May Tarotscopes

Happy May! We have a BIG month ahead of us! Let’s talk about it! On May 7th the universe is blessing us with a New Moon in Taurus. This is the PERFECT time to manifest wealth, luxury, richness, abundance, blessings, beauty, and prosperity. This is why we are launching our BRAND NEW monthly money service the Midas Touch Group Service!

We’ve all heard the tale of King Midas, his greed and haste caused him a lot of problems, though he was a good man who was loved by all in his kingdom, especially his family. It is a reminder to seek all the pleasures of the world with humility and gratitude. That is why this service not only focuses on attracting wealth for your SECURITY and SAFETY and ENJOYMENT but it also works on our psyche and mindset around money and wealth. It is perfect for everyone including business owners, entrepreneurs, those who work a 9-5, and it will benefit you in any financial dealings such as loans, assistance, and more. The very cool thing about this service is we have developed add on’s we are calling spell boosters! For $10 more you can add an additional candle and customize your service. You can choose from Speedy Results, Good Luck, Road Opener, Blockbuster, and Uncrossing or any combination therein. You also have the option to book a money reading and save.

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On May 18th the universe is handing us another big blessing with the Jupiter Cazimi transit. We are holding the Jupiter Cazimi Massive Luck Service. This is MAJOR. Jupiter Cazimi is the moment Jupiter, the planet of luck, good fortune, abundance and expansion conjuncts the Sun in the sky. This Jupiter Cazimi will be conjunct the sun in Taurus which is ruled by Venus. Venus is the planet of love and luxury. Jupiter WANTS to make us happy. This is a huge cosmic kiss of good fortune in important areas of your life like love and money. Taurus rules money, values, creativity and luxury. This is a RICH transit. Rich in opportunity and excellent for attracting good fortune. Any planet being in cazimi brings opportunities for growth and renewal around that planets functions. The sun sends sparks to the planet’s core quality; for Jupiter, that’s luck and good fortune.

What do we all need to know for May?

Aries~ The Heirophant. Interesting you’ve pulled Taurus’ card. I feel strongly that this is a sign of blessing for you this month. Something you have been praying for or working hard on is about to come into reality. I feel like it’s been a bit of a chaotic, and maybe even painful process for some of you, to get here but here you are nevertheless. Sometimes the chaos is exactly what we need to restructure things in the best way. I feel there is also a message here about trusting a conventional approach. Don’t try too hard, go with the flow. Your boss or a hiring manager or another authority figure or institution may have some good news or feedback for some of you as well.

Taurus~ 9 of Swords & 6 Of Cups. Taurus, are you getting stuck in the past? In May this could be a big struggle for you. Revisiting things with the intention of healing is good but picking at old wounds and fixating on the pain will not help you. You could also have some people leaning very heavily on you to have their needs met. It’s super important to check in with yourself and whether or not it makes sense for you to help. Sometimes the most compassionate thing you can do is say no. Helping someone out of a mess they created does them no good. Don’t rescue folks from their karma. A drowning man will try to drag you down with them. If you do help, it may come back to haunt you later on. Protect your energy.

Gemini~ The Hermit. Alone time to be in your own head. That’s what your soul is craving in May, Gemini. All the answers you seek to any big questions or decisions you will come across are within you. It’s okay to seek input from others but ultimately on you know what’s best for you. If you need to withdraw from things, well, that’s just the way it needs to be. No sweat off your nose, no tears from your eyes. You could be playing the role of wise counsel for many in May. Gemini is pretty damn smart, so this doesn’t surprise me. You’ll have a way of seeing things from a higher perspective that will be very beneficial for yourself and others. It’s a good month to rest, too.

Cancer~5 of cups RV. This month is pushing you to really get in touch and in tune with your emotional world. Maybe your feelings, thoughts, and emotions have been giving you some trouble lately. Your inner self is trying to get your attention. I see things easing up for you in many ways in May. The first step to achieving that relief you are craving is by dealing with the inner self. You may need to work hard on forgiving yourself, but you really are worthy of forgiveness, Cancer. You, like Taurus, may need to stop dwelling on the past too. That’s hard to do if you’re holding on to guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, or self blame. New beginnings are coming and your future looks VERY bright.

Leo~ Knight Of Pentacles. Things look really solid for you in May, Leo. It’s because of your consistent hard work and dedication to your craft, whatever that may be. You previously planted or are planting some big seeds this month that are going to bear fruit. I see you developing or falling into a new routine or way of doing things and this is putting you on a new path that leads to greater financial security. I also want to tell you that patience is a MAJOR key for you in May. Don’t give up simply because you feel things are moving slow. Trust in the divine order of things and keep plugging away. You will get to where you want to when the time is perfectly right. (I think it’s a lot closer than you believe!)

