Poppet Magic: The Basics

Poppet? What is a poppet?

You are likely more familiar with poppets than you realize. Ever heard of a “voodoo doll”? That’s a poppet! Most people think poppets or “voodoo dolls” are evil but I am here to put that misconception to bed once and for all. They are powerful and effective tools for cursing, yes, but they are much more than that. Poppet magic is vast and extremely useful. So let’s cover the basics of this handy form of sympathetic magic…

Poppets are one of the oldest known magical tools.

Since the beginning of recorded history there are records of poppet magic being used. Archaeologists found an ancient cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia detail various spells but one in particular references a healing spell that utilizes a clay doll as an effigy. The statues of Ancient Egypt are all a form of poppet magic. Ancient Egyptian’s believed statues and art contained spirits. Even children in these times were made to play with special dolls believed to promote fertility. We can thank the Kolossoi of ancient Greece/Rome, in part, for the practice of using poppets for cursing. Throughout history poppets have been constructed from stone, clay, corn husks, cloth, wax and more.

What can you use poppets for?

The short answer is… everything you use candles for! Specifically, they’re very effective at creating change by acting as a representation of you or your target. A poppet is used to harm and heal, empower or humble, bless or teach a lesson. A poppet is your stand in or the stand in of your target. You stuff them with stuffing, herbs, petitions, other curios, and personal concerns. You give it an objective to fulfill. You must tend to them. You must care for them. You must wake them. You can purchase an awakened & blessed poppet here or you may purchase a “blank” doll here . I hand sew every one of these dolls and the awakened & blessed dolls are prepared in ceremony by me to meet your needs. Here is a helpful chart for how to use poppets.


Poppet Uses and Color Correspondences:

Black: banishment, habit breaking, protection, hexing, jinxing, cursing, absorbing or repelling

Yellow: happiness, creativity, luck, vitality, anti-anxiety/depression, intelligence, focus

White: healing, protection, all purpose, new beginnings, truth, purity, calm

Green: money, wealth, good health, fertility, prosperity, growth

Pink: love, self love, child magic, romance, forgiveness, reconciliation, happiness

Red: passion, power, lust, strength, sex, anger, stamina, courage, willpower

Blue: mental healing, communication, peace, protection, dream recall, protection, enlightenment, focus

Purple~ boost psychic powers, deepening spiritual connection, strengthening intuition, enlightenment

Orange: legal matters, networking, joy, energize, attraction, justice


Mercury Retrograde in Taurus


March Tarotscopes 2023