New Moon in Leo Tarotscopes

TONIGHT is the New Moon Money Honey Service AND the Retrograde Revolution. Entry closes at midnight tonight.

Earth Signs~ Queen of Cups. Earth signs could be in their feelings today. It could be a day where your emotions are taking center stage. It’s worth paying attention to because there’s something you need to acknowledge. You mind moments where you feel really calm and your compassion towards others is present. There’s people out there who need your support and generosity so let your big heart shine through. Lastly, there’s a message that’s been in your heart from some time, let it out.

Air Signs~ Temperance. This New Moon is asking you to let go of extremes and welcome in balance. Go with the flow and do not try to force anything. Trust that all you need is coming in divine timing because you’ve done the work. It’s a great day to make peace with something or someone. Extend that olive branch and set down your sword. If you’ve been on the outs today is the day to speak up. Lastly, put your energy into creative projects or ideas. Create tranquility.

Fire Signs~ Knight of Cups. Today is a lovely day. People are responsive to your charms and charisma (even if you don’t think they are). Don’t play small, go after your heart’s desire. You could find some exciting and emotionally fulfilling opportunities present themselves to you. It’s a great day to tell someone how you feel. Should you come up against any bumps in the road this card says to think outside of the box for a solution. Much like air signs, your creativity is taking you to new heights. Trust your instincts.

Water Signs~ Ace of Pentacles. Seeds of opportunity fall out of the sky today. Money is flowing, ideas are flowing, and the ground is fertile and ready for planting. This is a great day to make a big wish for your future prosperity. It’s a great day to make a wish for a fresh start and a new beginning. The potential as abundant and the energy is perfect. I am going to urge all water signs to set intentions in money and family matters. This will open up pathways that were previously closed. You could find yourself longing for a new job or a turn in an important relationship, this card says this day and this moon is the one.


September Tarotscopes


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