July Tarotscopes

Hello there and happy July. I wanted to start off this month’s blogs by first showing my gratitude for all of you. I am very happy and grateful to have all of you loyal readers, customers, and clients. All of you have changed my life in many profound ways and I hope I give that back to you. Thank you for your continued support. 🩷

This Friday we have this month’s new moon. It will be resting in the sign of Cancer. This is an ideal time to focus on manifesting financial and emotional security. The moon loves being in Cancer, as it rules Cancer. It’s the perfect time to cast spells that bring your relationships closer, to heal emotional wounds, and to manifest new, emotionally fulfilling beginnings. That is why on Friday I will be holding the monthly Midas Touch money ritual and the Hold Me Closer jar service.

Midas Touch Money Service
from $50.00

This ritual is meant to draw untold success, prosperity, good fortune to you. It will help you to make better and more thoughtful decisions in all areas of your life. It will keep you from getting side tracked or distracted. It helps to protect your blessings.

Develop better work ethic, increase focus and productivity. Helps to get you in the vibration of wealth and abundance, align your thoughts to a wealth mindset as opposed to a scarcity mindset. Increase feelings of gratitude and mindfulness of all of life’s blessings great or small. Become a magnet for money to attract wealth, abundance, and wellbeing.

Turn everything you touch into gold. Use this service to attract wealth, luxury experiences and vacations, dream possessions, and abundant success. Make everything work in your favor. Attract clients & steady work. Keep money flowing in at a steady and abundant rate. Make all financial dealings work in your best interest. Attract high paying customers and big tippers. Attract overtime and raises. Attract generosity from all around you, even strangers. Attract unexpected financial blessings.

Great for situations where you are seeking financial assistance or approval in financial related matters, too! Such as asking for a promotion, seeking a loan, seeking government assistance, buying & selling a home, business transactions and more.


These are additional add on 7-Day candle services for you to customize your service to suit your needs. They’re only $10 additional!

If you are feeling really stuck mentally around your finances you would likely benefit from an uncrossing.

If you are feeling totally blocked, you’ll benefit from a blockbuster.

If you feel you need spirit to help clear out some obstacles and open up the pathways to opportunities, you’ll likely need a road opener.

If you want your results to come as fast as possible, choose the Speedy Results.

If you feel you need or want a dose of luck, Good Luck is the choice for you.

You have the option to purchase a candle reading and/or a 15 minute DM/Recorded reading as well to accompany your work. This can help give you clarity and direction to ensure your results are the best possible. It will be a financial reading only.

If you don’t want spell boosters or readings simply select “none”.

Midas Touch:
Ritual Boosters:
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Hold Me Closer Jar

This jar service is worked to draw pleasure, love, happiness, beauty, commitment, passion, attraction, self love, romance, true love, attract a specific person or an unspecified new partner who is in alignment with your highest good. It can also be worked to heal issues within a current relationship and to bring the spark and closeness back into the relationship. It also helps to improve communication and motivate your partner to spend more time with you. 

Were running low! Act fast!
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Okay, let’s get into these readings!

Aries~ King Of Cups. Go easy on yourself this month, dear Aries. Your emotions could be front and center and could be making it hard to see what’s up. Don’t let the storm inside create storms outside. You must remember your power and capabilities. Folks and situations could be testing your patience. This month, it will benefit you to try and go with flow. A little tolerance and compassion for yourself and others will take you far.

Taurus~ 4 of Wands. Taurus, are you going to a fun party without me? Okay, fine, be that way! 🤪 In all seriousness, if you have a chance to kick off your shoes and dance and celebrate, go for it. Maybe you’re attending a fun event or wedding. It will be a wonderful time for all involved. You may also have some other reasons to celebrate this month. You’re scoring a big win. Yay!

Gemini~ 2 of Cups. Relations move to a whole new level of seriousness for you this month, Gemini. You and someone important are growing closer or getting a new understanding of one another. You could find yourself attracting all the right people, jobs, clients, opportunities, etc. Things feel balanced and by the time the month is over you will see who is for you and who isn’t. Also, there could be a happy reunion for some of you Geminis. Yay!

Cancer~ 7 of Pentacles. Cancer, what’s testing your patience? It’s a good month to ask yourself why you NEED things to happen NOW instead of when the time is right? Your ability to adapt and persist past obstacles is put to the test this month. There could be a snake in your grass so please protect your energy and cut out anything that isn’t serving your growth.

Leo~ The Star. Leo, you have been going through it lately and this month brings some needed relief. The light at the end of the tunnel becomes visible and you finally see the opportunity you’ve been searching for peek out. I see a renewal of faith incoming for you. Some of you have really been questioning yourselves, your choices, the Universe. You have not been forsaken, you are just in the midst of a transformation. Let the Universe show you what it’s been working on for you behind the scenes.

Virgo~ Knight Of Pentacles. Patience, Virgo. You have to make decisions with care this month. Do not rush into anything. You need time for things to unfold before you can make your next move. Plan, prep, stay aware. Financially, things seem solid this month. You’re cultivating a big win.

Libra~ Queen Of Swords. Off with their heads, Libra! There’s an energy lingering in your orbit that I sense is ticking you off. It’s like a fly that won’t die or a guest who has overstayed their welcome and won’t leave. You have to be direct, blunt, don’t mince words. It may not be pretty but this has got to come to an end. Cut it out and don’t look back.

Scorpio~ 3 of Wands. I get this sense that you need to have patience, Scorpio. You are sitting here like “wtf, where are the results?!?!?!?” They’re coming. You may need to come up with a new plan of action to bring people together to accomplish a specific goal. You will pull this off very well. There’s maybe a move or pivot or change of direction you are considering, gather the facts then act. Travel and outdoor activities bring you joy and rewards.

Sagittarius~ Knight of Swords. I think it’s time you remember your power, Sagittarius. There’s some stuff you are growing tired of and you are ready to tackle it and conquer it. Your ambition will take you far. Don’t let anyone or anything slow you down. Go with what comes up for you and adapt.

Capricorn~ Ace of Cups. New opportunities are making their way to you. I get a sense of new levels of emotional fulfillment. This can be in romance, work, or any other area of importance. I also sense a creative breakthrough coming in for you. Open yourself up to new possibilities and see where they take you.

Aquarius~ 10 of Pentacles. Dang, Aquarius, you’re RICH rich. Okay, maybe, but in reality money looks great this month. Financially, things are very secure. If you’ve been worried, you won’t be by the end of the month. Another thing, connect with your community. It’s gonna do you some real good. This could also be a legacy month for you, your reputation is getting a big boost.

Pisces~ 10 of Swords. Oof, Pisces. This month is touch and go. You could experience some painful endings but I see a great turn around and a bright spot at the end of the month for you. The first half could be rough and leave feeling like life is playing with you. It WILL be okay. Embrace what needs to end and open yourself to a fresh start.

If you appreciated these readings and would like to send a tip it would be greatly appreciated but it is in no way expected. Another way to show appreciation is to join a service or purchase a product. It would be so appreciated.

PayPal~ PayPal.me/accioattention89

Venmo~ @beththewiccallc

CashApp~ $bjthewicca


August Tarotscopes


June Tarotscopes