Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Psychics are real!

If you’re on my website already you probably read that title and thought “duh!” ( I just have to be silly. Blame it on my Sag rising. 🤪 ) I just finished a session with a client that had us both taken aback by what I was saying!

This wonderful woman came to me for guidance on how she could blend her magic with her creative writing process. She is writing a novel. I went into the session and could see a woman. She was filled with sadness. I asked if the story was about a woman. My client exclaimed “yes!”

They then showed me a different woman (my client), I saw her in a trance like state. She was channeling messages for her novel. I told her what I saw and she was fascinated and said she had been wanting to try it but didn’t know how, so I taught her.

I then went back into the reading and saw her with a Tarot deck. I told her to use her Tarot for intuitive messages. She confirmed she reads Tarot but had no idea you could use it for creative writing.

We talked a bit more about her guides and their approval and support of her journey. I’m confident she’s going to write a great story that many people will enjoy!

She wanted me to tell her more of what I saw about her book. I went back in. I saw The Moon Tarot Card. I said your novel, it’s a mystery. She exclaimed “yes!” Me: “it’s a mystery about a woman. There’s a rich man involved in the story.” She again exclaimed “yes!”

We talked for a while more and I guided her on some more magical methods of creation. I am very hopeful and confident for her success. What they showed me was beautiful for her. I encouraged her to indulge her every creative urge. It was a wonderful session because she got everything she was looking for and a few surprises. 🤗

You can book your reading with me here . I have a Valentine's Day specialty reading up! 🏹💝

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

February Tarotscopes

Aries~ 2 of Pentacles…

February, dear Aries, is going to be all about adjustments. Things are changing around you and you will be forced to adapt and you will overcome. At times it may feel like a bit of a struggle but you will find your footing. This month will teach you a lot about management, whether in relation to resources, emotions, or your expectations. Whatever comes your way remain flexible and try to go with the flow of things… Soon everything will be sorted out.

Taurus~ The Magician

I accidentally typed 44 Taurus while beginning to channel your message. That will have significance for some of you. February is a month to show people what you are made of. You have skills, knowledge and the willpower to get things done. You know your stuff so you may as well push things in your favor and give them a good show while you’re at it. This month you get to shape many areas of your life to your liking. By the end of February you may find yourself reflecting on your accomplishments and growth. Btw, 44, 4+4=8, the infinity symbol, also called a lemniscate, (looks like an 8) hangs above the Magicians head. This shows that February is a month where you will create balance and begin to understand your power and connectedness within the universe.

Gemini~ 10 of Pentacles

Gemini, family matters will be heavy on your mind this month. February is the month to invest in your home life and cultivate security. You will find yourself securing your finances this month, and you may also be setting things up for stability in the future. It’s a good month to reflect on how to best care for other’s in your life. You may also receive important messages from your elders or ancestors. Keep your eyes and ears open for the signs.

Cancer~ The Star

You’ve been going through it, Cancer. February is going to show you how you’ve grown through it too. You may have felt tested lately but you’re going to understand your strength and capabilities before this month is over. Things that have been stuck get new life. You may feel now like things are closing in but very soon you are going to see just how blessed you are. Rap may not be your thing but do me a favor and listen to Till I Collapse by Eminem. The opportunities are coming. Don’t give up.

Leo~ 4 Of Wands

Leo, Leo, Leo, triumph awaits you BIG TIME. Before you get there I want you to celebrate everything! No matter how small. Got out of bed on time? Be proud! Met that deadline? You better pat yourself on the back! Someone bought you a coffee? Show gratitude! There’s something you really want and it’s coming in in February but until that happens I want you to count every blessing to maintain good energy. Some of you may be going to a concert or another event, LET LOOSE. Even if you aren’t, Leo, turn the music on in your home and dance like no one is watching. You need to release some pent up energy.

Virgo~ The Empress

Oh Virgo, you have this way of taking care of things that comes to you naturally. The confidence and self belief is going to pay off big time. Whatever you are putting your energy into in February turns into major growth and will be majorly prosperous. You’ve got the magic touch. Expect some bountiful financial payoffs. A new opportunity is coming your way and there you are going “yeah, I knew it.” For some of you, there could be a pregnancy announcement around you. Blessings on blessings in February.

