is going to help illuminate your path forward as you traverse the unknown. Things may have recently or will be revealed to you that you weren't aware of previously it's imperative that you take the most balanced approach possible.

Leo~ illumination: eight of Swords reversed. Leo this full moon in Libra is going to highlight yourself limiting beliefs and the way in which your anxiety holds you back. You are plagued by a lack of self-confidence and it is preventing you from moving forward. You need to open yourself up to new perspectives ,new ways of thinking. There is a solution to be found, but you've got to relax to find it. Face your fears and take control and you will survive this. Focus: king of Pentacles. Your focus needs to be on security and stability and you possibly need to review your finances. Tonight it would benefit you to do some grounding work and some work to release financial blockages.

Virgo~ illumination: Death. Dear Virgo I see this Moon bringing to you a profound change. There is a message coming, it is one that puts you on a whole new path. You have no choice but to surrender to what is falling away, but this makes room for so many new blessings to come in. Focus: nine of Pentacles. Your focus needs to be on your finances, Virgo. Much like Leo, you have got to shore up your financial boundaries. Work on your security and your future and tonight would be a good night to focus on releasing financial blockages.

Libra~ illumination: page of Pentacles. I see you Libra and you're on a quest to understand, a quest for knowledge. You should find some answers within the next few days that helps you seriously level up your life and your skill set. Focus: Two of Wands. Before you make any moves you need to establish a clear plan to chart a path forward. Now is the time for you to gather information and take your time when making decisions. You may feel a bit restless, this will pass soon.

Scorpio~ illumination: ace of Swords. a truth has emerged for you scorpio. Some news has or is coming in and it's not your back nor good, it's what you do with it that counts. This is a breakthrough. Even if it feels shocking, there is an opportunity for you to challenge your perceptions around yourself and your capabilities. Focus: the Sun. your focus needs to be on success Scorpio. You need to put energy into Joy, optimism, happiness and enthusiasm. If you don't like the circumstances you are facing right now this soon will change and you're going to have a lot of reasons to celebrate.

Sagittarius~ illumination: Six of Pentacles. You need to focus your energy on feeling worthy of receiving abundance. I feel like this is a struggle for some of you but Sagittarius you are an incredibly generous person. There is nothing wrong with asking for support when and where you need it. I see there is a need to bring some balance to financial matters. Focus: four of Pentacles. you need to be putting your energy into remaining grounded and focusing on what helps you feel secure and stable. Sagittarius you are not a greedy person in your nature so don't try to cling to tightly to how you think things should be, this could create blockages for you. You need to focus on some flexibility.

Capricorn~ illumination: two of cups. Capricorn this full moon and Libra, which has a lot to do with relationships and balance, is illuminating for you the closest Connections in your life. Any challenge that you face can be overcome by leaning on your support systems. You may also find deepened feelings under this full moon in Libra for another person. Focus: two of swords. bearing in mind that you have two of Cups and two of Swords here looks as though you and someone close to you are facing a big important decision as you really unclear about how to proceed. Do people closest to you can be your allies or your opponents, don't make enemies out of lovers.

Aquarius~ illumination: ace of Swords. A breakthrough is headed your way. I see you also facing a challenge at the present moment and you have the intellectual capabilities to conquer and succeed in this endeavor. This is not a time for you to sit back and be passive it is a time for you to take action. Focus: The Chariot. Your focus needs to be on Victory and overcoming obstacles, Aquarius. This combination of cards tells me that whatever you are coming up against you are going to conquer it. Aquarius, you need to do some road opening work.

Pisces~ illumination: ace of cups: Pisces this full moon in Libra is going to have you very emotional. There could be a fresh start coming in your love life or a deepening of an existing connection. You may want to focus on releasing some stuck emotions this evening. Focus: 10 of cups. This full moon in Libra is going to have your mind heavy on family and domestic matters. Tonight is a good night to celebrate those who mean the most to you. Tell them how much you love them.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

March Tarot Forecast All 12 Signs

I am SO excited to be bringing back the monthly Tarotscopes! This monthly blog is getting a face lift. Now, every month, this Tarotscope will include a reading for all 12 signs as well as all the need-to-know astro tea! ☕ This won’t cover every transit, but I’ll endeavor to cover the juiciest ones, in my opinion. We appreciate your patience, loyalty, and continued support while we worked hard to bring you this change! Without further adieu, let us dive into the deets!

What’s the Astrolo-tea for March?

On March 1st we have the Moon in Scorpio forming an opposition to Uranus in Taurus at 12:53 pm EST. This can create emotional turbulence. Your desire for freedom and autonomy within the context of certain relationships can come into focus and need addressing but there will be an urge to suppress or control feelings. You could see some power struggles surface but these can be resolved by embracing help from others and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. You don’t have to do it all alone. Wait until 2:53 pm to have discussions with others about your feelings and avoid extra anxiety. Use the time between 12:53 and 2:53 to process your feelings and do some serious inner work.

On March 3rd Venus is going to make a square with Uranus at 8:17 am. Breakfast convos could turn weird or spicy! You or your partner could be testing one another’s last nerve or even your loyalties. If one or both of you is too headstrong, or apathetic, or maybe interested in other people, it could get annoying! Things could get really insecure the following day when the Moon squares Neptune which can bring insecurities to the surface. On the other hand, March 3rd’s Venus square Uranus this is an excellent transit for some bedroom adventures. Want to try that thing you read about in your fave romance novel? This is your moment to strike! This would not be a good time to start a new relationship if you want something long term.

On Sunday, March 10th we have a New Moon in Pisces, which also means we will have the New Moon Money Honey service that day as well! Ramadan also begins on March 10th at Sundown. 🕌 At 5:00 am The Sun and The Moon in Pisces will form a conjunction which brings a great awakening of your imagination. Pay attention to any ideas you have at this time! A New Moon in Pisces sets an emotional but strongly intuitive vibe for the day. It’s an excellent day for healing work. Use this transit to work on doubt, letting go of guilt, working through insecurity. It’s a great day for meditation or energy cleansing.

