August Tarotscopes

Happy August everyone! We have a wild month ahead of us with some pretty intense or tricky transits to traverse. Up first, we have the hot news everyone is talking about, Mercury Retrograde! This will be happening in the signs of Virgo, then Leo. Because of that we will all likely be faced head on with how our routines and our perception of ourselves are helping or hindering us. As usual, Mercury Retrograde will bring with it some chaos, delays, and confusion. Communication can get dicey, technology malfunctions, and just what is up with all the traffic and airline issues? Not to mention, I have noticed Mercury Retrograde likes to claim household appliances too. It can cause difficulties with managing tasks or completing work.

But it most definitely isn’t all bad. I am a firm believer in “As Above. So Below.” So, if it is happening in the cosmos you can rest assured it is happening to benefit us in some way. There are many ways to use this time to your advantage for your growth and long-term prosperity. A few things I find helpful:

  • Embrace the delay! Use this time to reflect, revise, review, redo, revive. You may find yourself with extra time on your hands and so instead of fretting over it, use it to your advantage.

  • DO NOT be rigid. Especial with Mercury Retrograde happening in these two signs. Practice detachment and stay flexible.

  • Plan for delays and mishaps. Always have a backup plan for what you are doing during this time and give yourself lots of extra time. It will save you frustration.

  • Observe what is happening around you but don’t absorb it.

    Communicate very mindfully. Don’t react to misunderstandings or communication snafus, instead pause and reflect and formulate a good response. Don’t do anything in anger.

There’s two dates I think may be especially important during this transit:

August 7th brings us an excellent healing opportunity! If you have been wanting closure around a past relationship or looking for the ideal time to reconcile differences in existing relationships then this is a great day for it! Venus will be moving into Virgo and joining forces with Mercury Retrograde giving us the opportunity to turn sour grapes into sweet honey. It’s also an opportunity to resolve financial conflicts.

Then, on August 18th, Mercury Retrograde in Leo is forming a square to Uranus. OOF! This bring major drama into the news. There could be shocking revelations on the world stage. It’s also possible you may receive some news in your personal life that leads to explosive revelations. This could be good. While it may feel shocking in the moment, it could lead to BIG changes after you make a few small ones. Be extra careful on this day when operating machines, technology, knives, appliances, and while driving. Unusual ideas should not be dismissed. Hold onto them and ponder them until the retrograde is over.

You do not need to fear this transit if you work with it and use it to your advantage. We are hosting a Mercury Retrograde Rescue service that will help to mitigate delays, miscommunications, tech problems, and keep you safe, peaceful, prosperous and protected. We also have the Midas Touch coming up on Sunday. Our monthly money service is back. The results have been stellar!

Midas Touch Money Service
from $50.00

This ritual is meant to draw untold success, prosperity, good fortune to you. It will help you to make better and more thoughtful decisions in all areas of your life. It will keep you from getting side tracked or distracted. It helps to protect your blessings.

Develop better work ethic, increase focus and productivity. Helps to get you in the vibration of wealth and abundance, align your thoughts to a wealth mindset as opposed to a scarcity mindset. Increase feelings of gratitude and mindfulness of all of life’s blessings great or small. Become a magnet for money to attract wealth, abundance, and wellbeing.

Turn everything you touch into gold. Use this service to attract wealth, luxury experiences and vacations, dream possessions, and abundant success. Make everything work in your favor. Attract clients & steady work. Keep money flowing in at a steady and abundant rate. Make all financial dealings work in your best interest. Attract high paying customers and big tippers. Attract overtime and raises. Attract generosity from all around you, even strangers. Attract unexpected financial blessings.

Great for situations where you are seeking financial assistance or approval in financial related matters, too! Such as asking for a promotion, seeking a loan, seeking government assistance, buying & selling a home, business transactions and more.


These are additional add on 7-Day candle services for you to customize your service to suit your needs. They’re only $10 additional!

If you are feeling really stuck mentally around your finances you would likely benefit from an uncrossing.

If you are feeling totally blocked, you’ll benefit from a blockbuster.

If you feel you need spirit to help clear out some obstacles and open up the pathways to opportunities, you’ll likely need a road opener.

If you want your results to come as fast as possible, choose the Speedy Results.

If you feel you need or want a dose of luck, Good Luck is the choice for you.

You have the option to purchase a candle reading and/or a 15 minute DM/Recorded reading as well to accompany your work. This can help give you clarity and direction to ensure your results are the best possible. It will be a financial reading only.