Libra~ 3 Of Wands

You’ve got the vision, you’ve set your sight on the goal and here it comes! Act quickly, be sure of yourself, whatever idea you have, whatever it is you desire I better see you going after it. The biggest key to your success is to believe in yourself and any risks you take or work you do will pay off. If you need to travel it will go well. This month could bring you big ideas and from those ideas bursts forth incredible opportunities. Don’t sit and wait for the right moment, you need to go out there and take it.

Scorpio~ The Fool

A lot like Leo, you need to let loose. Lighten your load because you have been carrying WAY too much. You. Have. Got. To. Have. Faith. You really struggle to commit to the idea that you can be loved and cared for even in risky or trying times. Perhaps choosing radical optimism is what you need. I know that’s hard. You’ve been tested. A lot. It will not be in vain. You are growing from this. February brings new beginnings. You must do your best not to carry the past forward into your future.

Sagittarius~ Strength

You’ve been tested, a lot much like your Scorpio friends. This is hard for Sagittarius but you’re being asked to have patience. Stop trying to force things and try to let things happen. You need to extend the compassion and love you so freely give to others to yourself. You’re being too hard on yourself and is that really helping you? You need to channel the determination and willpower of Strength, set boundaries with yourself, stop trying to tame the beast with ferociousness and just be. Fortitude and strength is not something you lack but it doesn’t help you to beat yourself down.

Capricorn~ The High Priestess

Cappy, you just know your ish this month. Trust everything you are feeling. Keep your plans to yourself until they’re solidified. This month I want you to rely more on intuition and less on logic. I know I am challenging you here, Capricorn, but just trust me. In all areas of your life I want you to trust your instincts and do not doubt them. For some of you, you may be working on something educational, whether you are the teacher or the student this is where you should be putting your energy.

Aquarius~6 Of Pentacles

Ask for help when you need it, Aquarius. Don’t be afraid, don’t be embarrassed. There are many around you who want to help you. You’ve been there for people in their time of need and when the shoe is on the other foot it can sometimes feel uncomfortable but soon this will balance out and it will get a lot better a lot faster if you reach out to your community. There may be other’s who need your help in February, give what you can. By the end of February you’ll feel much more comfortable even though it may start out rocky. It’s a good month for a tax return too. ;)

Pisces~ 5 of Swords

Pisces, you have a battle coming in February. There is someone around you who is willing to win at all costs and will try to draw you into their web to do so. Whether that is by making you the scapegoat or by drawing you into an argument to manipulate things you need to be vigilant. Keep your boundaries air tight and stay on high alert. You may need to walk away from something, or someone. Don’t be afraid to stand your ground.

If you appreciated this forecast and would like to say thank you you could make a purchase or send a tip to my tip jar linked on my site. It is not expected but would absolutely be appreciated.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

The magical family…

It is my experience that there is much that we can learn about how to approach the supernatural by observing children and interacting with them within the magical world. They have so much to teach us…

Magic is a very empowering practice, as I am sure you all know. It’s a great way to bring families closer but I think many of us who come into the craft later in life tend to think of it as something for adults, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the spells where I have enlisted the participation of my children have been some of my most powerful! Why is that, you may ask? Children are not bogged down with the stress of adult life. They are far more connected to the divine because society has yet to squash their naturally inquisitive and intuitive nature.

It is my experience that there is much that we can learn about how to approach the supernatural by observing our children and interacting with them within this world. As I stated above, they don’t come to spell work and magic weighed by down by life and stress. They don’t approach this work with desperation or fear, only wonder and faith and possibility. As such, their energy and the energy they bring to spell work is the purest and most productive you can have. They are not afraid to experiment. They are not afraid of the outcome.

There are many ways you can bring children into this world. Start by teaching them magical properties. One of our favorite games to play is to guess the properties of the local flora and fauna around us based on their color, shape and other attributes and then look them up to see how close we were. Most often, my kids are spot on. Teaching them Sabbats and folk history is a way to enrich their minds and teach them valuable lessons and help them understand the importance of nature. Kitchen witching is a great way to include your kids or grand kids in magical practices, teach them to charge their ingredients and make blessings all their own.

