March Tarot Forecast All 12 Signs

I am SO excited to be bringing back the monthly Tarotscopes! This monthly blog is getting a face lift. Now, every month, this Tarotscope will include a reading for all 12 signs as well as all the need-to-know astro tea! ☕ This won’t cover every transit, but I’ll endeavor to cover the juiciest ones, in my opinion. We appreciate your patience, loyalty, and continued support while we worked hard to bring you this change! Without further adieu, let us dive into the deets!

What’s the Astrolo-tea for March?

On March 1st we have the Moon in Scorpio forming an opposition to Uranus in Taurus at 12:53 pm EST. This can create emotional turbulence. Your desire for freedom and autonomy within the context of certain relationships can come into focus and need addressing but there will be an urge to suppress or control feelings. You could see some power struggles surface but these can be resolved by embracing help from others and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. You don’t have to do it all alone. Wait until 2:53 pm to have discussions with others about your feelings and avoid extra anxiety. Use the time between 12:53 and 2:53 to process your feelings and do some serious inner work.

On March 3rd Venus is going to make a square with Uranus at 8:17 am. Breakfast convos could turn weird or spicy! You or your partner could be testing one another’s last nerve or even your loyalties. If one or both of you is too headstrong, or apathetic, or maybe interested in other people, it could get annoying! Things could get really insecure the following day when the Moon squares Neptune which can bring insecurities to the surface. On the other hand, March 3rd’s Venus square Uranus this is an excellent transit for some bedroom adventures. Want to try that thing you read about in your fave romance novel? This is your moment to strike! This would not be a good time to start a new relationship if you want something long term.

On Sunday, March 10th we have a New Moon in Pisces, which also means we will have the New Moon Money Honey service that day as well! Ramadan also begins on March 10th at Sundown. 🕌 At 5:00 am The Sun and The Moon in Pisces will form a conjunction which brings a great awakening of your imagination. Pay attention to any ideas you have at this time! A New Moon in Pisces sets an emotional but strongly intuitive vibe for the day. It’s an excellent day for healing work. Use this transit to work on doubt, letting go of guilt, working through insecurity. It’s a great day for meditation or energy cleansing.

On Thursday, March 14th The Moon in Taurus sextiles The Sun in Pisces at 1:57 pm. The Moon in Pisces also sextiles Neptune in Pisces during a v/c moon at 6:29pm. This is an excellent evening to engage in creative endeavors and to work on material matters and practical things.

Ostara or the Spring Equinox begins on March 19th. This is also the start of Aries season! At 6:49 pm the moon in Leo will oppose Pluto in Aquarius which can bring up some intense feelings and moods can shift. It may be a good night to stay in and watch a movie alone or read a good book.

On March 25th, the moon is full in the sign of Libra. There is also a Lunar Eclipse at 2:12 am EST. This is a day where themes around equality and fairness, balance and harmony are up for scrutiny. You may feel a strong urge to keep the peace and thus could tend towards swallowing your feelings instead of confronting things head on. It’s a good day to do some reflection on why we may choose to play small at times and to work on letting go of external pressure to perform.

Now… To the Tarot readings…

Aries~ 8 of Swords & Knight of Cups. Aries, you could find yourself feeling a little stuck in March. You’re trying to break free from some sort of restrictions and despite your best efforts you seem to be boxed in. The Knight Of Cups is here to tell you that the solution lies outside of said box, outside of the problem. That is to say, the more you focus on the issue the further the solution moves away. You are only as limited as you believe yourself to be. This combination tells me your heart is longing for something but your mind is holding you in place. Let your heart lead the way.

Taurus~ The Sun! I want to be Taurus in March! You will have plenty of reasons to celebrate in March. You could be attending weddings, parties or celebrations. Also expect some praise or recognition for your hard work. If you are going on or planning any trips this will be an excellent time to do so. If you are a single Taurus, you could meet a promising new prospects. Get your flirt on and let loose.