On Thursday, March 14th The Moon in Taurus sextiles The Sun in Pisces at 1:57 pm. The Moon in Pisces also sextiles Neptune in Pisces during a v/c moon at 6:29pm. This is an excellent evening to engage in creative endeavors and to work on material matters and practical things.

Ostara or the Spring Equinox begins on March 19th. This is also the start of Aries season! At 6:49 pm the moon in Leo will oppose Pluto in Aquarius which can bring up some intense feelings and moods can shift. It may be a good night to stay in and watch a movie alone or read a good book.

On March 25th, the moon is full in the sign of Libra. There is also a Lunar Eclipse at 2:12 am EST. This is a day where themes around equality and fairness, balance and harmony are up for scrutiny. You may feel a strong urge to keep the peace and thus could tend towards swallowing your feelings instead of confronting things head on. It’s a good day to do some reflection on why we may choose to play small at times and to work on letting go of external pressure to perform.

Now… To the Tarot readings…

Aries~ 8 of Swords & Knight of Cups. Aries, you could find yourself feeling a little stuck in March. You’re trying to break free from some sort of restrictions and despite your best efforts you seem to be boxed in. The Knight Of Cups is here to tell you that the solution lies outside of said box, outside of the problem. That is to say, the more you focus on the issue the further the solution moves away. You are only as limited as you believe yourself to be. This combination tells me your heart is longing for something but your mind is holding you in place. Let your heart lead the way.

Taurus~ The Sun! I want to be Taurus in March! You will have plenty of reasons to celebrate in March. You could be attending weddings, parties or celebrations. Also expect some praise or recognition for your hard work. If you are going on or planning any trips this will be an excellent time to do so. If you are a single Taurus, you could meet a promising new prospects. Get your flirt on and let loose.

Gemini~ 7 of Cups. Gemini, you have plenty of options before you but not all that glitters is gold. Make sure you are fully aware of what you are getting yourself in to before you decide to pursue or explore further. This is a good month to not be sucked in by tricks, trust what you are seeing and don’t be fooled but a sh*t sandwich wrapped in gold. You may have a hard time determining which end is up or how to make sense of your feelings this month.

Cancer~ 9 & 10 of Pentacles. Oh, Cancer, it’s raining cash! Your finances are looking up. It’s a good month to get financial affairs in order such as taxes, estates, wills, contracts and the like. Things are feeling really solid for you in March, if this year has been off to a rocky start, rest assured things are about to improve! It’s a good month to get your home enviroment in order. Maybe prep the garden for spring or get some new knick nacks. Declutter and count your cash! lol

Leo~ 9 of Cups. Something you have been working hard on, wanting, longing for is coming into your life. Judgment is at the bottom so it may be that a glorious and life changing opportunity is going to spring forth for you! This is awesome! Work will be happy though you may be called to step up to the plate in some regard. Your career could reach new levels this month. You could see more work opportunities flowing in. You may also receive some accolades or high honors for a job well done. Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn and don’t forget those who helped you get there along the way!

Virgo~ Queen of Cups & Queen of Pentacles. Virgo, the women in your life will play major roles this month. It’s a good month to solidify your relationship with your girlfriends, your mom, your sister, your wife, your boss, etc. If you need help or are in need of guidance look to th nurturing and knowledgeable women in your life.

Libra~ 10 Of Pentacles~ OOOOOOO Libra, you are in the money honey!!!! Finances are looking solid. You could see additional wealth coming your way either through work or inheritance or perhaps some other kind of windfall. If you are thinking of buying or selling property or moving this is a wonderful month to do so! Things could be feeling extra cozy and solid at home too. Enjoy the vibes!

Scorpio~ The Empress. Scorpio, if you are working on a project of some sort or a creative endeavor March spells success in your work! If you are a business owner, this month is going to be fertile and abundant. I feel for some of you this is the start of a new, better chapter. You could be finding your groove in a creative process and really figuring out how to make it work for you. You could be developing a new product or birthing a new idea. Whatever it is, it bring major success your way. If you are trying for a baby this month could bring some good news. It could be someone else in your family has an announcement as well.

Sagittarius~ 8 of Wands. Saggy, you are going full steam ahead in March! You’ve got the wind at your back, freedom in front of you and you are ready to take flight. If you are traveling this is an excellent omen. If you are working on business endeavors all your marketing will translate well and will land you hot new opportunities. You’re going to know the right thing to say at exactly the right time and it’s going to generate all the buzz! I also feel some of you will be getting some recognition for doing a good job! Lastly, some juicy gossip or flirty texts could come your way! Fun!

Capricorn~ 10 of Cups. Capricorn, you have some very pleasant and happy experiences coming your way. If you are attending a family reunion or drawing someone special closer this is a great sign! Some of you Caps in a relationship could be taking things to new levels of closeness. If you are thinking of moving homes this is a good omen for that. March seems to bring a lot of reasons to be happy your way. The people who mean the most to you are really showing up and showing out in the best ways.

Aquarius~ Ace of Pentacles. That fresh start you’ve been seeking has arrived. Opportunities are all around, you need only seize them. This month I want to be sure to only select the best opportunities, don’t over extend yourself. Give your all to what matters most. Money is going to be very friendly to you in March. I sense some changes within relationships too. Things are moving to exciting new levels. If you are single, you meet a new prospect. If you are coupled there could be a proposal or maybe you make things official in another way. It looks nice!

Pisces~ 7 of Swords & 6 of Pentacles. Pisces, do not let anyone get away with not pulling their weight or doing their fair share. You need to be mindful around other’s this month or you could find folks slacking and you suffering as a result. This is also a good month to get very honest with yourself about how you and how others are showing up within relationships. While doing your assessments, don’t forget to look within too. If you aren’t pulling your weight it will be made known in March. Fairness, reciprocity, duty, and boundaries will all be highlighted this month. Step lively!

Thank you everyone! Love you! Blessed be!


