May Tarotscopes

I am ready for May. The weather changes. Mercury retrograde ends. Did I mention mercury retrograde ends? 🤪 I truly cannot wait! To find some relief now enjoy 22% off select products and services by using code 2222 at checkout. If you would like to leave me a tip I have linked my bio site. Once you click on Tip Me scroll down and you can tip me via credit or debit, PayPal, or Venmo @accioattention89 or CashApp $bjthewicca. It’s not expected but would be very appreciated. Let’s look at what May holds for you…

Aries~ 4 of Swords ~ May is a month for self care. Take things slow. Make no hasty decisions, think over everything carefully. You may find yourself needing a lot of alone time in May. You are, at times, going to find yourself feeling overwhelmed and anxious so seeking out periods of solitude will help you process things and keep your energy in check.

Taurus~ The Lovers ~ May brings relief for you, dear Taurus. After a period of struggling you finally get to find some breathing room. You will be attracting something big, something positive for you. May will present you with a major decision, one that might require you to sacrifice the known for the unknown. Should you choose to take that leap things could be beautiful, harmonious, more balanced. Your relationships will see an improvement.

Gemini~ 2 of Cups ~ Connection and relationships are going to be a major theme for your May. I see May being a very abundant and prosperous month with many opportunities for growth. You will find your job, your love life, your career reaching new levels. I also feel a stronger connection with your emotions. You may find yourself feeling more balanced. You might have some important realizations. Enjoy.

Cancer~ Knight of Wands ~ You’re taking off in May, Cancer, and you’re in hot pursuit of success. You’re taking risks and they’re paying off for you. You have this exuberance that people find very charming and you should put it to good use. Try to remain grounded so you don’t get burnt out or make hasty decisions. Positive energy will serve you best.

Leo~ 4 of Swords ~ Prioritize your peace in May, Leo. Balance all work with rest. Make sure to get all things in order and do everything at a comfortable pace. I wouldn’t rush a thing because you could miss something important. You are going to have a decision you need to make this month and it would benefit you to think it over carefully and review the information thoroughly. Don’t be afraid to negotiate.

Virgo~ The Tower ~ Things are completely transforming in May for you, dear Virgo. Changes will come at a moments notice. Information comes at you like lightning. But you finally see the path forward. Don’t be afraid but maybe drive extra carefully this month and watch your step.

Libra~ Strength ~ May asks you to do the inner work, Libra. You’ve got to get your feelings in check and this will help get things under control. You’re doubting yourself or your fears and anxieties are running the show. Don’t let your mind do that to you and don’t be too proud to ask for help.

Scorpio~ 9 of Cups, King of Pentacles ~ Financial matters go your way in May, dear Scorpio. Your work pays off and you achieve some serious security. Make sure to celebrate those who helped you get there, it wasn’t a solo effort. I see you getting control over your realm, things are in order and working smoothly. Expect some very positive feedback from your work.

Sagittarius~ 3 of Cups ~ You are going to have plenty of reasons to celebrate in May, Sagittarius. Working with others (especially other women) brings some beautiful results your way. I see you pursuing creative endeavors that bring some beautiful results to you. If you are single and looking to meet someone new put yourself out into the world this May.

Capricorn~ King of Pentacles & 10 of Pentacles ~ Capricorns love security and contentment and they’re finding it in May. Things become more comfortable for you. I am seeing some positive news for your finances. Money feels balanced in May. For some of you, compassion is going to be your secret weapon when it comes to making money.

Aquarius~ 6 of Cups ~ May is such a happy month for you, Aquarius. Challenges ease, harmony is around you. You are enjoying the people in your life and they’re enjoying you. You may be doing important things with family and for those of you with kids I see you enjoying some quality time with them. You could find yourself bit by the nostalgia bug. Don’t get stuck in the past.

Pisces~ 7 of Swords~ Pisces, my friend, you need to watch your back. There’s a fox in your hen house and they’re up to no good. Shield’s up in May. On the other hand, May keep you on your toes and require you to be flexible. Things might switch up on you at a moments notice. It’s best to remain vigilant this month no matter what.


Did your candle turn black? Don’t panic!


New Moon Aries Eclipse Tarotscopes