March Tarotscopes 2023

Hello everyone, we are back again for our monthly Tarot forecast! I will give you guidance for all 12 signs. Check your sun, moon and rising. Or, if you’re crazy like me you can check every sign in your chart for a very thorough reading. This month I am excited to announce that I am running a 10% off special on live readings. Use code THANKYOU when booking.

Don’t forget to sign up for April’s Candle Magic Workshop where you can join me for a 2 day, 60-minute workshop, where I’ll walk you through how to make your own candle spells and how to do candle readings. Class will take place April 5th and 6th at 5:00 p.m. PST. You will be sent a Powerhouse Protection spell kit to participate live. 

This will be great for beginners and intermediate practitioners. Learn how to manifest proficiently and how to interpret your results. I will cover how to read figural, glass encased, and free-standing candles! You will receive a printable and helpful chart, workbook and a mini magical correspondences chart.

Now, let’s get into the Tarot readings…

Aries~ 4 of Pentacles & The World. Aries, it looks like you are securing a big win in March! I feel like some of you are seriously securing your finances this month. You’re trimming the fat in some ways and it leads to expansion in other areas. Look at ways you can bring your finances under control now and by the end of March things in your world will be blossoming. If you are starting a new job it’s going to go well for you. You’ll grasp the tasks with ease and understand your duties brilliantly. Lastly, look for ways you can release blockages this month. Let go of the old and welcome in the new.

Taurus~ 10 of swords, 2 of Pentacles. Something is coming in that might try to knock you off your balance. At times you may feel so restless and uncomfortable that you want to jump out of your skin. Watch your words and actions in March because you might find yourself feeling very embarrassed. Think before you act and take nothing at face value because other’s may try to throw you under the bus as well. There’s some painful events happening but you’ll manage to juggle it all even if in the moment you feel like you are drowning. You’ve got to try your best to remain flexible and remember that you can only move up from here. Hope is not lost, things may simply need to be reworked.

Gemini~ The Emperor. March is all about showing them who the boss really is. You’ve got your armor on, your boundaries are reinforced and you are prepared for action if need be. Remain logical and don’t go looking for trouble. As your power grows, so too may people attempt to challenge you. Show them who the authority is. You are about to make some major moves this month and it increases your standing in many ways. Someone could take an interest in you this month so put your best foot forward. It could create opportunities down the line.

Cancer~4 of Wands, 10 of Pentacles. Cancer, you are about to be blessed with so much abundance and success this month! You may also be attending a lovely event with family or chosen family. This month is all about focusing on and investing in your happiness and success. Take time to celebrate and appreciate the little things so that when the big win comes it’s even more enjoyable. I like to view the 4 of wands as a reminder to get our “house” in order. The 4 pillars of the self, if you will, are what make up this “house”. The mind, body, spirit, and the mundane. Check in with your mental and emotional health, physical health, spiritual health and your family, home, and money. 4’s have a lot to do with alignment so you are being guided to bring these things into alignment to prepare for the success you are looking for.

Leo~ 4 of cups reversed, 8 of wands. Big moves this March, Leo. Big moves! You’re not sitting around any more. You are up on your feet and taking action. Be mindful you don’t allow your emotions to stall your progress. You are going to be feeling shiny and new, and if you aren’t quite there yet then what you need is to take some time to do some inner reflection. Soon you’ll be focused and positive. Things really start to pick up pace for you in March so it would be wise to get that inner work out of the way now. Practice gratitude and mindfulness this month. I also feel as though you’ll have an important insight to offer so don’t hold back.

Virgo~ The World. Virgo, things in your world will be full of possibility this month! Some things are coming to a close but for your benefit. This puts you on a path to success and achievement. I see you trying out something new and finding a passion in this experience. It brings a sense of wonder and pride. You might wonder at first if you really belong but you will quickly find out you are capable of anything. You effortlessly blend into these new transitions. I see opportunities for travel opening up as well. Seize the day!

Libra~ The Magician, Three of Wands. I better not catch you holding back this month, Libra. It’s time to broaden your horizons and and exercise your potential to the fullest. Many opportunities are coming your way this month. For you business owners, expect and expansion. New clients, new sales. Make sure you stay on top of everything. Your determination to succeed is what will carry you through. For non-business owners, be on the lookout for opportunities of your own. You might be thinking of traveling or of studying something new. Do it! This is funny, but for some reason I feel like someone might lose something this month and I see a broad search but what you are looking for is close to home or right under your nose. Anyways, I also feel that there is a need to focus and direct our energy with specificity. You may want to implement a tool to assist in this objective.

Scorpio~ The Magician, 4 of wands. Listen, I shuffle for jumpers so I promise you are not getting Libra’s recycled cards. These are the two that Spirit pulled out. However, much like Libra, I hope to see you doing big things this month. March is not a month to play small. Get everything in order. Take control of the important matters. Work hard, play harder! You will be celebrating some big wins brought about by the exercising and display of your talents. You will be determined, resourceful and ready to succeed. You will feel positive overall this month and it’s due to the fact that you are doing your part. I am seeing prosperity. I am seeing major manifestation. Scorpios, make some big wishes this month.

Sagittarius~ Page of Cups, Knight of Cups. You have many emotionally fulfilling opportunities headed towards you this month, Sag. Your mind and heart will be a fountain of creativity and intuition leading you to expansion. Any creative urges are worth exploring. Follow your heart because you are going to need stimulation this month. Channeling that into creativity is the best course of action. There are going to be people and opportunities that want to commit long term this month. I want you to focus on forward thinking this month. In love, it could be an extremely romantic month for you. There’s a potential romantic getaway in your future or a sweet date.

Capricorn~ 10 of wands, 6 of wands. Hard work pays off for you this month, Cappy and I know you don’t mind work. The opportunities are many, but with that will come some stress. Don’t fret too much as you have a support system around you and they want to see you win because it means they win too! Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. Look for ways you can lighten your load a little bit. If you have to make some sacrifices people will just have to understand. Your ambition and drive will push you far in March. I see you being in high demand. Make sure you set systems in place so your burden doesn’t become too great. Take frequent breaks and make time for rest and play.

Aquarius~ 3 of Pentacles, 10 of cups. Home improvement is heavy on the mind for you this month. Do some spring cleaning and make some repairs. Some of you may be looking to move or expand your property in some way. This is a good idea for you. I see a contract of some sort being signed. You may also be making improvements in other areas of your life as well. You could be starting a new mental health improvement journey by going to therapy or embarking down a new spiritual path. Plans need to be made and it’s important to consider all involved. Some of you may also be attending a wedding or getting married. Lastly, collaborating with others yields some beautiful fruit for you this month. Put your heads together and you’re going to make magic!

P.s. I didn’t forget you this month, Aquarius! LOL ;)

Pisces~ Temperance. Your angels are surrounding you this month, Pisces. Some people and situations need to fall away but you won’t mind. March asks you to find the middle ground and to avoid extremes. Patience and planning will benefit you. Don’t rush into any decisions. Step back and mull things over first. Don’t be afraid to experiment with ideas and try some new methods to accomplish your goals for March. In this process of creation and exploration I see you channeling divine energy, finding your groove and blazing a new trail but in the most calm and confident way possible. Be on the lookout for an opportunity to meet someone very important to your life. You’ll know it’s right because it will be effortless.


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