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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

February’s Full Moon In Virgo

This Saturday we have our first and only Virgo full moon of 2024. This is a powerful time to set intentions for your future and to focus on releasing what is not serving you. This is, in my opinion, kind of a big deal in terms of the astro events happening in February.

With this particular transit it tends to highlight our dreams, aspirations, and goals and puts them at the forefront of our consciousness. The beautiful thing about Virgo is the practicality and organization it brings. So it’s not only the ideal time to dream big but it also aids you in putting plans into action! This energy is nothing if not efficient. So if you receive a big push around this time to get more organized and to reduce chaos and clutter mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, I highly encourage you to lean into it.

It is important to watch out for tendencies towards perfectionism and control at this time as well. Don’t be too hard on yourself and try to remain objective and grounded. You will find a greater sense of security by focusing on creating order over things you can control and of your emotions than you will by ruminating on what is not working.

This is one of the best times to set intentions for your success, productivity, focus, drive, creativity, prosperity and career and work matters. This is why I have put together the Full Moon Virgo Mastermind Group Service. This Service will be geared towards releasing procrastination, doubts, and distractions helping us to think more clearly, stay focused and productive. This is great for those who have big goals they want to accomplish. It’s great for those wanting be incredibly successful and proficient at work, in competitions, to nail an interview, get a promotion, etc. This will help you stay motivated and determined. You can join by clicking the link above or by clicking the photo below.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Spiritual Alchemy

Unlocking the Secrets:

Welcome today we are going to delve into the mystical and esoteric realms of knowledge. To do so we shall turn our attention to the captivating world of spiritual alchemy. Often considered a metaphorical process, spiritual alchemy is a profound transformation that transcends the physical and delves deep into the realm of the soul. In it's origin, alchemy is meant to be a chemical process however in Gnosticism the Magnum Opus is interpreted as the process of transmuting the soul & psyche of The Alchemist themselves, rather than transmuting metals.

Understanding Spiritual Alchemy:

At its core, spiritual alchemy is an ancient philosophical and spiritual concept rooted in Hermetic teachings. It embodies the transformation of the self and the quest for spiritual enlightenment. The alchemical process, much like the transformation of base metals into gold, signifies the transmutation of the human spirit.

"The wound is the place where the light enters you." ~ Rumi

The Stages of Spiritual Alchemy:

The journey of spiritual alchemy can be likened to the blossoming of a flower; it unfolds in stages, each holding its own challenges and rewards. Let us explore how to achieve the goal of individuation. uncovering the secrets that lie within. Note: This is 4 stages. The process has been further broken down into 7 steps with different names.

1. Nigredo (The Blackening): This is the stage of decomposition, where one confronts their shadow self. It is a time of introspection, facing fears, and embracing the darkness within. By acknowledging and integrating these aspects, the individual sets the foundation for further growth.

2. Albedo (The Whitening): After the purification of the Nigredo, the Albedo stage brings illumination and clarity. This stage symbolizes the shedding of old beliefs and patterns, offering a fresh perspective. It is a time of healing, where one begins to grasp universal truths and connect with higher realms of consciousness.

3. Citrinitas (The Yellowing): The Citrinitas stage represents the emergence of the radiant self. It is akin to the rising sun, where the individual experiences a deep connection with the divine. This stage brings forth a sense of joy, creativity, and the ability to manifest one's desires into reality.

4. Rubedo (The Reddening): The final stage of spiritual alchemy is the Rubedo, symbolizing the attainment of spiritual perfection. At this stage, the individual has integrated all aspects of their being and death of the ego. They embrace their true essence and recognize their unity with the universe. It is a stage of enlightenment and self-realization.

Tools and Practices in Spiritual Alchemy

Throughout the alchemical journey, individuals employ various tools and practices to facilitate their growth and transformation. These may include:

  • Meditation: By quieting the mind, one can access higher realms of consciousness and receive guidance from the divine.

  • Inner Reflection: Utilizing introspection and self-reflection and shadow work (use our oil to help), individuals can identify and dismantle limiting beliefs and thought patterns.

  • Rituals and Ceremonies: A range of practices, from prayer to sacred rituals such as a spiritual detox, ascension rituals, and more can be incorporated to honor and connect with the divine energy.

  • Alchemy of the Body: Engaging in physical practices such as yoga, breathwork, and energy healing can promote the harmonization of mind, body, and spirit.

The Blossoming of the Soul

Embarking on the path of spiritual alchemy is not without its challenges. It requires courage, perseverance, and a willingness to face the depths of one's being. However, the rewards are immeasurable - a profound sense of self-discovery, liberation from personal limitations, and a connection to the divine wisdom that permeates all of existence.

As the mystic poet Rumi once said, "The wound is the place where the light enters you." Spiritual alchemy invites us to embrace the wounds, the shadows, and the unhealed parts of ourselves. It beckons us to embark on a journey of transformation, leading us toward the realization of our true nature and a deeper connection with the divine.

So, if the flame of curiosity within you burns bright, embark on a mystical journey of spiritual alchemy. Unlock the secrets of your soul, discover the hidden gems within, and let the alchemical process guide you to the realm of enlightenment, peace, and divine love.

Stay tuned to The Mystic Apothecary for more enlightening insights into the realms of the mystical and the unknown.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

November Tarotscopes

Happy November! This month packs a lot of power. We are saying goodbye to the chaotic astro energy that October brought into our lives and welcoming in more ease this month. On the 4th Saturn finally stations direct. Over the last several months you likely were presented with challenges and opportunities related to boundaries and structure. It’s good to take some time to reflect on how this lesson played out for you and what adjustments you should make as a result going forward.

We have a powerful spiritual portal opening on 11/11. This is an incredibly powerful day for manifestation. I will be hosting two mini pop-up services for this portal. The 11/11 portal is followed by a transformative New Moon in Scorpio on 11/13. This brings powerful and positive changes in finances. You will likely see new opportunities opening up. It’s also a good time to revise your budget. Be sure to join the New Moon Money Honey to level up your wealth and your relationship to money.

