Full Moon Sagittarius

The full moon in Sagittarius is approaching. For me, this is an excellent lunar transit for releasing limitations. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is a planet of expansion. and liberation Full moons are the ideal time to release, purge, and cleanse in order to harvest and take in more. Using a full moon in Sagittarius to release and relinquish limiting beliefs. internal obstacles and negative energy is very effective. It’s a phase that helps us not only let go, but to transmute and transform some of what is working against us to make it work for us. Because of this I have planned 3 special services during the Full Moon Sagittarius.

This particular full moon is also meeting up with a Jupiter/Venus conjunction. This is a HUGE transitionary period for all of us collectively and individually. This is going to bring some powerfully positive endings and changes. This is a time where we begin to truly understand what matters most to us and we are able to connect wholly to the deeper meanings of things. It’s a time of growth and love.

Let’s get some quick guidance for all 12 signs for this full moon. What will it bring each of us? If you appreciate these free readings tips are greatly appreciated though not expected. You might also consider joining one of this month’s group services or booking a personal reading. Again, it is not expected but would most definitely be appreciated. Thank you! :)

Aries~ 4 of Pentacles. Aries, you’re gaining some ground during this full moon. Things around you are starting to feel more secure because you are taking steps to cultivate that security. You now understand the meaning of control. It’s not about others, it’s about you. You see that your true power resides in doing what is best for you and worrying less about the other guy. Money could be looking good. Make some money decisions that will set you up for success in the future. The full moon might be the perfect time to plan for your future.

Taurus~ Justice. The full moon in Sagittarius is bringing you to a point of decision. You have to make a move and it is really important you make the right one. The actions you take today, will have far reaching impacts in your future. Don’t be short sighted today. If you find yourself facing an ethical dilemma I am confident you will do the right thing. Do what is most fair to ensure it works out best for all involved. This day could also find you making a big commitment. It’s good for you!

Gemini~ King of Cups. This day asks you to be diplomatic as possible as certain events transpire around you. Folks could be looking to you to guide them, or you may need to seek the wisdom of some wise counsel yourself. You might find a friendly and caring vibe permeates your day. I feel a calm clarity washing over you and a sense of contentment as you wrap up some major dealings. Yay!

Cancer~ 6 of Cups. This full moon could find you reconnecting or reuniting with someone from the past. There’s a happy and healing energy present here. It could be someone has a gift for you, or they’re approaching you with an offer or even an olive branch. Open your heart and be willing to receive this gift. If things have been troubling you, this says that this moon offers you the opportunity to release the past and call in harmony.

Leo~ The Hanged Man. Leo, put your feet up and rest. During this full moon it will benefit you to take a pause and work on some powerful releasing. If you’ve felt stuck or held back this full moon helps you to release what isn’t serving you. You may see how you truly needed to let go of certain energies, people, and things and how those things were holding you back. A good pause to reflect is needed. It doesn’t mean you won’t progress further. This is actually how you reach your next steps forward.

Virgo~ Queen of Cups. This full moon could be an emotional day. You could be overwhelmed by your feelings or the feelings of others. I want you to listen to what these feelings are telling you. Are you moody and sensitive? You’re probably overstimulated or maybe you’re hangry. The other thing I see for you is incoming clarity about who truly has your back. There’s a woman or feminine energy around you nurturing you through things. Please give back to them and show some appreciation.

Libra~ King of Swords & The Hermit. During this full moon you are being guided to do some serious introspection and soul searching. You are on a quest for enlightenment and the answers you seek are within. Pull away from the world. Shut out the noise. Disengage from distractions so that you can assess things for yourself without the input of others. Apply logic and reason to whatever you are facing, this will bring solutions to any challenges surrounding you during this time. P.s. stop doubting yourself.

Scorpio~ Page of Cups & The Chariot. Hey, Scorpio, some good news is coming in and it’s putting a big pep in your step! The Universe is handing you some sort of gift or opportunity. You are in a huge period of emotional growth and creative expansion, too! With the Sagittarius full moon and Jupiter/Venus conjunction smiling upon you you could be coming up with some ground breaking ideas. Balance your feelings and your willpower and you will be unstoppable. Open yourself up to new connections. Put on a show and be a good leader.

Sagittarius~ The World. Your moon, your way, your day. It’s gonna be a good one. The World indicates you will find yourself in the midst of the results of your good work. This full moon brings a sense of fulfillment and some major accomplishments. I also feel for some of you it brings you a true understanding of your power and capabilities. Your career could be reaching new levels on this day. Be sure to set those intentions. You are likely to receive praise or recognition for your work. Don’t be shy. Share your accomplishments with the rest of us.

Capricorn~The Emperor. This full moon brings you focus. You’re more in control than you’ve ever been and I get a sense that that is because you have been doing a lot of inner work. You will find practical solutions to expertly handle whatever you come up against during the full moon. You may need to set some boundaries with others but are able to do so in an authoritative but respectful way. You will be very ambitious during this upcoming lunar cycle. I think it is important for you to set intentions for success, protection, and determination to see things through. You will achieve what you desire. Your results will be equal to your effort.

Aquarius~ Knight of Swords. Wow, Aquarius, you are driven to succeed. Your mind is sharp and is providing you with clear insight into the path forward. Use your sharp mind to help you achieve your goals. You must focus, and don’t allow yourself to be deterred by things that might try to thwart your progress. This day may call you to be honest and direct. Tell people how you feel, but don’t get sharp with them. I would strongly advise you practice mindfulness and grounding so that you don’t get irritable or develop tunnel vision and accidentally trample others and their feelings in your pursuit of greatness.

Pisces~ Queen of Cups. You’ve got the same card as your opposite sign, Virgo. For you, Pisces, I feel a very dreamy and creative vibe sweeping over you. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of both Sag and Pisces so you will be feeling all the good vibes during this full moon. Your intuition is likely to be heightened. Pay attention to your dreams and your feelings and you will quickly realize what’s up and what to do next. You could play a nurturing role in someone’s life. Who better than you, sensitive Pisces, to hold the precious heart of another and give it kindness?


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