Gemini~ 7 of Cups. Gemini, you have plenty of options before you but not all that glitters is gold. Make sure you are fully aware of what you are getting yourself in to before you decide to pursue or explore further. This is a good month to not be sucked in by tricks, trust what you are seeing and don’t be fooled but a sh*t sandwich wrapped in gold. You may have a hard time determining which end is up or how to make sense of your feelings this month.

Cancer~ 9 & 10 of Pentacles. Oh, Cancer, it’s raining cash! Your finances are looking up. It’s a good month to get financial affairs in order such as taxes, estates, wills, contracts and the like. Things are feeling really solid for you in March, if this year has been off to a rocky start, rest assured things are about to improve! It’s a good month to get your home enviroment in order. Maybe prep the garden for spring or get some new knick nacks. Declutter and count your cash! lol

Leo~ 9 of Cups. Something you have been working hard on, wanting, longing for is coming into your life. Judgment is at the bottom so it may be that a glorious and life changing opportunity is going to spring forth for you! This is awesome! Work will be happy though you may be called to step up to the plate in some regard. Your career could reach new levels this month. You could see more work opportunities flowing in. You may also receive some accolades or high honors for a job well done. Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn and don’t forget those who helped you get there along the way!

Virgo~ Queen of Cups & Queen of Pentacles. Virgo, the women in your life will play major roles this month. It’s a good month to solidify your relationship with your girlfriends, your mom, your sister, your wife, your boss, etc. If you need help or are in need of guidance look to th nurturing and knowledgeable women in your life.

Libra~ 10 Of Pentacles~ OOOOOOO Libra, you are in the money honey!!!! Finances are looking solid. You could see additional wealth coming your way either through work or inheritance or perhaps some other kind of windfall. If you are thinking of buying or selling property or moving this is a wonderful month to do so! Things could be feeling extra cozy and solid at home too. Enjoy the vibes!

Scorpio~ The Empress. Scorpio, if you are working on a project of some sort or a creative endeavor March spells success in your work! If you are a business owner, this month is going to be fertile and abundant. I feel for some of you this is the start of a new, better chapter. You could be finding your groove in a creative process and really figuring out how to make it work for you. You could be developing a new product or birthing a new idea. Whatever it is, it bring major success your way. If you are trying for a baby this month could bring some good news. It could be someone else in your family has an announcement as well.

Sagittarius~ 8 of Wands. Saggy, you are going full steam ahead in March! You’ve got the wind at your back, freedom in front of you and you are ready to take flight. If you are traveling this is an excellent omen. If you are working on business endeavors all your marketing will translate well and will land you hot new opportunities. You’re going to know the right thing to say at exactly the right time and it’s going to generate all the buzz! I also feel some of you will be getting some recognition for doing a good job! Lastly, some juicy gossip or flirty texts could come your way! Fun!

Capricorn~ 10 of Cups. Capricorn, you have some very pleasant and happy experiences coming your way. If you are attending a family reunion or drawing someone special closer this is a great sign! Some of you Caps in a relationship could be taking things to new levels of closeness. If you are thinking of moving homes this is a good omen for that. March seems to bring a lot of reasons to be happy your way. The people who mean the most to you are really showing up and showing out in the best ways.

Aquarius~ Ace of Pentacles. That fresh start you’ve been seeking has arrived. Opportunities are all around, you need only seize them. This month I want to be sure to only select the best opportunities, don’t over extend yourself. Give your all to what matters most. Money is going to be very friendly to you in March. I sense some changes within relationships too. Things are moving to exciting new levels. If you are single, you meet a new prospect. If you are coupled there could be a proposal or maybe you make things official in another way. It looks nice!

Pisces~ 7 of Swords & 6 of Pentacles. Pisces, do not let anyone get away with not pulling their weight or doing their fair share. You need to be mindful around other’s this month or you could find folks slacking and you suffering as a result. This is also a good month to get very honest with yourself about how you and how others are showing up within relationships. While doing your assessments, don’t forget to look within too. If you aren’t pulling your weight it will be made known in March. Fairness, reciprocity, duty, and boundaries will all be highlighted this month. Step lively!

Thank you everyone! Love you! Blessed be!



Full Moon In Libra Tarotscopes


February’s Full Moon In Virgo