Then, on 11/27 we have a Full Moon in Gemini. This brings a great deal of clarity and opens up relationships for powerful conversations. Given the power this month holds I have planned some great candle services to help us all. Remember, these are rituals I perform on your behalf. You will not be present and I will do all the work. Photos are sent to you prior to the ritual’s start and if your candle burns poorly you will be notified. Check out the service menu here.

Let’s get into what November has in store for us all. This month I am using the Psychic Tarot by John Holland so the Major Arcana cards will have different names and there will be no court cards or 10’s. This deck also includes chakra cards. Here we go…

Aries~ Light (The Sun) & Fertility (The Empress). November looks to be an incredibly prosperous month for you, Aries. No matter what is happening around you it is blessed by contentment, success, and joy. This combination of cards shows me you must lean heavily into positive thinking and rely on your faith in the Universe. It will be well rewarded. This month will reveal a lot to you, including truth and new paths you need to take. This month also proves to be important when it comes to relationships with the feminine figures in our lives. Some of you may receive some news of a pregnancy or the opportunity to birth something else into creation.

Taurus~ Foundations & Achievements (4 of Wands). Your hard work pays off, Taurus, at last. You will be or have been working diligently to accomplish something and this month it pays off. It’s a great month to get your and life in order. I see some of you making some big plans for your future. You could be planning a wedding, sprucing up your home, or moving on to broaden your horizons for the better. It’s a peaceful and powerful month. You’re manifesting something BIG.

Gemini~ Universe (The World). This month I want you to honor your own greatness and don’t play small. You’ve been working hard and it’s about time to acknowledge your own power. This month is a YES month, you need only seize the opportunities. You may act as a guide or a leader for others this month. It’s possible you might not even realize the influence you have but you do have it. You have wisdom to share so speak up. Major accomplishments, major success. You could also get an opportunity to travel. Go for it.

Cancer~ Power (Strength). This month you are being challenged to stand in your power. It’s time to rise to the occasion and claim your place in the world. It’s a month where you must allow your inner warrior to shine through. I see you overcoming some major obstacles and finally getting a long standing issue under control. It would be a good month to start a new routine in work or health. For many, I feel as though you have been wrestling with some inner turmoil. It’s time to turn that pain into power.

Leo~ Third Eye Chakra card. This card is also a 6 card. This month will prove to be deeply spiritual for you. You may experience some incredible synchronicity this month, repeating numbers, moments of clarity, better understanding, psychic insights. You are working in harmony with the universe to get things under control and in place. You need to cultivate more balance in your mental and emotional realms. I feel like you’ve been in your head a lot and rumination will cloud your judgement. You will finally start to see some movement from past efforts. Keep going.

Virgo~ Victory & Success (6 of Wands). November brings you triumph over adversity! I see you making significant progress especially at work. You should expect to receive good news this month. I feel as if you are overcoming some pretty trying circumstances and people around you are showing their appreciation and support. You may be held up as an example. Your efforts and devotion will not go unnoticed. Make time to celebrate yourself. As you are basking in your glory remember to stay humble. This card can also be a warning not to get a big head. You will do well to remember this victory in moments of struggle. This proves you are capable of accomplishing anything.

Libra~ Authority (The Emperor) & Fulfillment of Wishes (9 of Cups). You have wisdom to share with others Libra. It is through this exchange that you achieve something you desire. It would do you well to soften this month. A good leader knows when to get level with folks. You are being pushed to step into a leadership role this month. The way in which you handle control and power may be put to the test or brought into your consciousness this month. You will pass this test with flying colors. The key is to get your emotions and ego in check. You must also develop sound reasoning and logic and incorporate structure into your plans. Be graceful and set aside foolishness or greed. It’s also a good month to let go of past resentments.

Scorpio~ Prosperity Begins, Temptation, Material & Spiritual Prosperity. Well Scorpio, you better be good to your money in November. You’re going to be tempted to spend it all. Be prudent. The other thing I see here is your relationship to money will come under scrutiny. Are you making financial decisions from a place of fear? Are you compulsively chasing or hoarding money or maintaining all the financial control unfairly? Are you a workaholic? Are you facing challenging decisions at work? Are you allowing money to tie you to something harmful to you? Your drive and desire to be successful are admirable but your paranoia and fear could very well be clouding your judgement.

Sagittarius~ Fertility, Light, Victory & Success. Expect to receive some great news this month. Someone in your family may have an exciting announcement or you may receive an incredible offer or come up with some amazing ideas that lead you down a whole new path. It’s important that you create time for self expression and creativity this month. The Universe is using you as a vessel of creation and this month your touch turns lead into gold. I also feel you are being guided to be more open especially within your community, family, friends. People want to see into your heart. You have some wisdom that needs to be shared.

Capricorn~ This month brings you a spiritual awakening Capricorn. The wake up call, the epiphany, it finally arrives. I feel like for a lot of us this is in connection to important relationships in your life. You may find yourself doing a lot of reflection over the past and over some lessons that you have learned recently or still need to understand. This must become a priority for you in November. This will help you forgive, accept and heal so that you can move forward. This card signifies a time in which we must undergo a significant change in a certain area of our life.You should not make any decisions hastily; Take your time When making choices and way and evaluate everything with careful and crucial judgment. The steps you take now will have far reaching consequences.

Aquarius~ Foundations & Achievements and Destiny. Your hard work pays off this month, dear Aquarius. I see a positive change that is imminent in matters of luck and prosperity. November presents you with many opportunities to gain wisdom from the past. You'll be learning to let go of old issues and you'll be gaining steady movement forward in a positive direction. You will benefit greatly from cultivating a strong foundation in both your self-love and your self-belief. You deserve to be happy and prosperous and have abundance in all areas of your life and November is going to prove that to you.