I have many family oriented products and services on my site to keep you and your family safe and bring you closer together. Check out the Happy Family Service for a spell I perform to protect and bless your whole family. There is also Boundaries Anointing Oil to keep your family safe. I also make this ready to burn home protection candle as well as this Inner Child Healing Anointing Oil to help bring out the kid in you again.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

The voice within…

Are you doubting your instincts…

We all have one or have experienced it at some point, that gut feeling, the voice inside your mind sending you a message. But how do you know if you can trust it? Is it your emotions, fears, hopes talking to you or something more evolved? The cultivation of awareness is one of the most important aspects of a solid spiritual practice. Intuition and discernment are invaluable tools that are difficult to master but not impossible.

What is intuition? What is discernment? Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. It’s an instinct. You just know you know something, you don’t know how but every fiber of your being says it’s true. What is discernment? Discernment is defined as the ability to judge well. A strong intuition cannot be rooted in the whims of your emotions and that is where good discernment makes all the difference. You must strengthen your spiritual discernment in order to being to trust your intuition implicitly but HOW?

I am going to share some helpful tips with you that have helped me over the years.

  • Pick a sign and stick with it. This is your path and your practice. Create a rule for what you consider to be a sign and be consistent about it. This saves you so much energy and you no longer have to worry if you are right or not.

  • 3rd times the charm. Remember this, once is an instance, twice a coincidence and three is a message. Repetition is a sure sign of something spiritual trying to get your attention.

  • Play intuition and alignment games with your spiritual team. Ask them to show you something specific but not common. For example, I asked my guides to show me a Kangaroo. I live in America and don’t go to the zoo so this wouldn’t be easy. About a week or so later I was in an antique mall and in my mind I heard “turn around, the kangaroo is here”. I turned around, looked down and found an adorable pin of a kangaroo with a joey in her pouch. It sits in my jewelry box to this day.

  • Trust your gut and stop doubting yourself. We all do it, get a feeling and then instantly say we’re crazy or judgmental. You are creating blockages when you do this. So when you get a feeling you must stop and observe how it feels when you tell yourself it isn’t true. Does that feel accurate or does it feel wrong?

  • Practice!

I highly recommend utilizing my Intuition Anointing Oil & my Neptune Intuition Candle to help strengthen your intuition. Crystals such as amethyst and tiger's eye are extremely beneficial for opening up your spiritual communication and strengthening your intuition. Don’t miss out on this month’s group services .

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Pumpkin Spice Latte’s are magical potions…

Pumpkin Spice Latte’s are magical potions…

Hear me out…I know you probably are thinking “what are you talking about?”

Hear me out…I know you probably are thinking “what are you talking about?” Just bear with me. The ingredients in pumpkin spice are as follows:

  • Ginger ~ Great for grounding, balance, passion, money, success, power, stability and more

  • Cinnamon~ Great for Love, protection, sweetening, money drawing, power, success, potency, healing, psychic powers and more

  • Cloves~ Great for money, success, domination (which gives you control), protection, stopping gossip and more

  • Allspice~ Great for luck, money, business success, healing and more

  • Nutmeg~ Great for motivation, luck, money, and fertility

You can see that with your morning PSL you could make yourself an amazing success, wealth, health, happiness, prosperity or protection potion. Want to keep that annoying gossip at bay at the office? Make yourself a PSL and pray for protection from gossip, productivity and and prosperity! Want to bring your more money your way? Pray abundance over your drink! Want to get that promotion or nail that interview? Pray, pray, pray! I would definitely suggest making it yourself that way you are able to cleanse all the ingredients first and you don’t have to worry about your barista’s energy interfering. I am sure they’re lovely but not everyone engages in spiritual hygiene.

If you don’t care for the taste of pumpkin spice this makes for an amazing candle dressing to do protection and prosperity work for yourself at home. The powder could also be rolled into incense and burned to draw prosperity to your home. It is easily accessible and very affordable so grab yourself a green candle and some pumpkin spice and make a wish! Coupling these practices with my money honey oil or my New Moon Money Honey Group Service is an excellent way to significantly boost your prosperity and increase your wealth.

I wish you many blessings.


