Can Spells Backfire?

I get this question a lot. In truth, this is a matter that we witches have gone back and forth on time and time again so I am here to share my thoughts, opinions and experiences. Yours may differ and that’s okay! It is great, in fact! As a reformed Wiccan (haha), I have seen both sides argued well but my experience has shown me that’s really not how magic works.

First, I am a firm believer that all magic has a purpose. This may shock you, but I am a pro safe hex witch! There are circumstances where certain kinds of magic are beyond justified. I have had people come to seek justice through magical means. Oftentimes, the police, the law or other authorities are no help. Not everyone has access to that kind of help. This is just a fact, but anyone can access a witch or do something for themselves magically. With that being said, if you are abusing magic. If you are using it to cause harm to people for fun, amusement, because of your ego, etc. there are karmic consequences for that. So, if you have been abused or wronged and want justice, you will not be punished for taking steps to obtain your justice.

I think many have not done the work they need to on their religious trauma. This notion to expect punishment is religious dogma. I cannot be convinced that any deity, angel, or spirit guide would seek to punish you for asking for help. Especially in a situation where you have been wronged. For some this fear runs so deep that they are worried that if they light a money candle they’ll inherit money through tragedy. I’ve been asked a myriad of questions in this same vein. Let me help put your mind to ease.

You are allowed to ask for help. You will not go to Hell. You will not be punished. You will not experience a tragedy. Magic doesn’t take the energy from where it is and make things worse, unless you are using it in that way. It is not a trick. This is another fear and, quite frankly, a negative stereotype to unpack.

Once I had a client come to me distraught after lighting a protection candle for their sister and her boyfriend and her boyfriend’s mother from her boyfriend’s mother’s boyfriend. (I know that was confusing! LOL) Bear with me. They lit a protection candle for them and their household because this man was breaking in, stealing, he stole a car full of Christmas presents from their sister’s boyfriend’s mother and he was stealing from their sister to feed his drug habit after having just got out of prison. About a week after they had finished the candle the man was found dead from a drug overdose. Magic will take the path of least resistance. Still, I don’t believe the protection candle led to his drug overdose. His drug addiction did. Logic applies, especially in magic.

With that being said, clearly, interesting or even strange things can happen as a result of your spells. This is why it is incredibly important to choose your words carefully. It can be very helpful to create rough drafts for your petitions before implementing them to be sure you are choosing your words wisely. With my client’s protection candle, they had merely asked that they and their household be protected from theft and harm. I think they were protected and he also lost his battle with addiction. The two situations are not related.

It is so important to have ethics and to make sure you are using discernment. Especially if you are going to hex. You must be sure you are being objective and reasonable before making that sour jar. If you are culpable in the situation, it won’t go well for you. Hexing a lover because they aren’t interested in you, because they have mental health issues and can’t seem to get themselves together is WRONG. Flaking on a date, ghosting you, while shitty, is not a hexable offense. Hexing someone because they abused you is justified.

It’s important to make sure you are using proper ingredients and aren’t overstepping any boundaries. If you are, let’s say, trying to work with a deity from a closed cultural practice of which you do not belong or have not been invited into, THAT could cause issues.

I have also seen issues arise when people include themselves or some sort of taglock of their own in their spell work involving others. I have also seen issues when a person comes to a spell in a compromised state;

Example 1: a client did a spell to make someone regret being cruel to them and then spent the next week super emotional. It turned out they used a photo of themselves and that person in their working. This was a mistake on their part. Had they only used a photo of the target, this would not have happened.

Example 2: a client cast a money spell while angry and then had a rough few weeks at work. Had they calmed themselves and centered before hand, this would not have happened.

Example 3: a client did a strong attraction and compelling spell on her boyfriend. He was already very interested. However, he had some mental health concerns. The spell work quickly made him a little too eager to be around her, bordering on obsession and smothering. Some magic is not suited to some people. Certain kinds of spells like domination spells have adverse effects on people who have particular personality disorders or psychological issues. This client was not aware of this.

It’s not the spells backfiring that is causing these issues, it is human error. It happens. We all make mistakes. It’s important to be careful and wise to ensure you are taking the appropriate steps. It is important to know what you are doing. I know people like to say intention is everything but it is secondary to knowledge, understanding and execution, in my opinion.



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