Pisces~ Emotional Withdrawal. November is guiding you to leave some situations and some people and some emotional baggage in the past, dear Pisces. You will benefit greatly from scheduling time to commune with your higher self and your spirit guides.I sense you may be a little bit low energy and some good meditation and grounding or serve you well.This month is guiding you to dig deep into your heart and your soul to find the courage and strength to continue on your journey and be willing to step out of your comfort zone.

Thank you everyone! Blessed be.


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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Setting Up an Ancestral Altar

The Mystic Apothecary Guide: Setting Up an Ancestral Altar
Date: 09/26/2023

Creating an ancestral altar allows us to honor and connect with our ancestors, drawing upon their wisdom, guidance, and blessings. It is a sacred space where we can pay tribute to those who came before us, fostering a deep sense of connection and continuity across generations. In this guide, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to set up an ancestral altar.

Step 1: Choose a Suitable Location
Selecting the right location is crucial when setting up an ancestral altar. It is common to set up your ancestor altar in the living room to make your ancestors feel welcome and connected to the family. Find a spot that can be peaceful, quiet, and undisturbed when necessary. Preferably, select an area where you can spend time in contemplation and commune with your ancestors without interruptions or set house rules that you may not be disturbed when at your altar. If you cannot set one up in your living room that is okay, Please know that your altar does not need to be large or elaborate.

Step 2: Cleanse the Space
Before setting up the altar, it's essential to cleanse the space energetically. Light incense or burn resins like frankincense and copal (available here). Frankincense will consecrate your space and copal will raise the vibrations and help to call ancestors in. Copal also makes a great offering to your ancestors. Open the windows and allow the smoke to purify the area. Visualize any stagnant or negative energy being dispelled, making it a welcoming space for your ancestors' presence.

Sacred Resins
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Step 3: Gather Representations of Ancestors
Collect items that symbolize and represent your ancestors. These can include photographs, heirlooms, mementos, or even objects that remind you of them. Arrange these items mindfully on the altar, creating a visually appealing and meaningful display that resonates with you. I have my ancestor’s hairbrush, a photo, a pack of their favorite smokes, appropriate crystals like selenite and amethyst, and more. This will hopefully give you some ideas of where to start. The point is to make them feel welcomed and to connect to them.

Step 4: Add Sacred Elements
Incorporate sacred elements on your ancestral altar to connect with the spiritual realm. Some typical items to consider include:

1. Candles: Symbols of light and divine energy. Choose white or traditional colors associated with ancestral reverence, such as black or purple.

2. Incense: A means of purifying the atmosphere and creating a bridge between the earthly and spiritual realms.

3. Crystals: Representing Earth's energy, crystals assist in grounding the altar's intentions and opening up your intuition and spiritual communication. Amethyst, selenite, and black tourmaline are excellent choices for ancestral altars.

4. Water: A small glass of water can symbolize purification, clarity, and the fluidity of life. It serves as a way to refresh your ancestors' spirits and form a connection with the element of water.

5. Flowers or Plants: Offer natural beauty as an expression of life's cycle, representing birth, growth, and renewal. Choose flowers or plants that hold symbolic significance to your ancestry or have personal meaning or you can offer flowers like carnations and roses.

Step 5: Personal Invocations and Offerings
Express your intentions and gratitude through personal invocations and offerings. Light the candles, and with genuine reverence, speak aloud to your ancestors, addressing them by their names or titles. Offer foods, drinks, or other items that were significant to them in life, ensuring they are fresh and replaced regularly. Make sure you have meals with them too. This shows respect and creates a connection.

Our Ancestral Spirit candle is a great way to bridge the connection between you and your ancestors!

Ancestral Spirit Cauldron Candle

This candle works to open up your intuition and call in your ancestors. It will bridge a connection between you and your ancestors to receive their help and guidance. A prayer and instructions will be included.

This candle is loaded with Sandalwood essential oil and herbs to open your intuition like mugwort, resins, and crystals amethyst and sodalite for intuition and good communication It is made in a reusable cast iron cauldron that you can use to give offerings to your ancestors.

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Step 6: Regular Maintenance
A well-maintained ancestral altar is essential for an ongoing connection. Set aside dedicated time to clean and tend to the altar. Dust the area, replace old offerings, and refresh the flowers or plants regularly. Keep the energy flowing and vibrant by lighting new candles and offering new incense regularly.

Setting up an ancestral altar is a heartfelt way to nurture the connection with our ancestors, respectfully honoring their legacy. By following this guide, you can create a sacred space that serves as a potent bridge between the past and present, inviting the wisdom and support of your ancestral lineage into your life. Remember, the bond with your ancestors is deeply personal; trust your intuition and allow it to guide you in creating a unique and meaningful tribute.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

October Tarotscopes

Hello, dear souls! Let’s take a look at what October has in store for all 12 signs of the zodiac. My recommendation to you is to look at your sun, moon, and rising signs for a comprehensive look at the themes of your month. This is meant to be a prediction, a guide, and a road map. It will help you be prepared for what’s to come your way this month and even navigate around potential problems. This Friday, October 6th, Beth is hosting a Cut & Clear Group Ritual. This is a great way to receive spiritual help at a group rate.

The ultimate objective of our Cut & Clear Group Service is to empower you to reclaim your life. Through shedding the weight of past hurts, toxic relationships, karmic debt, energetic cords, and limiting beliefs, you will rediscover your inner strength, resilience, and self-worth. Armed with newfound confidence and clarity, you will be equipped to manifest your dreams, cultivate healthy relationships, and create a future brimming with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

The Cut and Clear Group Service offers you a chance to break free from the chains of the past and embrace a life filled with possibility and transformation. Don't let the weight of unresolved emotions hold you back any longer. Join our service today and embark on a journey of healing, growth, and lasting empowerment.

Aries~ The Tower. Well Aries, you’re starting us off with a bang. There’s some big changes happening this month. Some might feel really shocking. Rest assured that whatever occurs, whatever comes to an end or undergoes a massive change, it leads to your liberation. This might be the month where you finally blow your top. Watch your temper and anxiety. There’s things that you have been holding on to that need to come out. The pressure has been building, here comes the release.

