September Tarotscopes

This Friday we are hosting a powerful protection service the Spiritual Shield~ Defend Against Evil eye & Envy Group Service. This is a candle magic service that protects your energy. I will be working with Archangel Michael for this service.

Aries~ Queen Of Pentacles. This is a pivotal month to elevate your status. Your values and your hard work come into sharp focus this month, Aries. What you put energy into cultivates beautiful rewards in September. Finances see major improvement and there's just an overall sense of security and peace in your life. Make time to enjoy the finer things this month.

Taurus~ 5 of wands. September could be a little frustrating. A lot of things are competing for your attention and at times it may feel like there’s one too many people with input or who are trying to throw their weight around. You might need to stand your ground. This could also signal a challenge that lights a fire under your ass. Lean into it and see where the chaos takes you.

Gemini~ Justice. If things have been feeling off center this month presents you with opportunities to balance out. You may be presented with a challenge and it may be hard to decide which way to move, slow down and clear your mind and the right course of action will present itself to you. You may find yourself facing a moral dilemma, act with integrity. You could also see important legal or rule related things surface. Observe traffic laws.

Cancer~ King of Swords. You need to make time to clear your head, your surroundings, your energy. I see you coming up with some great plans this month and seeing a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. That will all play out, however, what takes center stage is all related to your mind and your mouth. It will be a good month to brush up on your knowledge and to speak what is on your mind. You become an authority figure in some important ways. People need a strong leader. On the other hand, you may need to seek such a person out to sort things out.

Leo~ The High Priestess. This month your intuition is on high! Your seeing signs and synchronicity and picking up all the vibes. It seems this is a month where people are looking to you for guidance and wisdom and you don’t have to say too much to help them sort their shit out. The answers just flow in and what you say is heard and received. Trust your feelings and relax into the universe. I also feel as though you will be coming across as very alluring to one or many folks this month. Enjoy!

Virgo~ Ace of Wands. Level UP! Level UP! Level UP! Big moves for you this month, Virgo. Opportunities and options are flowing in. You could see an uptick in work opportunities. And this month could prove to be fiery in more ways than one. Someone may approach you to ask for a favor or with an opportunity, it is to your benefit to help them.

Libra~ The Chariot. You are determined to get things done this month. Life needs a good shake up from time to time and your ambition is driving you to make changes. There’s a few obstacles that need handling. They way you do that is by controlling your environment and surroundings. Look at areas that may need some tightening up. Anything you put your mind to is going to be successful.

Scorpio~ Ace of Swords. September holds a lot of clarity for you. This month shows you exactly what you’re capable of and why you should believe in yourself. I also sense a lot of fresh ideas bursting forth, follow your urges. It’s a month where you have to make some big decisions. You’ll make the right one. I also see a breakthrough in energy flow. Whatever has been stagnant is about to burst wide open.

Sagittarius~ King of Cups. Single Sagittarius could be connecting with a suitable partner. This month brings you a lot of balance. You need not go to extremes so please make it a priority to stay grounded. This month loyalty takes a front seat so that makes this a great month to reflect ooun what that means to you and how you see that manifesting in your life. It’s a good month for you to seek out guidance from a wise leader.

Capricorn~ Queen of Swords. You are on a quest for the truth, for knowledge, for understanding in September. Discernment will be your best friend so if anyone approaches you and you feel skeptical, trust it. Your mind is sharp and it will know the best way to navigate all situations. You may need to speak a hard truth to someone, they need to hear it.

Aquarius~ Page of Pentacles. A herald of blessings for you this month. This page brings good money news your way. You may be presented with or discover new ideas that lead to more money. Your determination will yield results. For those of you with kids, they may be headed back to school and bringing back good news that makes you proud. Your kids could be extra inquisitive this month.

Pisces~ Ace of Wands. Pisces, you get your spark back this month. I feel like you fishies have been going through it and before this month is over you’ll see ways to start fresh or turn things around. Honor where you’re at now knowing this too shall pass. Rest assured some kind of relief is coming your way. Things you just didn’t have the energy to do now seem exciting.


Uh oh! Your spell didn’t work?


New Moon in Leo Tarotscopes