The magical family…

Magic is a very empowering practice, as I am sure you all know. It’s a great way to bring families closer but I think many of us who come into the craft later in life tend to think of it as something for adults, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the spells where I have enlisted the participation of my children have been some of my most powerful! Why is that, you may ask? Children are not bogged down with the stress of adult life. They are far more connected to the divine because society has yet to squash their naturally inquisitive and intuitive nature.

It is my experience that there is much that we can learn about how to approach the supernatural by observing our children and interacting with them within this world. As I stated above, they don’t come to spell work and magic weighed by down by life and stress. They don’t approach this work with desperation or fear, only wonder and faith and possibility. As such, their energy and the energy they bring to spell work is the purest and most productive you can have. They are not afraid to experiment. They are not afraid of the outcome.

There are many ways you can bring children into this world. Start by teaching them magical properties. One of our favorite games to play is to guess the properties of the local flora and fauna around us based on their color, shape and other attributes and then look them up to see how close we were. Most often, my kids are spot on. Teaching them Sabbats and folk history is a way to enrich their minds and teach them valuable lessons and help them understand the importance of nature. Kitchen witching is a great way to include your kids or grand kids in magical practices, teach them to charge their ingredients and make blessings all their own.

I have many family oriented products and services on my site to keep you and your family safe and bring you closer together. Check out the Happy Family Service for a spell I perform to protect and bless your whole family. There is also Boundaries Anointing Oil to keep your family safe. I also make this ready to burn home protection candle as well as this Inner Child Healing Anointing Oil to help bring out the kid in you again.


February Tarotscopes


The voice within…