The voice within…

We all have one or have experienced it at some point, that gut feeling, the voice inside your mind sending you a message. But how do you know if you can trust it? Is it your emotions, fears, hopes talking to you or something more evolved? The cultivation of awareness is one of the most important aspects of a solid spiritual practice. Intuition and discernment are invaluable tools that are difficult to master but not impossible.

What is intuition? What is discernment? Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. It’s an instinct. You just know you know something, you don’t know how but every fiber of your being says it’s true. What is discernment? Discernment is defined as the ability to judge well. A strong intuition cannot be rooted in the whims of your emotions and that is where good discernment makes all the difference. You must strengthen your spiritual discernment in order to being to trust your intuition implicitly but HOW?

I am going to share some helpful tips with you that have helped me over the years.

  • Pick a sign and stick with it. This is your path and your practice. Create a rule for what you consider to be a sign and be consistent about it. This saves you so much energy and you no longer have to worry if you are right or not.

  • 3rd times the charm. Remember this, once is an instance, twice a coincidence and three is a message. Repetition is a sure sign of something spiritual trying to get your attention.

  • Play intuition and alignment games with your spiritual team. Ask them to show you something specific but not common. For example, I asked my guides to show me a Kangaroo. I live in America and don’t go to the zoo so this wouldn’t be easy. About a week or so later I was in an antique mall and in my mind I heard “turn around, the kangaroo is here”. I turned around, looked down and found an adorable pin of a kangaroo with a joey in her pouch. It sits in my jewelry box to this day.

  • Trust your gut and stop doubting yourself. We all do it, get a feeling and then instantly say we’re crazy or judgmental. You are creating blockages when you do this. So when you get a feeling you must stop and observe how it feels when you tell yourself it isn’t true. Does that feel accurate or does it feel wrong?

  • Practice!

I highly recommend utilizing my Intuition Anointing Oil & my Neptune Intuition Candle to help strengthen your intuition. Crystals such as amethyst and tiger's eye are extremely beneficial for opening up your spiritual communication and strengthening your intuition. Don’t miss out on this month’s group services .


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