October Tarotscopes

Hello, dear souls! Let’s take a look at what October has in store for all 12 signs of the zodiac. My recommendation to you is to look at your sun, moon, and rising signs for a comprehensive look at the themes of your month. This is meant to be a prediction, a guide, and a road map. It will help you be prepared for what’s to come your way this month and even navigate around potential problems. This Friday, October 6th, Beth is hosting a Cut & Clear Group Ritual. This is a great way to receive spiritual help at a group rate.

The ultimate objective of our Cut & Clear Group Service is to empower you to reclaim your life. Through shedding the weight of past hurts, toxic relationships, karmic debt, energetic cords, and limiting beliefs, you will rediscover your inner strength, resilience, and self-worth. Armed with newfound confidence and clarity, you will be equipped to manifest your dreams, cultivate healthy relationships, and create a future brimming with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

The Cut and Clear Group Service offers you a chance to break free from the chains of the past and embrace a life filled with possibility and transformation. Don't let the weight of unresolved emotions hold you back any longer. Join our service today and embark on a journey of healing, growth, and lasting empowerment.

Aries~ The Tower. Well Aries, you’re starting us off with a bang. There’s some big changes happening this month. Some might feel really shocking. Rest assured that whatever occurs, whatever comes to an end or undergoes a massive change, it leads to your liberation. This might be the month where you finally blow your top. Watch your temper and anxiety. There’s things that you have been holding on to that need to come out. The pressure has been building, here comes the release.

Taurus~ Justice reversed. Taurus, this month is going to require you to take accountability for your actions. You may not want to accept it, but you have blame in a certain situation and you may be hoping someone else will take the fall. Make sure you aren’t over reacting to things this month. It won’t work out the way you hope. If you haven’t been honest or rational it will catch up with you. For others, you may be on the receiving end of some unfair treatment. Rationality, logic, honesty, and remaining reasonable will carry you through.

Gemini~ 9 of Cups. Success. Accomplishment. All your hard work is coming together. Gemini, October is your month. You have cultivated something truly magical and the rewards are showing up. This is a month for you to make wishes. The Universe is on your side and is working in your favor. I see one more thing, a warning. Some of you may encounter some arrogant types this month. They may be smug and hogging the glory. Don’t let them get you down. Be sure to toot your horn, and don’t play small.

Cancer~ 8 of Cups, The Chariot. This month will be deeply spiritual for you. Through your personal practices you will chart new territory. If you are thinking of traveling it will do you a lot of good. Go for it and pursue your dreams. Some of you may be moving or making plans. I sense a little bit of sorrow. Try not to fret too much, it really is for the best. A word of advice, this month, let go and let God. There will be many cosmic forces at play in your life. They are leading you in the right direction.

Leo~ 3 of Cups. Leo, it’s a great month for you to connect with people important to you. I see some happy reunions with long lost family, lovers, friends. It’s a month to celebrate the relationships that are most important to you. I also feel a big collaboration coming in. It leads to some serious prosperity and celebration. It’s a good month for you to be social. Put yourself out there as much as possible and it will lead you where you’d like to go. Ask for support when needed. Attend that event. Host one yourself. It’s all lovely.

Virgo~ Ace of Swords. October brings breakthroughs for you, Virgo. I see new projects or ideas coming your way. These will be successful and will help to arm you for success moving forward. It’s a month where you find a lot of clarity and are able to act on it. I feel that some of you will need to take a stand or make a point, you may even be defending someone or something important to you. You will wield your mental swords wisely and will be able to communicate your feelings effectively. Trust what you see and know to be true.

Libra~ The Lovers. There’s a new partnership incoming, Libra. For some it’s love, for other’s work, or friendship. The Universe is stepping in to put the right people in your path. The more good you put out this month, the more good will come back to you. Your choices matter this month, Libra. You may encounter a dilemma that doesn’t seem to have an obvious solution. Think carefully before deciding. It might be a month where you need to show just what you’re made of and what you stand for. Fight for what’s right.

Scorpio~ The Sun. Firstly, happy SCORPIO SEASON!! 🦂 This is an omen of the positive turn after a period of sadness and struggle. This month is abundant with joy and success. This is a sign that a lot of blessings and positive news is coming your way. This card is encouraging you to have a positive outlook in life. Relationships get back on track. You are in alignment with your truth and nothing feels as good as that. I feel for some of you that you will be bringing joy to others this month. You are radiating a glowing aura of love and affection and it’s positively impacting those around you.

Sagittarius~ 10 of Cups. October brings happy endings and blessed new beginnings your way. This is a card that signals emotional fulfillment is present and possible. You may find yourself experiencing more fulfillment and emotional stability. It’s a great month to prioritize spending time with those who help to fill your cups. It’s through giving back to your community, important relationships, taking care of your home, finishing up passion projects that will bring you the most fulfillment. You may attend a party, celebration, or family reunion. You’ll have a great time. It’s a month to forge authentic connections.

Capricorn~ 9 of Swords, 5 of Swords. Capricorn, you really need to protect your energy this month. There are people lurking who are looking to stab a knife in your back. They’re scheming and plotting. Watching you with envious eyes and speaking negativity over your name. You may even already be suspicious of who this is. This is a person who is sneaky and underhanded and willing to do anything to win. They don’t care how they impact others, their only concern is victory.

Aquarius~ 7 of Swords & The Heirophant. This month may find you dealing with folks who just don’t want to play by the rules. They’re trying to worm their way out of obligations or trying to gather information from you to steal your methods and ideas. This is a warning to not take anything at face value this month or you could wind up with a lemon or in a pickle. You could also encounter a false prophet. Someone is trying to pretend to be something they’re not. Be warned. Your vigilance will save you. The other side of this could be needing to examine and question rules more closely. If you are dealing with someone trying to lay down a law, it would benefit you to question their beliefs because they may not align with your values. Creative thinking and creative problem-solving will serve you well.

Pisces~ The World. A major chapter comes to a close and it’s time to move forward. All the efforts you have been making will pay off. This month brings you reasons to feel complete, content, and happy. It’s a great month for you to give back to the world. You will find a desire to take up an important cause. In October you will benefit greatly from gratitude. This card says that where you focus your will circle that same energy back into your life.


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