April Tarotscopes

April brings a lot our way this year. Tax day, Mercury Retrograde, and our first eclipse of the year. Themes around fresh starts, money and love are likely to arise. Check out my Retrograde Rescue spray and my Communication Anointing Oil to help you through this upcoming month with greater ease and more success. Let’s get into your predictions. If you appreciate this forecast you can leave me a tip here or click here and scroll down to find my tip jar & Venmo and my cash app is $bjthewicca.

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Aries~ 9 of Cups~ You’re scoring a big win this month Aries. Don’t forget the little people while standing atop your mountain. Be sure to express gratitude for those who helped you get to where you are. You are going to want to set intentions for your wishes to come true NOW. The universe is listening. You’ll find plenty of opportunity to close out old stories and move on to bigger and better. There’s a warning here about complacency and entitlement. You must work for what you want and speak it out loud, you can bask in your own glory once you’ve accomplished what you set out to do.

Taurus~ The Hanged Man~ April is asking you to pause and surrender. You need to go at things from a more methodical and objective approach. This might be hard for you Taurus but it’s a valuable lesson to learn. This month Mercury goes retrograde in your sign so you will likely find yourself feel these effects more intensely than others. You are likely to find plenty of opportunities for spiritual growth. When it comes to problem solving try something unconventional.

Gemini~ 8 of Pentacles ~ April asks you, Gemini, to brush up on your skills. It may be time to learn something new or expound upon your existing talents and projects. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make things perfect. As long as you concentrate and focus you’ll pull things together nicely. April has you working on big things and the potential for long term reward is high.

Cancer~ Queen of Cups & 4 of Wands. Cancer, your dreams and visions hold all the secrets to success this month. Act on your hearts desire. Don’t be shy and hold yourself back. People want to see you for you, show them all your talents and charm and it will take you quite far. I know and can feel how deeply you desire to be successful and this month gets you in alignment with your goals. This month may bring with it an overall happy and peaceful energy. Expect good news.

Leo~ 8 of Swords & Pentacles & 10 of Pentacles~ Your mind may try to play tricks on you this month, Leo. Don’t let it hold you back. I see some worry about money or financial matters. For some this is business related, for other’s it is a financial matter that impacts a family or community. It’s as if you’re afraid to open the door and look at something but once you do you’re going to see it’s way better than you are afraid of. You’re going to the worst case scenario and it’s making you stuck. You will be successful, you’ve just got to do the work. Despite the fears, I see this month being very prosperous for you.

Virgo~ The Moon, Hanged Man & Page of Wands. April is asking you to explore your inner world. It’s time to do some intense shadow work or serious introspection. I feel for a lot of you, that you are trying to make new opportunities happen and you’re so used to doing things by the book, as a Virgo, that it is clouding your vision. You might need to broaden your horizons. Look within to see why it is you feel you need to play it so safe all the time. This is key to breaking free from stagnation. For some, there is also a message here to closely examine offers coming your way. Things may not be what they seem and you don’t want to rope yourself into a bind.

Libra~ King of Pentacles, Temperance, 6 of Pentacles~ April tasks you with bringing balance to financial matters. I see opportunities for growth, success and security and the need to pay attention to your money. This isn’t bad, this is needing to balance your checkbook, do your taxes, take inventory. Bring other’s in to bring things together as smoothly as possible and don’t be afraid to seek aide if need be. You’ll find more than enough support. I also see opportunities for new beginnings that require a little maneuvering to get under control. You’ve got this.

Scorpio~ Queen of Swords, Ace & King of Pentacles~ April has you bursting with money making ideas! You will have the clear vision and the knowledge to see things through. An important masculine person in your life or an Earth sign will be celebrating a big accomplishment connected to finances. Someone close to you could be landing that sweet new gig. You may also receive some gifts and recognition for jobs well done this month. Allow people to be as good to you as you are to them. For some of you there could be a proposal coming your way. Could be marriage, business or some other sort of offer. Take it.

Sagittarius~ The Wheel of Fortune & Knight of Wands. Jupiter ruled Sag has pulled the Jupiter card! I see this month being extremely important for your career. Putting yourself out there this month will be very important. I see you taking to tie up some loose ends but you’re confident and tackling it like a pro. Sometimes, procrastinating Sag, really thrives during challenges. I don’t see you putting anything off this month, however. You’re going to see just what you’re made of and how accomplished you truly are.

Capricorn~ Page of Swords, Temperance, 6 of Wands. This month communicating mindfully is important. I see the need for an important conversation and it’s imperative to all parties that you choose your words wisely. Decide what truly needs to be said. It may be best to stick to the facts and leave out the feelings. It may benefit you to write things down first, review your words and pick and choose the information that will be most helpful. You may also find yourself feeling particularly ambitious and that leads to you creating some beautiful new things that people can’t get enough of.

Aquarius~ The Moon, 3 of Cups reversed, 8 of cups, The Tower. Someone close to you is about to turn on a dime and this may come as a shock. It’s best to let things fall away. Don’t be afraid to assert your boundaries or to simply pack up and go. I see someone being very unkind and saying some hurtful words. If anyone tries to convince you you are too much they can go find less. On the other hand, you may have to set someone straight about their anxiety/depression/dependent driven behaviors and how smothering that feels. If you communicate mindfully, you could help them grow.

Pisces~ The Tower, The Moon reversed, Page of Swords, Judgement, 8 of cups. A lot like Aquarius, Pisces, you have an impending conflict. You seem confused about a situation. You are looking at someone and wondering how they can be so selfish. The problem might be that you don’t see the whole picture and you do not want to go flying off over an assumption. It’s better to compassionately confront so that you can clear the air. I see two possible outcomes, the end of the relationship or a reconciliation. It’s all in how you handle this.


New Moon Aries Eclipse Tarotscopes


Mercury Retrograde in Taurus