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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Tarotscopes for March 2022

Here are your Tarotscopes for the month of March based on your zodiac sign…

Aires~ The Fferyllt or Temperance: Aires, this month calls for moderation. There may be things, people, places, situations, ideas that you need to let go of. Perhaps you are feeling restraint in a certain area of your life and it is leading to feelings of frustration. Temperance has come through to ask you to have patience, surrender to the moment and trust that things are flowing exactly as they need to. Once you simply allow things to happen your perspective will shift.

Taurus~ Queen of Swords: You may find yourself spending a lot of time alone this month, Taurus. It may be exactly what you need to gain clarity. I see a situation coming this month that will require objectivity. You may also need to seek an objective third party to give you the guidance you need. Sticking to the facts is integral to your March. If you find someone is being less than truthful don’t be afraid to front them out in the most respectful manner. Your sense of humor or quick wit will come in handy this month as well.

Gemini~ The Chariot: Nothing will hold you back this March but you, Gemini. March is asking you to take the reins and regain control over an area in your life that probably has a lot to do with movement or forward momentum or your desire for such things. Your determination and willpower to get through this is going to take you far in March. I don’t see much slowing down your momentum. I see a bit of recognition for your efforts coming, you do a lot to inspire others whether you realize it or not.

Cancer~ 8 of swords, Two of Cups: You feel stuck and/or trapped in something. Reaching out to others is going to be integral to making progress this March. There is someone around you who can give you the clarity you need. You cannot allow fear or self-consciousness to hold you back from seeking assistance. It’s better to ask. I feel as though for some of you, you are being silenced and in March you will find your voice. It’s time to speak up. There seems to be some anxiety swirling around and your guides are pushing for you to seek help with this. If you are feeling stuck in a situation please know that you are not alone and there is help available to you.

Leo~ Six of Cups: Leo, a reunion is coming in March. You may be revisiting your home town or some news around your home town or a place from your past may reach you. Whether this is welcome news for you I cannot say. I also feel as though certain things from the past are being left behind or forgotten, for some of you there may be issues with memories either for you or someone you know. Leo, for some of you children are going to be a focal point, you may need to focus on deepening your connection to a child in your life or the inner child within. Engaging in nostalgia can be so helpful for this but do try not to get stuck in the past.

Virgo~ King Of Swords & Judgment: Your wit and intellect are going to be taking you to new heights this month, Virgo. You’re going to be making big decisions this month and you need to do so very carefully and meticulously because your choices will have consequences. Do not make any snap decisions in March, make every decision objectively and with great care. Now, that’s not meant to sound scary and that statement isn’t as ominous as it sounds but the decisions you make this month have the potential to impact you long term. March would be a good month to get your taxes done if you haven’t already. An accountant or tax professional may be needed. Virgo has no problem being wise and logical so step up to the plate, cause we need you for the practical things.

Libra~ The Lovers: Choices, choices, choices, dear Libra. The decisions you make in March should be done so from the heart. If it feels good, do it. You may have to make some sacrifices this month but they are for your highest good. Whatever you let go of brings harmony and restores you. Perhaps you have been feeling a little off balance lately but March will help you get your groove back. I see you aligning yourself with the right people, in the right places all in divine timing starting in March. Love will also be on the brain, you will see a deepening of important relationships.

Scorpio~ King Of Pentacles, Ace Of Pentacles: Scorpio, I see you making major improvements in your life in March. All hard work will pay off for you this month and I see you creating new financial opportunities and improving your work or business. You will find yourself seeing your work through to completion with ease and success. This month money will increase but you will also be getting money in order too. Get your taxes done if you haven’t already. You may want to link up with a financial advisor. You may see an increase in popularity around your work as well. Save and make wise decisions and you could set yourself up for an incredible year.

Sagittarius~ The Hermit, Ace of Cups: Withdrawing and quieting your mind are going to bring you so much clarity around your emotions, Sagittarius. Creating time to reflect on any past hurts that need to be released is going lead to joy and happiness. It may feel difficult in that moment but once the feelings are processed you are free to reach new heights of fulfillment. You may need to ask yourself why you’ve been having a hard time feeling fulfilled lately. Is there something you aren’t seeing that is impeding your happiness? The answers are within. The Hermit also asks you to set time aside for self care so that you can remain balanced and in control. Once you do this inner work you’re going to see a big emotional transformation.