Taurus~ Justice reversed. Taurus, this month is going to require you to take accountability for your actions. You may not want to accept it, but you have blame in a certain situation and you may be hoping someone else will take the fall. Make sure you aren’t over reacting to things this month. It won’t work out the way you hope. If you haven’t been honest or rational it will catch up with you. For others, you may be on the receiving end of some unfair treatment. Rationality, logic, honesty, and remaining reasonable will carry you through.

Gemini~ 9 of Cups. Success. Accomplishment. All your hard work is coming together. Gemini, October is your month. You have cultivated something truly magical and the rewards are showing up. This is a month for you to make wishes. The Universe is on your side and is working in your favor. I see one more thing, a warning. Some of you may encounter some arrogant types this month. They may be smug and hogging the glory. Don’t let them get you down. Be sure to toot your horn, and don’t play small.

Cancer~ 8 of Cups, The Chariot. This month will be deeply spiritual for you. Through your personal practices you will chart new territory. If you are thinking of traveling it will do you a lot of good. Go for it and pursue your dreams. Some of you may be moving or making plans. I sense a little bit of sorrow. Try not to fret too much, it really is for the best. A word of advice, this month, let go and let God. There will be many cosmic forces at play in your life. They are leading you in the right direction.

Leo~ 3 of Cups. Leo, it’s a great month for you to connect with people important to you. I see some happy reunions with long lost family, lovers, friends. It’s a month to celebrate the relationships that are most important to you. I also feel a big collaboration coming in. It leads to some serious prosperity and celebration. It’s a good month for you to be social. Put yourself out there as much as possible and it will lead you where you’d like to go. Ask for support when needed. Attend that event. Host one yourself. It’s all lovely.

Virgo~ Ace of Swords. October brings breakthroughs for you, Virgo. I see new projects or ideas coming your way. These will be successful and will help to arm you for success moving forward. It’s a month where you find a lot of clarity and are able to act on it. I feel that some of you will need to take a stand or make a point, you may even be defending someone or something important to you. You will wield your mental swords wisely and will be able to communicate your feelings effectively. Trust what you see and know to be true.

Libra~ The Lovers. There’s a new partnership incoming, Libra. For some it’s love, for other’s work, or friendship. The Universe is stepping in to put the right people in your path. The more good you put out this month, the more good will come back to you. Your choices matter this month, Libra. You may encounter a dilemma that doesn’t seem to have an obvious solution. Think carefully before deciding. It might be a month where you need to show just what you’re made of and what you stand for. Fight for what’s right.

Scorpio~ The Sun. Firstly, happy SCORPIO SEASON!! 🦂 This is an omen of the positive turn after a period of sadness and struggle. This month is abundant with joy and success. This is a sign that a lot of blessings and positive news is coming your way. This card is encouraging you to have a positive outlook in life. Relationships get back on track. You are in alignment with your truth and nothing feels as good as that. I feel for some of you that you will be bringing joy to others this month. You are radiating a glowing aura of love and affection and it’s positively impacting those around you.

Sagittarius~ 10 of Cups. October brings happy endings and blessed new beginnings your way. This is a card that signals emotional fulfillment is present and possible. You may find yourself experiencing more fulfillment and emotional stability. It’s a great month to prioritize spending time with those who help to fill your cups. It’s through giving back to your community, important relationships, taking care of your home, finishing up passion projects that will bring you the most fulfillment. You may attend a party, celebration, or family reunion. You’ll have a great time. It’s a month to forge authentic connections.

Capricorn~ 9 of Swords, 5 of Swords. Capricorn, you really need to protect your energy this month. There are people lurking who are looking to stab a knife in your back. They’re scheming and plotting. Watching you with envious eyes and speaking negativity over your name. You may even already be suspicious of who this is. This is a person who is sneaky and underhanded and willing to do anything to win. They don’t care how they impact others, their only concern is victory.

Aquarius~ 7 of Swords & The Heirophant. This month may find you dealing with folks who just don’t want to play by the rules. They’re trying to worm their way out of obligations or trying to gather information from you to steal your methods and ideas. This is a warning to not take anything at face value this month or you could wind up with a lemon or in a pickle. You could also encounter a false prophet. Someone is trying to pretend to be something they’re not. Be warned. Your vigilance will save you. The other side of this could be needing to examine and question rules more closely. If you are dealing with someone trying to lay down a law, it would benefit you to question their beliefs because they may not align with your values. Creative thinking and creative problem-solving will serve you well.

Pisces~ The World. A major chapter comes to a close and it’s time to move forward. All the efforts you have been making will pay off. This month brings you reasons to feel complete, content, and happy. It’s a great month for you to give back to the world. You will find a desire to take up an important cause. In October you will benefit greatly from gratitude. This card says that where you focus your will circle that same energy back into your life.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

The Mystical Significance of Samhain: A Pagan Sabbat Celebration

Welcome, dear souls, to The Mystic Apothecary!

Join us as we delve into the history of Samhain, an ancient pagan Sabbat celebration that marks the onset of autumn. The roots of this festival are deeply embedded in Celtic traditions. Samhain holds a special place in the hearts of pagans, spiritual practitioners, witches, and folks from all walks of life alike. Samhain is a sabbat with profound significance and time honored traditions surrounding this magical time of year.

Origins and Meaning

Samhain is pronounced like "sow-in" or "sah-win." The word derives from Old Gaelic. Samhain means "summer's end," heralding the transition from the abundant days of warmth and light to the introspective period of darkness that is fall and winter. Traditionally observed on the eve of November 1st, Samhain marks the midpoint between the autumnal equinox and the upcoming winter solstice.

In Celtic lore, this Sabbat marks the time when the veil between the physical world and the spirit realm is at its thinnest. It is a time to honor and connect with ancestors and departed loved ones, seeking their wisdom and guidance.

