Setting Up an Ancestral Altar

The Mystic Apothecary Guide: Setting Up an Ancestral Altar
Date: 09/26/2023

Creating an ancestral altar allows us to honor and connect with our ancestors, drawing upon their wisdom, guidance, and blessings. It is a sacred space where we can pay tribute to those who came before us, fostering a deep sense of connection and continuity across generations. In this guide, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to set up an ancestral altar.

Step 1: Choose a Suitable Location
Selecting the right location is crucial when setting up an ancestral altar. It is common to set up your ancestor altar in the living room to make your ancestors feel welcome and connected to the family. Find a spot that can be peaceful, quiet, and undisturbed when necessary. Preferably, select an area where you can spend time in contemplation and commune with your ancestors without interruptions or set house rules that you may not be disturbed when at your altar. If you cannot set one up in your living room that is okay, Please know that your altar does not need to be large or elaborate.

Step 2: Cleanse the Space
Before setting up the altar, it's essential to cleanse the space energetically. Light incense or burn resins like frankincense and copal (available here). Frankincense will consecrate your space and copal will raise the vibrations and help to call ancestors in. Copal also makes a great offering to your ancestors. Open the windows and allow the smoke to purify the area. Visualize any stagnant or negative energy being dispelled, making it a welcoming space for your ancestors' presence.

Sacred Resins
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Step 3: Gather Representations of Ancestors
Collect items that symbolize and represent your ancestors. These can include photographs, heirlooms, mementos, or even objects that remind you of them. Arrange these items mindfully on the altar, creating a visually appealing and meaningful display that resonates with you. I have my ancestor’s hairbrush, a photo, a pack of their favorite smokes, appropriate crystals like selenite and amethyst, and more. This will hopefully give you some ideas of where to start. The point is to make them feel welcomed and to connect to them.

Step 4: Add Sacred Elements
Incorporate sacred elements on your ancestral altar to connect with the spiritual realm. Some typical items to consider include:

1. Candles: Symbols of light and divine energy. Choose white or traditional colors associated with ancestral reverence, such as black or purple.

2. Incense: A means of purifying the atmosphere and creating a bridge between the earthly and spiritual realms.

3. Crystals: Representing Earth's energy, crystals assist in grounding the altar's intentions and opening up your intuition and spiritual communication. Amethyst, selenite, and black tourmaline are excellent choices for ancestral altars.

4. Water: A small glass of water can symbolize purification, clarity, and the fluidity of life. It serves as a way to refresh your ancestors' spirits and form a connection with the element of water.

5. Flowers or Plants: Offer natural beauty as an expression of life's cycle, representing birth, growth, and renewal. Choose flowers or plants that hold symbolic significance to your ancestry or have personal meaning or you can offer flowers like carnations and roses.

Step 5: Personal Invocations and Offerings
Express your intentions and gratitude through personal invocations and offerings. Light the candles, and with genuine reverence, speak aloud to your ancestors, addressing them by their names or titles. Offer foods, drinks, or other items that were significant to them in life, ensuring they are fresh and replaced regularly. Make sure you have meals with them too. This shows respect and creates a connection.

Our Ancestral Spirit candle is a great way to bridge the connection between you and your ancestors!

Ancestral Spirit Cauldron Candle

This candle works to open up your intuition and call in your ancestors. It will bridge a connection between you and your ancestors to receive their help and guidance. A prayer and instructions will be included.

This candle is loaded with Sandalwood essential oil and herbs to open your intuition like mugwort, resins, and crystals amethyst and sodalite for intuition and good communication It is made in a reusable cast iron cauldron that you can use to give offerings to your ancestors.

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Step 6: Regular Maintenance
A well-maintained ancestral altar is essential for an ongoing connection. Set aside dedicated time to clean and tend to the altar. Dust the area, replace old offerings, and refresh the flowers or plants regularly. Keep the energy flowing and vibrant by lighting new candles and offering new incense regularly.

Setting up an ancestral altar is a heartfelt way to nurture the connection with our ancestors, respectfully honoring their legacy. By following this guide, you can create a sacred space that serves as a potent bridge between the past and present, inviting the wisdom and support of your ancestral lineage into your life. Remember, the bond with your ancestors is deeply personal; trust your intuition and allow it to guide you in creating a unique and meaningful tribute.


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