Tarotscopes August 2023

It’s that time of the month again! It’s Tarotscope time! We have a busy month astrologically. August packs in TWO supermoons, the Lion’s Gate Portal on 8/8, AND Mercury Retrograde in Virgo begins August 23rd ( read more here ). If you would like to leave me a tip for this free forecast you may do so via CashApp ( $bjthewicca ) or via Venmo & PayPal @accioattenion89. It is not expected, but always appreciated. Let’s take a look at what each sign has to look forward to for the month of August.

Aries~ Knight of Cups. August asks you to follow your heart. It’s a good month for emotional vulnerability. It might be time to open up to someone about something that’s been weighing on you. When it comes to solving problems, you’ll do well to think outside the box to find solutions or answers. Lastly, things should be flowing rather nicely this month. Make a wish, you’ll get what you’re after.

Taurus~ 4 of Swords. Taurus, it’s a good month to recoup your energy. You may have had some recent challenges, now is the time to strategize. Something new is coming in and you’ll need all your faculties and wits about you. August could be a bit of a mentally overwhelming month so be sure to take lots of breaks and give yourself grace. Be mindful to protect your energy. You might find you need a little extra guarding.

Gemini~ The Star. You’ve passed the test and now it’s time to bask in your own glory. August blesses you with the gift of peace. You might find your home to be extra cozy or bringing you a lot of joy. It would be a great month to redecorate, move, or organize. August also presents you with an opportunity to heal what needs healing. This month should be quite renewing.

Cancer~ 2 of Cups. Cancer, your relationships are in the front seat in August. You will be very determined to make progress or deepen your connection with another. Rest assured, they’re likely to be receptive if you play your cards right. Be persistent, but not pushy. You can find the balance in the sweet spot. It’s an important month for partnerships of all kinds. You could find yourself entering into all sorts of agreements. Go for it!

Leo~ The Magician & The Wheel of Fortune. A big month for Leos. You see the path forward and the way to turn situations and things in your favor. You will be initiating big changes. This is the turning point you’ve been looking for. The Universe is on your side in a big way this month, Leo. Your luck is about to change for the positive, it’s because you’re putting in the work. Trust and believe and soon you will see. Where you were feeling dis-empowered before you will soon find strength.

Virgo~ Interestingly, Virgo, we’ve pulled The Magician which is connected with your sign (and gemini) because it is associated with Gemini, and this month in August we have a Mercury retrograde in Virgo. Somehow, I don’t think this is going to slow you down. This card shows me you’ll be feeling your inner power hard core in August. I see a big change in your confidence. It’s like you finally master or overcome something that has been weighing on you. You will be resourceful and mastering all you put your mind to in August.

Libra~ The Heirophant. August is a good month to get spiritual. I strongly suggest listening to advice given to you by wise leaders in your corner. Follow their play book and you’ll learn a lot. It’s a good month to get some things in order and create some structure in your life and everyday routines. You yourself might find yourself in a leadership position this month. You’ve got some important things to say. Impart your wisdom. It might be a good month to look into some methods of investment in your future that are low cost, low risk, and more conventional or involve groups of like-minded individuals.

Scorpio~ King of Pentacles. Money, security, stability. You can have it all this month. Do nothing hastily and lean into patience. Even when or if you think things aren’t moving, they are. Some things are simply taking shape. You’ll have the Midas touch this month. Your mind is focused on growing your garden and if you tend to it, it’s going to blossom in a big way. Money will be flowing, growing, and showing up left and right. Lastly, it could be an important month in regards to, or connected to, your father or another important male figure.

Sagittarius~ Page of Wands. August is a month for adventure. Travel goes well. Creativity is peaking. Ideas are flowing. Information is being downloaded. You’re being divinely guided down a creative path and it’s taking you somewhere exciting. Allow your imagination to carry you to new heights and you will discover gold. If you have kids you might find them to be extra fun this month. There’s going to be a lot of excitement and preparations for back-to-school time!

Capricorn~ The World. August brings with it some important endings and powerful new beginnings. You could be bringing some big projects to a close and finding fulfillment in new ventures. Travel will go smoothly this month so make plans for an adventure. This month brings some serious praise your way too. Please don’t play shy, you earned the accolades. Something about this month feels as if it brings you back in touch with an important part of yourself. There’s a strong energy of wholeness here. Express gratitude for what you have.

Aquarius~ The Sun. FREEDOM!!!!! You’re breaking free from some major restrictions this month, Aquarius. A full moon in your sign on the second has you all lit up and ready to shine. It makes so much sense, because as an Aquarius you probably despise restriction and crave change. Well, it’s coming. I get this overwhelming sense of joy and regained confidence for you this month. It leads you to a great deal of success and I also feel as though this month could be especially lucky for you. Lastly, I see a truth about something or someone coming to light. Don’t ignore it.

Pisces~ Queen of Cups. Pisces, it’s a good month to lean on your nurturing support systems. There could be a woman, she is a creative leader and loyal and supportive in her nature. She is likely a water sign or with heavy water sign placements, especially if she’s a scorpio woman. She has just the thing you’ve been searching for. This month could really have you in your feelings. You might find yourself extra sensitive this month. You might also be finding yourself doing a lot of day dreaming. Your feelings and imagination have something important to tell you.


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Mercury Retrograde In Virgo