September Tarotscopes

September tarot cards for all 12 signs

Happy, happy, September to you all! I don’t know about you but I am SO ready for fall. We are moving out of mercury retrograde’s shadow, which comes to a complete end on the 11th. Don’t get too comfortable because we are now entering eclipse season. This month it is imperative to focus on grounding because of the eclipses. Eclipses always come in pairs, 2 weeks apart. On the 17th, we have a full super moon eclipse in pisces. This brings forward an amplification of our feelings, our dreams, and how we can use them to express the fullness of who we are. It’s also a great time to do shadow work.

This full moon eclipse can also bring karmic endings. If, during this time, you experience any sort of ending know that it is helping to bring you into alignment with your destiny. What happens this month will all inevitably be urging you to clear away emotions, fears and shadow energies that may be preventing you from fully embodying the true expression of who you are. Especially as we get closer to Neptune leaving Pisces in the middle of this month, you may see where you have been disillusioned.

Then on the 22nd, we have the Equinox. Day and night becomes equal. Nature is harmonizing. Balance is here. This is a magical time to lift the veil to see beyond what your eyes have been able to witness. You can use this time to truly change your life in profound and deep ways. If you want some personal guidance to help you understand how best to work with this eclipse, or what the eclipse is trying to show you, you can book an eclipse reading below.

Full Moon Eclipse Reading

Select this reading to see what changes you need to make, how to make them and how to be successful. I will do a deep dive into what this full moon eclipse is bringing to the surface for you.

Were running low! Act fast!
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Before we continue, don’t forget that this Friday we have 3 group candle services to choose from.


Attract anything you desire. This service will help to make you charming, charismatic, successful, lucky, compelling, persuasive, magnetic and irresistible. Become a magnet for all you desire whether it be love, wealth, work, approval, favor, or anything you desire.

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Triple Skull Service

Triple Love Defense~ use for love to stop your partner from hearing, seeing, or speaking to third party or anyone meddling or anyone you desire to have cut out of the picture.

Stop Gossip~ Tie their tongue, make their words ineffective against you, put a stop to slander, lies, or words that will cause you harm, shut them up, prevent rumors from spreading, stop gossip, expose your enemy to others for who they are.

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Aries~ The Empress: A season of harvest will greet you this month. Your efforts to nurture your dreams or goals or yourself bear a sweet fruit and you are being encouraged to allow yourself to enjoy it. Spoil yourself, you deserve it.

Taurus~ Page of Swords: News finds you. You must remain vigilant this month. Protect what is important. Protect your ideas. Be ready to act swiftly and think on your feet. You are too clever to not see what is coming. Keep your wins to yourself.

Gemini~The High Priestess: You are stepping into your power this month. You are conjuring up some intense magic that ushers in a season of change. This is good for you. You have information to share and information to gain. It’s your kind of month.

Cancer~ 6 of Cups: When you surround yourself with the right people it is easy to see that there’s goodness for all. Invest in the ones who lift you up. Who fill your cup as you fill theirs. This brings a profoundly healing energy to your life. Absorb it all, let the love soak in.

Leo~ Spirit Of Midnight: The veil is lifting. You finally see the light, the way, the truth. What was dark is now glowing brightly, exposed for you to see. Bring balance to these issues. Use your keen wisdom and fierce spirit to carry you through. Trust your instincts.

Virgo~ King Of Pentacles: It’s time to take in your kingdom. Your efforts have been richly rewarded, you are a Virgo, you do do everything perfectly. LOL Allow yourself to feel your own glory. It is safe for you to receive.

Libra~ 10 of Swords Reversed: It’s time to set this down, Libra. These swords are not yours to carry, they belong to whomever placed them in your back. Their projections are weapons you do not have to succumb to and no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Something great is on the horizon.

Scorpio~ Queen of Cups x Wheel of Fortune: This is a time for you to trust your instincts. Things within you are changing for the better. There may be some upheaval, it may even come unexpectedly, but it is changing your fortune in a positive way. Some new feelings or information is revealed to you, and it changes your outlook. The eclipse in Pisces could be especially potent for you.

Sagittarius~ 10 of Pentacles: Things feel more secure this month than they have recently. You have the right group of people around you. They will be helping you build a new kingdom that is prosperous, protected, and connected.

Capricorn~ Judgment: The horn blows. A call rings from the Heavens of which you cannot ignore. Will you rise to the occasion? If you do you will reach new levels and breakthrough barriers. Something is weighing on you, trying to keep you buried but you are about to burst forth.

Aquarius~ Ace Of Swords Reversed, 7 of Wands, Queen of Pentacles: A challenging conversation emerges. Speak very intentionally. Watch out for being on the defense in yourself and others. You can move past this if you are willing to focus on nurturing and not on being right.

Pisces~ 7 of Swords: A sneaky little imp sneaks in trying to tempt you into a bad decision. Resist the urge. Say no. Choose wisely. Protect your energy. All is not as it seems. Someone is an opportunist and does not have your best interests at heart.


August Tarotscopes