July Tarotscopes

Hello, and welcome to July! We have some incredible things coming our way this month. Make sure you check out our list of group services for July. Check the pinned post on IG for further details. We also have some incredible new product and readings that you won’t want to miss.

Good Vibes Smoke Cleansing Wand

Featuring selenite, orange, eucalyptus, lavender and rosemary. This smoke cleansing wand will clear out any negativity and draw in good, positive, high, loving vibrations. Clear out the b.s., attract love and prosperity. 

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Aries~ 8 of Pentacles. July brings with it ample opportunity to master your craft. You will be learning a new skill or developing an existing one with serious expertise. You will be full of determination and I see you really committing yourself to accomplishing something you have been working hard on. You’re happy about it too. Patience, attention to small details, and keeping your wits about you will serve you best in July.

Taurus~ 3 of Pentacles. Taurus, I see you coming together with a large group of people to work towards a common goal in July. Collaboration and teamwork makes the dream work. Your hard work and dedication will be recognized in July and it will yield beautiful results. The three of pentacles can sometimes be associated with artistic endeavors, specifically, so please put your talents to use. They will be rewarded. Additionally, July is an excellent month to work on your home environment. Spruce it up, make repairs.

Gemini~ Ace of Cups. July brings to you many opportunities for emotional fulfillment. Someone in your life may even have a special announcement (like a baby or a proposal) or you could be on the receiving end of such a blessing. I think for many of you someone close to you has a pleasant surprise for you. I also see this month you are bursting with creative energy. Follow your heart and put it into your work. Don’t forget to celebrate yourself.

Cancer~ Justice. July has some big decisions for you. Make sure you act from an ethical and logical place. Weigh the pros and cons. Cancer, I know you’ll make the best decision because you are good hearted. I also feel like some of you might need to make a decision that relates to self protection. Be vigilant and make the choice that keeps you safe. Lastly, you will find some justice or vindication in a matter this month. You had some instincts about a person or situation and your instincts will be validated this month.

Leo~ Page of Cups. Good news will find you this July, Leo. Plenty of reasons to feel happy, loved and positive. Spending time with kids, or your inner child, will serve you well. It will help you come home to yourself and I see it sparking some ideas and getting your creative juices flowing. This card is also a message that you are on the right path. Even if you are struggling now, relief will come sooner than you are expecting. Let the Universe surprise you.

Virgo~ Death. Big changes are coming your way, Virgo. July has you closing some doors that need to be closed but it’s because a new path has opened up for you. This new path brings you much closer to achieving what serves you best. Your energy needs to be channeled into moving forward. Don’t look back, release the past, chin up and carry on. It will also be a good month to do some decluttering energetically and in your home. A cluttered space and mind make it hard for energy to flow.

Libra~ Ace of Pentacles~ Libra, you’re in the money honey! Money, opportunities, fresh starts, they’re all finding their way to you in July. More importantly, you NEED to count your blessings, the ones already there and the ones currently growing. This is the biggest key to turning situations in your favor. I also see an offer coming to some Libras. Remain open and positive.

Scorpio~ The Empress. For you, Scorpio, July reminds you of your power and the power of self care. When you show up for yourself you are better able to show up for others. When you invest in yourself you put a better foot forward and thus others are eager to invest in you. July brings to you a lot of abundance and ample opportunities. It’s really time to create more balance in your life, it’s also time to remember that when you plant seeds you need to give them time to grow.

Sagittarius~ Queen of Swords. Sag, your mind will be your biggest ally and your greatest tool in July. Keep your mind sharp. Clear yourself of any doubts or worry. It may time to get honest with yourself or others. It’s also possible some strong female figures in your life hold the key to your next steps. They’ll give you the truth, and give it to you straight. It’s also important to express yourself without apology in July. Be yourself, fiercely and proudly. Show off your intellect and your brilliant ideas. It’s going to make a good impression on the right people.

Capricorn~ Wheel of Fortune. Ohhhhh Cappy, July is a big month for you! Some big changes are coming in and it looks like they hold the key to good fortune. You’ve been working hard to put good out there and this month all that effort pays off! You must remain optimistic through the ups and downs of life, the Universe has your back. I feel as though some of you have been trying extra hard lately and haven’t felt like you’re making much progress, but that is about to change. Some big opportunities are coming your way. Brilliant ideas, shiny new offers, new paths, your destiny is calling you.

Aquarius~ 10 of Pentacles. Hot damn, Aquarius! Money, family, security, wealth, your legacy it’s all on the upswing in July. Your ancestors have been watching you work really hard to establish yourself and they are preparing a big blessing to show you they’re close by. July brings with it a lot of happiness. I see opportunities for you to go back to your roots and find yourself again. Furthermore, I see July being an exceptionally prosperous month for you. Money is flowing, opportunities are knocking. Keep up the great work.

Pisces~ The Sun. Get outside, little fishy. The Sun is calling you. Outdoor time will do you some good. I feel like you’re trying hard to break free from some kind of restraining situation and this month offers some great news. It could even be good health news, I feel for some of you Pisces. An exciting announcement, perhaps? There’s plenty of reason to feel happy in July.


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She Talks To Angels (Archangels):