If you don’t want spell boosters or readings simply select “none”.

Midas Touch:
Ritual Boosters:
Add To Cart

Okay, lets get into your readings! Check your sun, moon, and rising!

Aries~ The Hierophant: Aries, you need to seek out some guidance this month. Perhaps you need to see the doctor, get a good sesh in with your spiritual advisor, or have a meeting with your boss. This is much needed and will help you get some good ideas for how to proceed in certain areas. You may also find yourself stepping the role of the wise mentor this month. If you’ve got a message you need to share, let it fly.

Taurus~ Page of Swords: I see that your mind is quite sharp this month. I want you to embrace an energy of curiosity as you move through situations this month. It’s a great month to acquire needed knowledge or info or to change your perspective. You may also be gaining a new understanding of how to back up your words with your actions, I see some big ideas coming through.

Gemini~ Temperance: Gemini, you are working hard and creating some new things so be sure to balance that work with rest. Don’t over exert yourself this month. Make time for rest, it will fuel your creative juices and refill your cup. Despite the retrograde you can find your groove. The trick is to embrace a steady flow, and don’t rush anything.

Cancer~ Ace of Wands: This month is bringing powerful change and fresh opportunities. I feel like a fire is being lit or reignited for you. You finally see that opportunity coming into view or coming back to life. It’s a great month for you to say yes, even with the retrograde. The Universe is bringing some exciting options to you. If you get an urge or an idea, don’t ignore it. Maybe wait to launch until the retrograde is over, but work out the details in the meantime.

Leo~ The Wheel of Fortune: Things are changing for you in a big way. If things have felt difficult lately, a big shift is on the horizon. You are learning to ride the waves of life, and if there’s some undesirable events transpiring you have what you need to break the wheel and stop the vicious cycle for good. It is your season, the Lion’s Gate is coming up. I see some big wins, major breakthroughs, and lucky breaks coming in.

Virgo~ Queen of Pentacles: Oh, Virgo, money looks so good for you. Things are feeling secure and comfy around you and it’s because you have worked hard to make it so. Your mother may also need some attention or may come up as a relevant theme this month. I see you making some really solid decisions this month that not only benefit you, but your family. You see what matters most.

Libra~ Seven of Cups: Libra, I am feeling this strong need to encourage you to allow yourself to day dream. Indulge a good fantasy. This could be diving into a juicy romance novel or visualizing a dream coming true. This isn’t about being delulu, it’s about manifesting a powerful vision, one that you may not see in the physical quite yet, but feel in your inner world. This may require you to get honest with yourself about some things but this feels like a huge release.

Scorpio~ 4 of Pentacle: Solid Scorpio. That is what you are. You are patient, determined, and holding tight to your vision in the most empowering way. I do want to tell you that it is time to let people in. Stop guarding your heart or holding onto the past so tightly. You can’t get to where you want by living in the past. Sure, maybe there were some disappointments, but is carrying that weight helping or hindering you? Forgive yourself. Money looks super solid in August.

Sagittarius~ The Star: A time of renewal, peace, and prosperity awaits you. You may have felt like you were being put to the test lately but things are about to balance out. I feel a renewed sense of purpose emerging within you. You finally see that the Universe has always been on your side. Next time things get dicey, maybe don’t panic as much? LOL It’s important that you are generous of spirit over the next few weeks. It will have a major impact on you.

Capricorn~ 10 of Cups: This month you feel content with something or someone. The retrograde isn’t holding you back. Perhaps it is helping you by providing you with the necessary time needed to make some emotional transformations. You are comfortable this month. I also see some important new people coming into your orbit. This is something you have been waiting for.

Aquarius~ The Emperor: Look at you, large and in charge. You are shaping your world and securing your future through hard work and commitment. Your efforts will be successful this month. At work, you could making a great impression on an authority figure. Your mind is particularly sharp this month. I have this sense that you will be mastering some new task or gaining power in mentally challenging situation.

Pisces~ King of Wands: Pisces, you will need a good strategy to get through this month. You have the power to bring things together in exactly the right way. I see you receiving this download or vision of sort of where you need to be heading next in a key area of your life. For some of you this is work related, and for others, it’s more about an internal change. You may also be called to step into a role that requires much more visibility than you are used to. You’ve got this!

I hope this was helpful for all of you! Thank you and have a great August. Blessed Be.



September Tarotscopes


July Tarotscopes