Capricorn~ 9 of Cups: You are getting a wish fulfilled this month, Capricorn. Your desires are in alignment with the outcome and your going to watch things line up for you. You can attain virtually anything you work towards this March. I see you feeling very satisfied for many different reasons but be careful not to gloat or brag and watch out for urges to overindulge. Be generous with others this month and the universe will reward you. Some of you may be getting recognition for a job well done.

Aquarius~ 10 of Cups: There’s going to be a lot of reason’s to celebrate in March, Aquarius. For some of you, you may be planning a party. Your family and community will be right beside you cheering you on. March will be a successful month for you in many ways. March may be a great month to start looking into a buying a new home. I see some good news coming your way this month. Kids are going to be a big focal point for some of you Aquarians and the kids may have something to celebrate themselves. You’ll be feeling extra creative and that creativity bolsters your reputation.

Pisces~ Two of Swords: Happy birthday month, Pisces. You may have to make some decisions this month and you might not feel ready. Someone or something is going to challenge you and it may very well be for a good reason. It’s possible to reach a truce or at the very least to agree to disagree. You may find yourself caught in the middle of someone else’s issue and they may be trying to make you choose sides. Be careful when speaking your mind. Know that you most likely don’t have all the facts and pertinent information is missing, regardless you will have to make a decision and won’t be able to sit this one out completely.

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Bethany Rogers Bethany Rogers

Color Magick: A brief history and how to use it.

An assortment of differently colored candles.

Are you curious about color magick and how it can benefit your craft? Color magick is a great way to enhance and amplify your spells and to work magick even into your mundane life. You can do so by bringing certain colors into your home, or by blending color magick and glamour magick. Makeup and decor can be magickal too! Want more wealth? Buy some gold or red, yes I said red, pillows or an earthy green throw. Get gold picture frames to surround your family photos in opulence and wealth. Want to turn your partner on? Red nail polish or red lipstick will do the trick!

Over the years I have noticed that depending on where you look you will find different associations for different colors. Have you ever wondered why that is? Cultural & ethnic differences and UPG, (unverified personal gnosis), which are valid. For example, often you will find red being associated with strength and power, which I agree with. However, in some cultures red is associated with wealth, and I agree with that as well. Some may also associate purple with wealth due to the fact that in ancient times the Phoenician purple dye that was used was so expensive and rare that only royalty could afford vibrantly colored clothes. This is something that persists to this day in some parts of the world.

Rainbow roses

A lot of people see yellow as an uplifting, happy color that is associated with justice, luck and friendship while others might associate the color yellow with disease and death. Why? Usually when something on a person’s body starts to yellow you need to seek medical attention immediately. Let’s also not forget how yellowing of the skin was a sign of The Black Death in the middle ages. Following that logic you could use a yellow candle to inspire happiness or inflict illness.

You can even adapt this to your herbal correspondences. Roses are associated with love and romance while others associate them with death and decay because they are often seen at funerals. You can use roses in love magick to bring love and romance to a relationship and draw in good energy and you can use them in baneful magick to hex someone’s relationship and absorb the love. If you have an aversion to an herb or a color you should be honoring that. Using things you don’t like or even detest or are allergic to could cause your spells to fall flat or worse, backfire.

An altar

Now I’m going to blow your mind by telling you that you can use whatever color candle you want in your candle spells or whatever color you have available to you at the time. Some witches use one candle for many spells. Their spells work. Some witches burn a candle for an hour at a time and when they feel like things are getting stale again they relight that same candle. Their spells work. Back in ancient times there was no such thing as colored candles.

Is color magick valid? Yes. Does it enhance and add power to your spells? Yes. Is it necessary? Nope! You can even create your own correspondences based on your personal experiences, culture and ethnic background. In fact, I encourage you to do just that! That is going to have a way bigger impact on the results of your spells than any color correspondence you will get out of a book. I also want to encourage you to research the associations of herbs and colors as they are relevant to your cultural and ethnic background. At the end of the day your craft is YOUR CRAFT and you should feel empowered and confident to experiment and adapt things to suit you.

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