June Tarotscopes

Hello and happy June! I truly hope you all are doing well. I wanted to take some time to thank you for being here and for your continued support. Tonight, 6/6 we have our next monthly money service with our Midas Touch service. This unique group candle spell has been crafted by Beth to manifest wealth, financial security, a healthy relationship with money and more. Each participant gets their own candle. The Midas Touch also comes with optional Spell Boosters to cater to your needs.

Midas Touch Money Service
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Midas Touch Money Service
from $50.00

This ritual is meant to draw untold success, prosperity, good fortune to you. It will help you to make better and more thoughtful decisions in all areas of your life. It will keep you from getting side tracked or distracted. It helps to protect your blessings.

Develop better work ethic, increase focus and productivity. Helps to get you in the vibration of wealth and abundance, align your thoughts to a wealth mindset as opposed to a scarcity mindset. Increase feelings of gratitude and mindfulness of all of life’s blessings great or small. Become a magnet for money to attract wealth, abundance, and wellbeing.

Turn everything you touch into gold. Use this service to attract wealth, luxury experiences and vacations, dream possessions, and abundant success. Make everything work in your favor. Attract clients & steady work. Keep money flowing in at a steady and abundant rate. Make all financial dealings work in your best interest. Attract high paying customers and big tippers. Attract overtime and raises. Attract generosity from all around you, even strangers. Attract unexpected financial blessings.

Great for situations where you are seeking financial assistance or approval in financial related matters, too! Such as asking for a promotion, seeking a loan, seeking government assistance, buying & selling a home, business transactions and more.


These are additional add on 7-Day candle services for you to customize your service to suit your needs. They’re only $10 additional!

If you are feeling really stuck mentally around your finances you would likely benefit from an uncrossing.

If you are feeling totally blocked, you’ll benefit from a blockbuster.

If you feel you need spirit to help clear out some obstacles and open up the pathways to opportunities, you’ll likely need a road opener.

If you want your results to come as fast as possible, choose the Speedy Results.

If you feel you need or want a dose of luck, Good Luck is the choice for you.

You have the option to purchase a candle reading and/or a 15 minute DM/Recorded reading as well to accompany your work. This can help give you clarity and direction to ensure your results are the best possible. It will be a financial reading only.

If you don’t want spell boosters or readings simply select “none”.

Midas Touch:
Ritual Boosters:
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This month brings a lot of exciting things into our lives. Summer starts, Gemini season is in full swing, and the summer solstice is approaching. Today, we have the New Moon in Gemini which brings to us a great opportunity to improve communication, brings us a boost of creative energy and some positive changes to our immediate environments. If you are having trouble reaching folks in any capacity, take some time to think over what needs to change or to be adjusted in your life in the way in which you communicate. That’s probably just the thing you need to get where you want to be.

Some notable astrological transits happening this month:

June 9th~ Mars in Taurus: grounds us and gives us determination.

June 17th~ Mercury and Venus in Cancer: increase emotional perceptiveness leading to more nurturing and empathy in relationships.

June 20th~ Cancer Season begins. Litha begins.

June 21st~ Full Moon Capricorn: powerful release of emotional blockages.

Under today’s new moon a good day to some cleansing work around the home. Open the windows, light some herbs and resins, or diffuse some Florida Water or use this handy Florida Water Room Spray. Lavender is a great option for smoke cleansing during Gemini season because it smells great, banishes negative energy and attracts peace and protection and is ruled by Mercury.

Another simple ritual is to get some limes, salt, and cloves, quarter the limes to open it like a flower (don’t slice all the way through), stud the lime with 7 cloves each, place on a plate and cover with iodized salt. Make one for every room in your home. Allow to sit for a week and discard in the trash. This will pull any negative energy out of your space, into the salt.

Here’s what all 12 signs need to know for the month ahead:

Aries~ 9 of Cups. You’re getting a clear picture of what you truly desire and are setting your sights on making it happen. The Universe wants to support you in this. Set some intentions to attract your dreams.

Taurus~ The Hierophant. Taurus, this is your card. Needless to say, you’ll be in your element this month. This month it’s imperative that you carve out time to connect with the spiritual side of things. If you’ve been disconnected from your practices Spirit is urging you to reconnect.

Gemini~ Queen of Wands Reversed. Your self confidence may take a blow or may require a boost this month. If someone says something that hurts you or shakes you please remember that it is a reflection of them and has nothing to do with you. Stay away from a-holes this month. Shields up!

Cancer~ 4 of Wands. Cancer, June is bringing you plenty of reasons to celebrate and have fun. You’re kicking off your season with a bang. It’s a great month to say yes to invitations to go have fun and explore your world. Celebrate your wins and those of the people you love most. I see big successes coming your way. Graduation, sales, business milestones, parties, reunions, getting your home in order. June is your month.

Leo~ Page of Wands. Leo, you’re on a journey of self discovery that is guiding you to new person heights. It might be hard to see what’s next or where this path is leading you. It’s important to trust it is guiding you to where you need to be. Please be patient with yourself, with others, with Spirit. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you by having a bad attitude or getting impatient and giving up. Curb your impulses.

Virgo~ 2 of Pentacles. June is busy for you. There’s a lot on your plate and you’re trying to manage it all. You will manage, but it will require flexibility and fancy footwork. You might be growing weary of an ongoing financial struggle. It’s time to put yourself in a better position. Your ship wants to come sailing in, stop settling for less than you deserve.

Libra~ 7 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles. It seems like opportunities are just falling out of the sky this month. It’s imperative that you only take the most perfect opportunities for you. Some may be more than you’ve bargained for and some may not be what they’re cracked up to be but then there are a few that are as good as gold. Use discernment and only plant the seeds that you know you can nurture to fruition. I see a lot more money coming in.

Scorpio~ 2 of Cups. Oooooo Scorpio, your relationships get a major upgrade this month. You are fostering amazing connections and focusing on what truly matters. There’s a beautiful balance in the energy. What you give to is equally giving back to you. You’re attracting all the right people, all the right opportunities, all the love and support. Yay!

Sagittarius~ Two of Swords. I feel as though there is some energy in your orbit, another person. They are attempting to work against you. It’s not working because your intuition has already clued you in. The best thing you can do to overcome this is cleanse and protect and do not engage. Simply don’t feed into it. You may also face a decision this month that feels overwhelming. Get out of your head, listen to your heart. You know the right choice.

Capricorn~ Temperance. What a peaceful, groovy month for you. Literally, there’s this energy of harmony and ease around you. Even if you face challenges you’re confidently mastering them and turning lead into gold. There’s something to be said for the level of inner peace I feel washing over you this month. Everything is working out for you in the best ways and right on time.

Aquarius~ 6 of Swords. You are leaving the past behind you once and for all. This month sees you overcoming some major obstacles and heading towards a much smoother path. Much like Capricorn, an energy of peace and ease is coming into view. You are intentionally choosing peace and healing and better things for yourself, your family, your loved ones and it is everything you’ve been needing.

Pisces~ The Moon. Pisces, this is your card. You’ll be in your element. June is a highly intuitive month for you. Use your intuition to guide you towards success. You may uncover some hidden knowledge this month. If anyone has been trying to pull the wool over your eyes, they will soon be showing their a$$.


July Tarotscopes


Full Moon Sagittarius