Did your candle turn black? Don’t panic!

It can be alarming to see your beautiful candle turn pitch black in the blink of an eye. You’re going about your day and turn around and you see IT. Did you do something wrong? Are you cursed? Did you make God angry? RELAX! Let’s take a deep breath.

First, you need to know your materials. I recommend buying multiple of the same kind of candle and first burning a control candle to get a good understanding of how they burn. If your candle turns black check to see if there are any herbs stuck to the wick or if your wick is too large for the candle. Other reasons can be cheap wicks or wax. It is very important to know what mundane things to look for in order to discern what is magical and what is mundane. When you rule out the mundane then you look at the magic.

A blockbuster candle of a client who was under spiritual attack.

Black soot is a sign of resistance, a blockage, it can also be a warning that some ish is about to pop off. If you know how to read candles then you’ll likely have a good idea of what the issue is and use Tarot or other divination to fill in the gaps. Depending on the appearance of the soot, it’s thickness, it’s length and more will all give you ideas of what the issue is and how to address it. If you would like to learn how to perform candle divination, click here . I have a whole selection of On Demand classes and workbooks for you to learn at your own pace.

Black soot does not mean you’ve failed or that you are cursed. It can indicate those things but it can also be a warning that something is coming that you can avoid if you act. This is why you need to a reading on it.

Not too long ago I did an uncrossing candle for someone and it turned black. We did a reading and it turned out that their toxic work environment was creating some negative energy around them and was likely about to cause them stress. I saw that they were working with someone who was corrupt and abusive. I saw a board or authority doing an investigation into the matter and given my client’s position in the company they will likely be questioned about things at the very least though they are innocent. However, since this is connected to their prosperity in life their spiritual team said HEY we need to do more here!

My client confirmed that, in fact, the previous day they learned that a very high up person in their company has been harassing employees and the company is likely going to be sued and they have an advisory board that is breathing down their necks at this time. My client has been trying to straighten things up at this place for some time and nothing has worked. Their guides are pushing them to move on for their own well being.

Black soot is simply spirit trying to get your attention. It is spirit trying to protect or help you protect yourself. in a sense. Whether they are doing that by warning you about something in your energetic field or by showing you you or someone or something else is blocking the spell, you can be sure they know something you don’t and your spiritual team is trying to help. The only way to get clarity is with further divination. So next time that happens don’t panic. Get a reading.


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