November Tarotscopes

Happy November! This month packs a lot of power. We are saying goodbye to the chaotic astro energy that October brought into our lives and welcoming in more ease this month. On the 4th Saturn finally stations direct. Over the last several months you likely were presented with challenges and opportunities related to boundaries and structure. It’s good to take some time to reflect on how this lesson played out for you and what adjustments you should make as a result going forward.

We have a powerful spiritual portal opening on 11/11. This is an incredibly powerful day for manifestation. I will be hosting two mini pop-up services for this portal. The 11/11 portal is followed by a transformative New Moon in Scorpio on 11/13. This brings powerful and positive changes in finances. You will likely see new opportunities opening up. It’s also a good time to revise your budget. Be sure to join the New Moon Money Honey to level up your wealth and your relationship to money.

Then, on 11/27 we have a Full Moon in Gemini. This brings a great deal of clarity and opens up relationships for powerful conversations. Given the power this month holds I have planned some great candle services to help us all. Remember, these are rituals I perform on your behalf. You will not be present and I will do all the work. Photos are sent to you prior to the ritual’s start and if your candle burns poorly you will be notified. Check out the service menu here.

Let’s get into what November has in store for us all. This month I am using the Psychic Tarot by John Holland so the Major Arcana cards will have different names and there will be no court cards or 10’s. This deck also includes chakra cards. Here we go…

Aries~ Light (The Sun) & Fertility (The Empress). November looks to be an incredibly prosperous month for you, Aries. No matter what is happening around you it is blessed by contentment, success, and joy. This combination of cards shows me you must lean heavily into positive thinking and rely on your faith in the Universe. It will be well rewarded. This month will reveal a lot to you, including truth and new paths you need to take. This month also proves to be important when it comes to relationships with the feminine figures in our lives. Some of you may receive some news of a pregnancy or the opportunity to birth something else into creation.

Taurus~ Foundations & Achievements (4 of Wands). Your hard work pays off, Taurus, at last. You will be or have been working diligently to accomplish something and this month it pays off. It’s a great month to get your and life in order. I see some of you making some big plans for your future. You could be planning a wedding, sprucing up your home, or moving on to broaden your horizons for the better. It’s a peaceful and powerful month. You’re manifesting something BIG.

Gemini~ Universe (The World). This month I want you to honor your own greatness and don’t play small. You’ve been working hard and it’s about time to acknowledge your own power. This month is a YES month, you need only seize the opportunities. You may act as a guide or a leader for others this month. It’s possible you might not even realize the influence you have but you do have it. You have wisdom to share so speak up. Major accomplishments, major success. You could also get an opportunity to travel. Go for it.

Cancer~ Power (Strength). This month you are being challenged to stand in your power. It’s time to rise to the occasion and claim your place in the world. It’s a month where you must allow your inner warrior to shine through. I see you overcoming some major obstacles and finally getting a long standing issue under control. It would be a good month to start a new routine in work or health. For many, I feel as though you have been wrestling with some inner turmoil. It’s time to turn that pain into power.

Leo~ Third Eye Chakra card. This card is also a 6 card. This month will prove to be deeply spiritual for you. You may experience some incredible synchronicity this month, repeating numbers, moments of clarity, better understanding, psychic insights. You are working in harmony with the universe to get things under control and in place. You need to cultivate more balance in your mental and emotional realms. I feel like you’ve been in your head a lot and rumination will cloud your judgement. You will finally start to see some movement from past efforts. Keep going.

Virgo~ Victory & Success (6 of Wands). November brings you triumph over adversity! I see you making significant progress especially at work. You should expect to receive good news this month. I feel as if you are overcoming some pretty trying circumstances and people around you are showing their appreciation and support. You may be held up as an example. Your efforts and devotion will not go unnoticed. Make time to celebrate yourself. As you are basking in your glory remember to stay humble. This card can also be a warning not to get a big head. You will do well to remember this victory in moments of struggle. This proves you are capable of accomplishing anything.

Libra~ Authority (The Emperor) & Fulfillment of Wishes (9 of Cups). You have wisdom to share with others Libra. It is through this exchange that you achieve something you desire. It would do you well to soften this month. A good leader knows when to get level with folks. You are being pushed to step into a leadership role this month. The way in which you handle control and power may be put to the test or brought into your consciousness this month. You will pass this test with flying colors. The key is to get your emotions and ego in check. You must also develop sound reasoning and logic and incorporate structure into your plans. Be graceful and set aside foolishness or greed. It’s also a good month to let go of past resentments.

Scorpio~ Prosperity Begins, Temptation, Material & Spiritual Prosperity. Well Scorpio, you better be good to your money in November. You’re going to be tempted to spend it all. Be prudent. The other thing I see here is your relationship to money will come under scrutiny. Are you making financial decisions from a place of fear? Are you compulsively chasing or hoarding money or maintaining all the financial control unfairly? Are you a workaholic? Are you facing challenging decisions at work? Are you allowing money to tie you to something harmful to you? Your drive and desire to be successful are admirable but your paranoia and fear could very well be clouding your judgement.

Sagittarius~ Fertility, Light, Victory & Success. Expect to receive some great news this month. Someone in your family may have an exciting announcement or you may receive an incredible offer or come up with some amazing ideas that lead you down a whole new path. It’s important that you create time for self expression and creativity this month. The Universe is using you as a vessel of creation and this month your touch turns lead into gold. I also feel you are being guided to be more open especially within your community, family, friends. People want to see into your heart. You have some wisdom that needs to be shared.

Capricorn~ This month brings you a spiritual awakening Capricorn. The wake up call, the epiphany, it finally arrives. I feel like for a lot of us this is in connection to important relationships in your life. You may find yourself doing a lot of reflection over the past and over some lessons that you have learned recently or still need to understand. This must become a priority for you in November. This will help you forgive, accept and heal so that you can move forward. This card signifies a time in which we must undergo a significant change in a certain area of our life.You should not make any decisions hastily; Take your time When making choices and way and evaluate everything with careful and crucial judgment. The steps you take now will have far reaching consequences.

Aquarius~ Foundations & Achievements and Destiny. Your hard work pays off this month, dear Aquarius. I see a positive change that is imminent in matters of luck and prosperity. November presents you with many opportunities to gain wisdom from the past. You'll be learning to let go of old issues and you'll be gaining steady movement forward in a positive direction. You will benefit greatly from cultivating a strong foundation in both your self-love and your self-belief. You deserve to be happy and prosperous and have abundance in all areas of your life and November is going to prove that to you.

Pisces~ Emotional Withdrawal. November is guiding you to leave some situations and some people and some emotional baggage in the past, dear Pisces. You will benefit greatly from scheduling time to commune with your higher self and your spirit guides.I sense you may be a little bit low energy and some good meditation and grounding or serve you well.This month is guiding you to dig deep into your heart and your soul to find the courage and strength to continue on your journey and be willing to step out of your comfort zone.

Thank you everyone! Blessed be.



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