Honoring Ancestors and the Spirit Realm

A significant aspect of Samhain is the remembrance and honoring of ancestors. Those looking to take part in the celebration of Samhain often set up ancestral altars, adorned with photographs, candles, and mementos. This is a way to pay tribute to those who came before us. We have a blog on how to do this coming out this week! These altars serve as a focal point for communication, allowing us to acknowledge and seek wisdom from our ancestors.

As the boundary between realms weakens, divination and spirit communication play a crucial role during Samhain. It’s a great time to work on strengthening your intuition, transformation, cleansing, releasing, shadow work, deepening your connection to spirit and your personal practice, and protecting your energy. Traditional practices such as scrying, tarot readings, candle magick, seances and Ouija boards find their place in ceremonies, offering seekers a chance to connect with spirits, gain insight, and receive messages from beyond.

Ancestral Spirit Cauldron Candle

This candle works to open up your intuition and call in your ancestors. It will bridge a connection between you and your ancestors to receive their help and guidance. A prayer and instructions will be included.

This candle is loaded with Sandalwood essential oil and herbs to open your intuition like mugwort, resins, and crystals amethyst and sodalite for intuition and good communication It is made in a reusable cast iron cauldron that you can use to give offerings to your ancestors.

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Embracing the Energy of Transformation

Samhain invites us to acknowledge and embrace the transformative energies of life's cycles. Just as nature sheds its vibrant foliage we are urged to reflect on what we wish to release from our lives. This might entail shedding old habits, patterns, or even negative emotions that prevent personal growth and hinder our spiritual journey.

During rituals and bonfire ceremonies, pagans symbolically cast away that which no longer serves their highest good, making space for new beginnings. This powerful time allows for profound spiritual growth, enabling practitioners to manifest their desires and set intentions for the months ahead.

Samhain Night Dual Ritual Kit

Everything you need for All Hallows Eve. This kit comes complete with everything you need to banish negativity, protect your energy, open up your intuition, psychic abilities, connect with your ancestors and have lucid & prophetic dreams and create amulets and talismans of protection and clear psychic sight. 

This kit includes:

1 witch figural candle

1 full moon figural candle

1 packet of Iron Fortress Ritual Protection Powder

1 packet All Seeing Eye Psychic Activation Ritual Powder

1 1/3 oz bottle of Iron Fortress Protection Oil

1 1/3 oz bottle of All Seeing Eye Psychic Activation Oil 

1 selenite wand

1 amethyst necklace 

1 evil eye necklace 

1 evil eye keychain 

1 crystal spoon 


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Celebratory Traditions

Samhain is a time of celebration, marked by intriguing traditions and rituals. Many pagans partake in activities like apple bobbing, carving jack-o'-lanterns, and dressing up in costumes—a nod to the ancient practice of disguising oneself from mischievous spirits that roam during this liminal time. Jack o’ lanterns were carved and illuminated to help souls find their way. The same was accomplished by lighting a candle in your window.

Dumb Suppers have become a common practice at Samhain around the world. They are held as a way to invite in and honor our ancestors. This involves consecrating the dining area then cooking a beautiful feast and setting a nice table. The word “dumb” here refers to remaining completely silent through the meal. If you would like to learn how to host a Dumb Supper more leave a comment below.

Communal feasts using harvest produce are central to Samhain celebrations. Apple cider, root vegetables, and pumpkin delicacies not only nourish the body but also cultivate a deep connection with the Earth's bountiful gifts. All of this is the origin for the traditions of today’s Halloween.


Samhain serves as a poignant reminder of our connection to the natural world, our ancestors, and the infinite possibilities that lie within our grasp. Whether you identify as a pagan, witch, a hoodoo, bruja, hexa, or simply someone intrigued by the mystical, Samhain beckons us to honor what has passed, embrace transformation, and set intentions for the future. May we come together, light our candles, and step into the realms of spirit and find ease in our transformations.

Blessed be!

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

The Mystical Vibes of Libra Season: Finding Balance in the Cosmic Dance

Welcome, magical souls, to The Mystic Apothecary! Today, we gather under the enchanting influence of Libra season, as the cosmos invites us to embark on a journey of balance, harmony, and inner reflection. From September 23rd to October 22nd, the scales of Libra take center stage, offering us a profound opportunity to cultivate equilibrium in all aspects of our lives.

Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. Libra’s symbol are the scales. This is to represent justice, balance, and fairness. Ruled by the planet Venus, this cardinal air sign encourages us to seek beauty, diplomacy, and collaboration. However, this is also a time where you may be prone to go to extremes. As autumn breathes whispers of change, Libra season bestows upon us its magical blessings, urging us to find equilibrium within ourselves, our relationships, and our surroundings.

Be Sweet To Me Anointing Oil 1 oz
from $15.55

This attraction oil is PERFECT for enhancing love, helping a relationship or interaction go smoothly, and to sweeten situations your way and in your favor. Use to attract your hearts desire. Use to make yourself more attractive and desirable. Use to sweeten outcomes, situations, and people to you. Great for businesses to attract customers. Great for quarreling lovers who wish to make things right. Great for attracting romance or, for you single folks, your ideal partner.

Apply to candles, add to jar spells, poppets, or charm/mojo bags. But if you really want to kick things up a notch apply it to the person or persons hand or something they will touch to attract your desires.

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During this cosmic dance, take a moment to reflect upon how this charming zodiac season may impact us:

1. Seek Inner Harmony and Balance
Under Libra's influence, the energies around us encourage a deep introspection and an examination of our own inner scales. This is an opportune time to evaluate the balance between our mind, body, and spirit. Embrace self-care practices that nourish your inner well-being and promote equilibrium. Engage in meditation, yoga, or journaling to navigate your inner landscape and cultivate a peaceful internal equilibrium.

2. Embrace the Art of Diplomacy
Libra is known for its diplomatic flair and ability to appreciate different perspectives. The shadow side of Libra is extremity, black and what thinking, and flip flopping. This season urges us to enhance our communication skills and approach conflicts with compassion and understanding. Embrace the art of compromise as you find ways to negotiate and foster harmony within your relationships. Seek win-win situations where all parties can feel acknowledged and valued.

