Full Moon In Libra Tarotscopes

The full moon is here on Monday, 2/25/2024. Let’s get some guidance on what this moon is bringing to the surface for you and what you should be focusing on.


Aries~ Illumination~ The Fool~ A new beginning is emerging for you, dear Aries. This moon triggers a period of rebirth and you may be learning something new. For some of you, you may also learn a lesson about trusting too easily. Yes, you should have faith but being passive and naive is not serving you. Focus~ 3 of Cups Lean on those close to you and look for ways to count your blessings. Working with others, reuniting with loved ones, manifesting celebrations should be on your agenda this evening. Some of you may be thinking of traveling soon or attending a gathering.

Taurus~ Illumination~ 3 of cups. Look, I shuffle for jumpers so this isn’t a fluke. You are learning valuable lessons around joy and pleasure. How very Taurus of you. Indulge yourself, care for yourself, celebrate yourself. Focus~ Queen of Cups. Doing what feels right in your heart is what you need to be focusing on. Your focus may be on matters of the heart, this is a great use of your energy. Set some intentions around love and healthy relationships.

Gemini~ Illumination: 5 of Cups. You really need to let go of past disappointment. It’s holding you back and impeding your progress. Someone or something has let you down and left you sad and because you are giving too much energy over to this influence you are missing what’s most important. Focus: King Of Swords. YOU are ethical and responsible and at the end of the day all you can control is you. Don’t get trapped in your head, put that mental energy to good use and study something new, read a good book, finish up that important project.

Cancer~ Illumination: Justice. Cancer, this full moon for you is all centered around karma. Things from the past are resurfacing and how you handle it now will determine your future. You have some big life lessons ahead of you. The truth will ultimately set you free. Legal things may be on the docket, handle it now. Focus: The High Priestess~ Tonight cancer you need to call upon a higher power. Whether that is your spiritual team, your higher self, or God, this is going to help illuminate your path forward as you traverse the unknown. Things may have recently or will be revealed to you that you weren't aware of previously it's imperative that you take the most balanced approach possible.

Leo~ illumination: eight of Swords reversed. Leo this full moon in Libra is going to highlight yourself limiting beliefs and the way in which your anxiety holds you back. You are plagued by a lack of self-confidence and it is preventing you from moving forward. You need to open yourself up to new perspectives ,new ways of thinking. There is a solution to be found, but you've got to relax to find it. Face your fears and take control and you will survive this. Focus: king of Pentacles. Your focus needs to be on security and stability and you possibly need to review your finances. Tonight it would benefit you to do some grounding work and some work to release financial blockages.

Virgo~ illumination: Death. Dear Virgo I see this Moon bringing to you a profound change. There is a message coming, it is one that puts you on a whole new path. You have no choice but to surrender to what is falling away, but this makes room for so many new blessings to come in. Focus: nine of Pentacles. Your focus needs to be on your finances, Virgo. Much like Leo, you have got to shore up your financial boundaries. Work on your security and your future and tonight would be a good night to focus on releasing financial blockages.

Libra~ illumination: page of Pentacles. I see you Libra and you're on a quest to understand, a quest for knowledge. You should find some answers within the next few days that helps you seriously level up your life and your skill set. Focus: Two of Wands. Before you make any moves you need to establish a clear plan to chart a path forward. Now is the time for you to gather information and take your time when making decisions. You may feel a bit restless, this will pass soon.

Scorpio~ illumination: ace of Swords. a truth has emerged for you scorpio. Some news has or is coming in and it's not your back nor good, it's what you do with it that counts. This is a breakthrough. Even if it feels shocking, there is an opportunity for you to challenge your perceptions around yourself and your capabilities. Focus: the Sun. your focus needs to be on success Scorpio. You need to put energy into Joy, optimism, happiness and enthusiasm. If you don't like the circumstances you are facing right now this soon will change and you're going to have a lot of reasons to celebrate.

Sagittarius~ illumination: Six of Pentacles. You need to focus your energy on feeling worthy of receiving abundance. I feel like this is a struggle for some of you but Sagittarius you are an incredibly generous person. There is nothing wrong with asking for support when and where you need it. I see there is a need to bring some balance to financial matters. Focus: four of Pentacles. you need to be putting your energy into remaining grounded and focusing on what helps you feel secure and stable. Sagittarius you are not a greedy person in your nature so don't try to cling to tightly to how you think things should be, this could create blockages for you. You need to focus on some flexibility.

Capricorn~ illumination: two of cups. Capricorn this full moon and Libra, which has a lot to do with relationships and balance, is illuminating for you the closest Connections in your life. Any challenge that you face can be overcome by leaning on your support systems. You may also find deepened feelings under this full moon in Libra for another person. Focus: two of swords. bearing in mind that you have two of Cups and two of Swords here looks as though you and someone close to you are facing a big important decision as you really unclear about how to proceed. Do people closest to you can be your allies or your opponents, don't make enemies out of lovers.

Aquarius~ illumination: ace of Swords. A breakthrough is headed your way. I see you also facing a challenge at the present moment and you have the intellectual capabilities to conquer and succeed in this endeavor. This is not a time for you to sit back and be passive it is a time for you to take action. Focus: The Chariot. Your focus needs to be on Victory and overcoming obstacles, Aquarius. This combination of cards tells me that whatever you are coming up against you are going to conquer it. Aquarius, you need to do some road opening work.

Pisces~ illumination: ace of cups: Pisces this full moon in Libra is going to have you very emotional. There could be a fresh start coming in your love life or a deepening of an existing connection. You may want to focus on releasing some stuck emotions this evening. Focus: 10 of cups. This full moon in Libra is going to have your mind heavy on family and domestic matters. Tonight is a good night to celebrate those who mean the most to you. Tell them how much you love them.


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