February Tarotscopes

Aries~ 2 of Pentacles…

February, dear Aries, is going to be all about adjustments. Things are changing around you and you will be forced to adapt and you will overcome. At times it may feel like a bit of a struggle but you will find your footing. This month will teach you a lot about management, whether in relation to resources, emotions, or your expectations. Whatever comes your way remain flexible and try to go with the flow of things… Soon everything will be sorted out.

Taurus~ The Magician

I accidentally typed 44 Taurus while beginning to channel your message. That will have significance for some of you. February is a month to show people what you are made of. You have skills, knowledge and the willpower to get things done. You know your stuff so you may as well push things in your favor and give them a good show while you’re at it. This month you get to shape many areas of your life to your liking. By the end of February you may find yourself reflecting on your accomplishments and growth. Btw, 44, 4+4=8, the infinity symbol, also called a lemniscate, (looks like an 8) hangs above the Magicians head. This shows that February is a month where you will create balance and begin to understand your power and connectedness within the universe.

Gemini~ 10 of Pentacles

Gemini, family matters will be heavy on your mind this month. February is the month to invest in your home life and cultivate security. You will find yourself securing your finances this month, and you may also be setting things up for stability in the future. It’s a good month to reflect on how to best care for other’s in your life. You may also receive important messages from your elders or ancestors. Keep your eyes and ears open for the signs.

Cancer~ The Star

You’ve been going through it, Cancer. February is going to show you how you’ve grown through it too. You may have felt tested lately but you’re going to understand your strength and capabilities before this month is over. Things that have been stuck get new life. You may feel now like things are closing in but very soon you are going to see just how blessed you are. Rap may not be your thing but do me a favor and listen to Till I Collapse by Eminem. The opportunities are coming. Don’t give up.

Leo~ 4 Of Wands

Leo, Leo, Leo, triumph awaits you BIG TIME. Before you get there I want you to celebrate everything! No matter how small. Got out of bed on time? Be proud! Met that deadline? You better pat yourself on the back! Someone bought you a coffee? Show gratitude! There’s something you really want and it’s coming in in February but until that happens I want you to count every blessing to maintain good energy. Some of you may be going to a concert or another event, LET LOOSE. Even if you aren’t, Leo, turn the music on in your home and dance like no one is watching. You need to release some pent up energy.

Virgo~ The Empress

Oh Virgo, you have this way of taking care of things that comes to you naturally. The confidence and self belief is going to pay off big time. Whatever you are putting your energy into in February turns into major growth and will be majorly prosperous. You’ve got the magic touch. Expect some bountiful financial payoffs. A new opportunity is coming your way and there you are going “yeah, I knew it.” For some of you, there could be a pregnancy announcement around you. Blessings on blessings in February.

Libra~ 3 Of Wands

You’ve got the vision, you’ve set your sight on the goal and here it comes! Act quickly, be sure of yourself, whatever idea you have, whatever it is you desire I better see you going after it. The biggest key to your success is to believe in yourself and any risks you take or work you do will pay off. If you need to travel it will go well. This month could bring you big ideas and from those ideas bursts forth incredible opportunities. Don’t sit and wait for the right moment, you need to go out there and take it.

Scorpio~ The Fool

A lot like Leo, you need to let loose. Lighten your load because you have been carrying WAY too much. You. Have. Got. To. Have. Faith. You really struggle to commit to the idea that you can be loved and cared for even in risky or trying times. Perhaps choosing radical optimism is what you need. I know that’s hard. You’ve been tested. A lot. It will not be in vain. You are growing from this. February brings new beginnings. You must do your best not to carry the past forward into your future.

Sagittarius~ Strength

You’ve been tested, a lot much like your Scorpio friends. This is hard for Sagittarius but you’re being asked to have patience. Stop trying to force things and try to let things happen. You need to extend the compassion and love you so freely give to others to yourself. You’re being too hard on yourself and is that really helping you? You need to channel the determination and willpower of Strength, set boundaries with yourself, stop trying to tame the beast with ferociousness and just be. Fortitude and strength is not something you lack but it doesn’t help you to beat yourself down.

Capricorn~ The High Priestess

Cappy, you just know your ish this month. Trust everything you are feeling. Keep your plans to yourself until they’re solidified. This month I want you to rely more on intuition and less on logic. I know I am challenging you here, Capricorn, but just trust me. In all areas of your life I want you to trust your instincts and do not doubt them. For some of you, you may be working on something educational, whether you are the teacher or the student this is where you should be putting your energy.

Aquarius~6 Of Pentacles

Ask for help when you need it, Aquarius. Don’t be afraid, don’t be embarrassed. There are many around you who want to help you. You’ve been there for people in their time of need and when the shoe is on the other foot it can sometimes feel uncomfortable but soon this will balance out and it will get a lot better a lot faster if you reach out to your community. There may be other’s who need your help in February, give what you can. By the end of February you’ll feel much more comfortable even though it may start out rocky. It’s a good month for a tax return too. ;)

Pisces~ 5 of Swords

Pisces, you have a battle coming in February. There is someone around you who is willing to win at all costs and will try to draw you into their web to do so. Whether that is by making you the scapegoat or by drawing you into an argument to manipulate things you need to be vigilant. Keep your boundaries air tight and stay on high alert. You may need to walk away from something, or someone. Don’t be afraid to stand your ground.

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