Tarotscopes for March 2022

Aires~ The Fferyllt or Temperance: Aires, this month calls for moderation. There may be things, people, places, situations, ideas that you need to let go of. Perhaps you are feeling restraint in a certain area of your life and it is leading to feelings of frustration. Temperance has come through to ask you to have patience, surrender to the moment and trust that things are flowing exactly as they need to. Once you simply allow things to happen your perspective will shift.

Taurus~ Queen of Swords: You may find yourself spending a lot of time alone this month, Taurus. It may be exactly what you need to gain clarity. I see a situation coming this month that will require objectivity. You may also need to seek an objective third party to give you the guidance you need. Sticking to the facts is integral to your March. If you find someone is being less than truthful don’t be afraid to front them out in the most respectful manner. Your sense of humor or quick wit will come in handy this month as well.

Gemini~ The Chariot: Nothing will hold you back this March but you, Gemini. March is asking you to take the reins and regain control over an area in your life that probably has a lot to do with movement or forward momentum or your desire for such things. Your determination and willpower to get through this is going to take you far in March. I don’t see much slowing down your momentum. I see a bit of recognition for your efforts coming, you do a lot to inspire others whether you realize it or not.

Cancer~ 8 of swords, Two of Cups: You feel stuck and/or trapped in something. Reaching out to others is going to be integral to making progress this March. There is someone around you who can give you the clarity you need. You cannot allow fear or self-consciousness to hold you back from seeking assistance. It’s better to ask. I feel as though for some of you, you are being silenced and in March you will find your voice. It’s time to speak up. There seems to be some anxiety swirling around and your guides are pushing for you to seek help with this. If you are feeling stuck in a situation please know that you are not alone and there is help available to you.

Leo~ Six of Cups: Leo, a reunion is coming in March. You may be revisiting your home town or some news around your home town or a place from your past may reach you. Whether this is welcome news for you I cannot say. I also feel as though certain things from the past are being left behind or forgotten, for some of you there may be issues with memories either for you or someone you know. Leo, for some of you children are going to be a focal point, you may need to focus on deepening your connection to a child in your life or the inner child within. Engaging in nostalgia can be so helpful for this but do try not to get stuck in the past.

Virgo~ King Of Swords & Judgment: Your wit and intellect are going to be taking you to new heights this month, Virgo. You’re going to be making big decisions this month and you need to do so very carefully and meticulously because your choices will have consequences. Do not make any snap decisions in March, make every decision objectively and with great care. Now, that’s not meant to sound scary and that statement isn’t as ominous as it sounds but the decisions you make this month have the potential to impact you long term. March would be a good month to get your taxes done if you haven’t already. An accountant or tax professional may be needed. Virgo has no problem being wise and logical so step up to the plate, cause we need you for the practical things.

Libra~ The Lovers: Choices, choices, choices, dear Libra. The decisions you make in March should be done so from the heart. If it feels good, do it. You may have to make some sacrifices this month but they are for your highest good. Whatever you let go of brings harmony and restores you. Perhaps you have been feeling a little off balance lately but March will help you get your groove back. I see you aligning yourself with the right people, in the right places all in divine timing starting in March. Love will also be on the brain, you will see a deepening of important relationships.

Scorpio~ King Of Pentacles, Ace Of Pentacles: Scorpio, I see you making major improvements in your life in March. All hard work will pay off for you this month and I see you creating new financial opportunities and improving your work or business. You will find yourself seeing your work through to completion with ease and success. This month money will increase but you will also be getting money in order too. Get your taxes done if you haven’t already. You may want to link up with a financial advisor. You may see an increase in popularity around your work as well. Save and make wise decisions and you could set yourself up for an incredible year.

Sagittarius~ The Hermit, Ace of Cups: Withdrawing and quieting your mind are going to bring you so much clarity around your emotions, Sagittarius. Creating time to reflect on any past hurts that need to be released is going lead to joy and happiness. It may feel difficult in that moment but once the feelings are processed you are free to reach new heights of fulfillment. You may need to ask yourself why you’ve been having a hard time feeling fulfilled lately. Is there something you aren’t seeing that is impeding your happiness? The answers are within. The Hermit also asks you to set time aside for self care so that you can remain balanced and in control. Once you do this inner work you’re going to see a big emotional transformation.

Capricorn~ 9 of Cups: You are getting a wish fulfilled this month, Capricorn. Your desires are in alignment with the outcome and your going to watch things line up for you. You can attain virtually anything you work towards this March. I see you feeling very satisfied for many different reasons but be careful not to gloat or brag and watch out for urges to overindulge. Be generous with others this month and the universe will reward you. Some of you may be getting recognition for a job well done.

Aquarius~ 10 of Cups: There’s going to be a lot of reason’s to celebrate in March, Aquarius. For some of you, you may be planning a party. Your family and community will be right beside you cheering you on. March will be a successful month for you in many ways. March may be a great month to start looking into a buying a new home. I see some good news coming your way this month. Kids are going to be a big focal point for some of you Aquarians and the kids may have something to celebrate themselves. You’ll be feeling extra creative and that creativity bolsters your reputation.

Pisces~ Two of Swords: Happy birthday month, Pisces. You may have to make some decisions this month and you might not feel ready. Someone or something is going to challenge you and it may very well be for a good reason. It’s possible to reach a truce or at the very least to agree to disagree. You may find yourself caught in the middle of someone else’s issue and they may be trying to make you choose sides. Be careful when speaking your mind. Know that you most likely don’t have all the facts and pertinent information is missing, regardless you will have to make a decision and won’t be able to sit this one out completely.


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