Pumpkin Spice Latte’s are magical potions…

Hear me out…I know you probably are thinking “what are you talking about?” Just bear with me. The ingredients in pumpkin spice are as follows:

  • Ginger ~ Great for grounding, balance, passion, money, success, power, stability and more

  • Cinnamon~ Great for Love, protection, sweetening, money drawing, power, success, potency, healing, psychic powers and more

  • Cloves~ Great for money, success, domination (which gives you control), protection, stopping gossip and more

  • Allspice~ Great for luck, money, business success, healing and more

  • Nutmeg~ Great for motivation, luck, money, and fertility

You can see that with your morning PSL you could make yourself an amazing success, wealth, health, happiness, prosperity or protection potion. Want to keep that annoying gossip at bay at the office? Make yourself a PSL and pray for protection from gossip, productivity and and prosperity! Want to bring your more money your way? Pray abundance over your drink! Want to get that promotion or nail that interview? Pray, pray, pray! I would definitely suggest making it yourself that way you are able to cleanse all the ingredients first and you don’t have to worry about your barista’s energy interfering. I am sure they’re lovely but not everyone engages in spiritual hygiene.

If you don’t care for the taste of pumpkin spice this makes for an amazing candle dressing to do protection and prosperity work for yourself at home. The powder could also be rolled into incense and burned to draw prosperity to your home. It is easily accessible and very affordable so grab yourself a green candle and some pumpkin spice and make a wish! Coupling these practices with my money honey oil or my New Moon Money Honey Group Service is an excellent way to significantly boost your prosperity and increase your wealth.

I wish you many blessings.



The voice within…


Tarotscopes for March 2022