New Moon Aries Eclipse Tarotscopes

We have a pretty big week ahead of us. A New Moon Eclipse, 29 degrees in Aries on Thursday and Mercury Retrograde starts on Friday. Read all about the upcoming retrograde here. This new moon solar eclipse is bringing with it major changes that align us with our souls purpose. This can be a tumultuous time, changes that we don’t expect or anticipate can occur. Anything holding us back can be eclipsed out of our lives and it will feel sudden. Aries is not known for being gentle or for holding back. Aries seeks change, and forward movement. Many people warn about manifesting during eclipses because they believe them to be chaotic. I am fortunate to report that this has not been my personal experience. I find eclipses to be a source of power and powerful, quick results when it comes to spiritual work. Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 18th I will be hosting the Retrograde Revolution to uncross challenges and obstacles from our path and bring us success. On Thursday is the Money Honey Double Service . Let’s take a look at what Spirit has to say about the upcoming eclipse, this will hopefully give us some insights into where to focus our energy and manifestations. We are asking “what is the eclipse bringing for each sign?”

Aries~ Page of Swords, Queen of Swords. If you have kids watch them closely. You’re going to need to lay down the law or assert a rule. On the other hand, this eclipse brings a lot of news and a lot of awareness. Aries, you are likely to have some big goals you’d like to accomplish around this time, it’s time to use your wit and ambitious nature to your advantage.

Taurus~ The Devil, 3 of cups, 2 of pentacles. Taurus, if you are overindulging in vices it’s going to catch up to you. You need to pull back on the partying, the sweets, the over exertions, overspending. If you don’t start prioritizing your health your body and the Universe will start sending you signals you don’t like and don’t want. It’s better to make conscientious adjustments rather than waiting for the Universe to make them for you.

Gemini~ Strength reversed & 4 of Pentacles reversed. Your relationship with control is up for review. Where are do you need to loosen your grip? Where do you need better boundaries? You may feel a bit like you’re being tested during this time but it will lead to security down the line. If you are feeling the need to manage every little thing this is a sign that you don’t feel safe.

Cancer~ Temperance. Cancer, this eclipse will help you to understand the importance of balance. This eclipse is going to be very emotionally healing for you and will help you with feeling a greater sense of alignment. You may need some extra rest during this weekend. Let yourself take it easy.

Leo~ Ace of Cups. This eclipse brings a fresh start for you. Opportunities that carry an emotional release with them are springing forth. You may receive some news you’ve been waiting on. This is a step in the right direction.

Virgo~ 9 of Pentacles. This eclipse brings you some good news too, Virgo. You’ll be feeling proud of your accomplishments. You may have been waiting on this for some time, a lot like Leo. This brings you some much needed security and a sense of peace.

Libra~ Ace of Pentacle, 4 of Wands. Libra, this eclipse brings you financial opportunities. There will be people who need your help or you may need to seek assistance from another to make progress. It brings a lot of prosperity to you. Get that money.

Scorpio~ King & 9 of Cups. This eclipse brings you opportunities to show off your leadership skills. You are a master in your field and it’s time to let it show. You may feel at times like a lone wolf, but that down time makes for some great progress. I want you to be putting yourself out there no matter how much you feel like you don’t belong. Being seen is imperative to your success.

Sagittarius~ Queen of Wands, The Empress. Firstly, you’ll need to assert yourself. Don’t downplay your needs for others. Optimism is really important, especially in relation to love and relationships. Remain grounded, but confident in what you know and what you are creating. Some big wins are on the way to you. Focus on what matters most at this time.

Capricorn~ The Fool. A new path is opening up for you through this eclipse. Focusing on new beginnings and manifesting alignment with your souls purpose is extremely important. Release blockages and make room for new.

Aquarius~ The Magician. Your creativity is the key to your success. Focus on clear communication and clarity for the dreams and goals you have. Then, put that clarity into action. This eclipse wants you to manifest power.

Pisces~ The Devil. Pisces, you need a good cleansing. You seem to be struggling to keep the faith. You’re being met with resistance here and a challenge there and you feel like you can’t make progress. You need some good energetic clearing.


May Tarotscopes


April Tarotscopes