3. Cultivate Aesthetic Sensibilities
Guided by the planet Venus, Libra season inspires us to explore beauty in all its forms. Ruled by Venus, Libra loves beauty and cute aesthetics. Embark on creative endeavors, surround yourself with art, and indulge in the sensory pleasures of life. Engage with your artistic side, whether it's through painting, dancing, or creating a harmonious space in your home. Connect with the delights that awaken your senses and cultivate a serene ambiance.

4. Nurturing Balanced Partnerships
Libra is the sign of partnerships and relationships. Libra’s are known for being in love with love. During this season, the cosmos encourages us to evaluate the dynamics in our connections. Foster healthy relationships built on mutual respect, equality, and open communication. Seek to find equilibrium within your partnerships, ensuring that both your needs and the needs of the other are honored. Embrace the spirit of compromise while staying true to yourself.

Venus for Love, Beauty, and Pleasure

Venus is the Goddess of love. And her planetary namesake is rules over love, beauty, and pleasure. Venus governs our relationship to luxury. Thus this candle is a potent magnet of attraction. Draw in your hearts desire. Attract your soul mate. Luxuriate in riches. Tap into and believe in your beauty. 

Scent~ Honey & mango. 

8 oz. 

Crystals~ Heart shaped carnelian, green adventurine, clear quartz point and rose quartz heart. 

Charm~ rose gold key

Pairs well with my Be Sweet To Me and Money Honey Oil and my Lust After Me spray.

Were running low! Act fast!
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5. Harnessing Libra's Refined Energy
Embrace Libra's refined energy to bring balance and beauty into all areas of your life. Pay attention to the details and seek ways to create a sense of equilibrium in your routines, work-life balance, and personal growth. This is an ideal time to declutter both your physical and mental spaces. By decluttering you are creating room for new opportunities to manifest. You can also set the intention that as you restore balance to your space by tidying up so to shall your mind, body, and spirit move into balance. You’re already generating the energy. You might as well make it work in your favor.

As we immerse ourselves in the enchanting energy of Libra season, remember that finding balance is an ongoing journey, requiring patience, self-reflection, and a genuine desire for harmony. Embrace this cosmic invitation to bring equilibrium to your life, nurturing your soul and fostering harmonious connections with others.

Stay tuned to The Mystic Apothecary for further insights and magical guidance as we navigate the mystical realms together. May Libra's grace illuminate your path and bring harmony into every facet of your existence.

Blessed be!

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

The Full Moon in Aries: Igniting Passion and Bold Transformation

Welcome, dear readers, to another empowering astrological event with immense cosmic significance! On September 29th, 2023, the radiant Full Moon will grace our skies, capturing our attention with its awe-inspiring beauty. This particular Full Moon holds a distinct energy as it finds itself in the fiery and assertive sign of Aries. So, let us delve into the mystical realm of astrology and discover how this celestial phenomenon will impact us and what spell work we should focus on during this mystical time.

The Fiery Influence of Aries
As we explore the energies of the zodiac, Aries stands as the first adventurous and fiery sign. Ruled by Mars, the god of war and passion, Aries radiates an enthusiasm for new beginnings, courage, and boundless energy. This dynamic and bold energy of Aries is mirrored by this Full Moon, intensifying its impact and calling forth our inner warriors.

The Impact of the Full Moon in Aries
Under the influence of the Full Moon in Aries, our emotions will become magnified, passionate, and relentless. We may feel a surge of confidence and a longing to break free from limitations that have hindered our growth. It is a time for bold decision-making and stepping out of our comfort zones. This fiery energy encourages us to assert ourselves and pursue our goals with unwavering determination.

During this Full Moon, emotional matters may come to the surface, demanding our attention. Aries' energy may prompt conflicts or heated discussions, but remember, this is an opportunity for transformation and healing. Embrace the passion and fiery spirit within and channel it towards finding resolution and initiating positive change in your relationships.

Spell Work for the Full Moon in Aries

To fully harness the potent energy of this Full Moon in Aries, consider performing spell work focused on strengthening your intuition to help have clarity, self-empowerment, courage, and the initiation of transformation. Here are a few tips to help you work in conjunction with my Full Moon Aries Group Service & our Full Moon Psychic Activation Group Service to help you align your intentions with the celestial energies:

1. Ignite Your Inner Warrior – Light a red or orange candle, representing the fiery energy of Aries. As you light the candle flame, visualize any self-doubts or limitations burning away, leaving you full of confidence and courage to pursue your dreams. Recite an affirmation such as: "By the power of this Full Moon's fire, I embrace my inner warrior's desire. With passion and strength, I reclaim my might and manifest my dreams into the world this night."

2. Release and Transform – This Full Moon is an ideal time to let go of old patterns or negative energies that no longer serve you. Take a piece of paper and write down what you wish to release from your life. Take a moment to connect with the lunar energy, then burn the paper using a safe container or a fireproof bowl. As you watch the paper turn to ash, visualize the energy transforming into positive opportunities and gr towth.

3. Courageous Decision-Making – For those facing a significant decision or crossroads in their journey, this Full Moon provides the perfect opportunity to seek guidance from your intuition. Light a purple candle, representing wisdom and intuition, and meditate upon your decision. Trust your inner voice and let the fiery energy of Aries fuel your decision-making process. You may wish to call upon deities or spirits associated with courage and wisdom during your meditation.

Remember, always work with intention, respect, and integrity. Align your spell work with your highest good and that of others. You have the power to shape your reality, and with the Full Moon in Aries, your manifestations will have an extra spark of intensity.

As we bask under the radiant light of the Full Moon in Aries, let us embrace our inner fire and fearlessly pursue the dreams and goals that ignite our passions. Use the energy of this magical event to step into your power, initiate transformative changes, and manifest a future filled with courage, inspiration, and boldness.

May the luminous Full Moon bless you with its celestial gifts!

With love and light,
The Mystic Apothecary Team.

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