Virgo~ Page of Wands & The Sun. Virgos with kids or pets are gonna be so super proud this month! Your kids or pets could be achieving a major milestone or have another reason to celebrate! Maybe even you will have some exciting news to share at work or in some other endeavor. This could also signal the birth of a child, fresh opportunity, or project or even a big announcement that brings a lot of joy and happiness. May feels like some doors are opening for virgos. Things around you are transforming and I get a sense of more freedom and your desire for something new being satiated. It’s an excellent month to indulge your creative curiosities. If you have an idea or an urge, act on it. It will bring you great happiness.

Libra~Ace of Wands. I love this card and am always so happy when I pull it for myself or someone else because it represents a fresh opportunity and endless possibility. Whatever you wish to have, do, be, or achieve can be yours in May should you seize the moment and own it. Any challenges you face will only serve to elevate your status. You will find yourself bursting with ideas and all the energy to see them to fruition. If you have been feeling low, this month brings a big turnaround. When it comes to work and business you could see new projects, clients, ideas, and opportunities that bring you major growth. I also feel for some of you, you are generating good word of mouth. You may receive some high praise. The right people are watching and you’re making a good impression. Be yourself, express your exuberance and nothing will hold you back.

Scorpio~ Death & Knight of Pentacles. Scorpio, this is a big month for you. You’ve been working really hard on weeding your garden. You’ve been cultivating the perfect, most fertile environment in which you can grow. This may have led you to have to make some painful or difficult decisions but trust that it was for the best. Whatever died and was cut away was only holding you back. You must continue to push forward with the full understanding that your success is inevitable and it is because you are embracing these changes and moving through them even if sometimes it is hard to accept. I think for some of you it’s time to stop putting all of your power in the hands of others and start embracing your wonder and power instead. Stop playing small. Any strategies you are developing are putting you on a major path of success. Oh, and changes at work are setting you up for new streams of income and major financial blessings. Huzzah!

Sagittarius~ The Emperor. Sag, I know you like to be carefree but this month it is time to get serious. I am confident you can still find ways to be your spontaneous and peppy self even amongst the serious energy I see you adopting. I feel like a lot of you are tired of the b.s. (maybe especially your own) and are ready to take some powerful steps to secure your future in some way. You need calm order. No more chaos. For those of you who own businesses this is a very prosperous month for you. I see you making all the right decisions. Taking the right actions. It’s time for you to create order in your work and it will be rewarded handsomely. This card says that the more effort you put into your work the more results you will see. I also feel like work helps you sort out some issues internally as well. It’s also a good month to kick it with your Dad. Call him and chat. If he has crossed over talk to him, he can hear you.

Capricorn~ 3 of Swords, 6 of Cups, Ace of Wands. Capricorn, the solution to you getting what you desire is by doing the inner work. You cannot run from the pain because it will continue to resurface and each time it will get louder. You have got to let go of the past and shed what isn’t serving you. I see you need to be very gentle and compassionate with yourself this month as you work to untangle the knots and dislodge the swords. Everyone has emotional blocks, it’s your turn to address them. Your feelings are keeping you from fully embracing certain opportunities but you can move past that. I see a big breakthrough and major healing coming in. You deserve this. P.s. I feel some really good news coming in.

Obstacle Removal & Break All
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Obstacle Removal~ breakthrough and demolish any obstacles standing in your path of a goal. This is ideal for those situations where you just feel stuck, no matter what you do you can’t seem to make progress or you fail to get the results you desire.

Break All~ Think someone may have cast a hex or spell on you? Maybe someone is sending you the evil eye. This ritual breaks any spells cast upon you against your will, both known and unknown. Fight against any spells meant to cross you up, break curse, hexes, evil eye, and harmful spells. If you are having bad luck, weird things happening, breaking things, problems with people around you, losing things, struggles with accomplishing tasks or being successful, then you likely need a spell like this one.

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Aquarius~ The Wheel of Fortune. Aquarius, the Universe is on your side in May. I see big wins coming in. I see major strokes of luck. Breakthroughs, windfalls, big changes. The tides are turning in your favor. Your relationships are going well, money is flowing nicely, new opportunities are beating down your door, and life feels good. If you have been struggling in the recent past, this card says that whatever was plaguing you is now turning in your favor. You are being urged to enjoy life to the fullest in May. You may find life is pushing you to more flexible and adaptable. You may find yourself faced with a lot that is out of your control but there is something to be learned here, the lesson is how you meet the changes. Do you throw your hands up and say f it, or throw a pity party or will you ride the wave and stay grounded trusting that you can and will succeed no matter what? Adjustments need to be made, it is not bad, it is for the best!

Pisces~ King of Pentacles & The Sun. I see some major financial blessings coming to you in May. Maybe someone has a gift for you. Maybe you are planning a big trip. Maybe you’re getting a raise or more money is coming in or someone close to you has some big news about finances. It’s going to be a very happy month for you. It’s a good month to spruce up your home, too, and to make sure everything in and around your home is nice and secure. Put up the Ring doorbell. Maybe get your new garden started this month or get that new Lay-Z Boy you’ve been eyeing. I think this month also brings a new sense of self confidence. I see you accomplishing something that leaves you feel super proud. Yay!


Full Moon Sagittarius


Can Spells Backfire?