She Talks To Angels (Archangels):

How and Why I work with Archangels

I was a child, growing up in Detroit. Every Sunday I went to catechism and mass. I was going through a lot. Things kids, or anyone, should never have to endure. I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. One of my only sources of comfort was this wall decoration. I would stare at it, read and reread over and over. When things got really bad or overwhelming I would stare until I was in a trance at this photo. One night, when things were particularly bad, I had a dream of an Angel letting me know they would keep me safe when I was ready to talk. Was it catechism? Was it the photo? Was it an angel? I believe it was and believed it so strongly that even when I, as an adult, denounced my Catholic roots and became a witch the practice of working with Angels never left me. Old habits die hard.

This is the photo.

Angels are messengers of God. In fact, the name Archangel means “chief angel”, the word “arch” specifically means “most important.” The role of the Archangels is to oversee and protect the well being of all life on Earth.

Archangels are incredibly powerful. They are able to be in multiple places, or even, all places at one time. They are very close to humankind, unlike deities who are very removed from humans and the human experience. Angels are ready willing and able to help you at a moments notice because they are so close to us. All you need to do is call out to them.

Angels connect to many modalities and tools found in Spirituality. There is an Archangel for every chakra. Crystals are great tools to connect with Archangels as well. Use stones such as celestite, selenite, angelite, and seraphinite. You may also match a crystal to the color associated with any particular Archangel if you aren’t able to get these. To work with Angels to heal your chakras you can use mantra, meditation and humming. Repeat your mantra and meditate on the Angel connected to the chakra you want to heal.

For today we will be focusing on 7 Archangels.

Names, Associations and Duties of these seven archangels:

Michael: Michael’s role is to protect us. He brings courage, strength, and justice. Crown & upper chakras. Blue.

Raphael: Raphael heals physical and mental ailments. Heart chakra. Green.

Gabriel: Gabriel, the angel of communication, plays the role of God’s messenger. 3rd eye & throat chakra. White.

Jophiel: Jophiel guides you to see the beauty in all things by redirecting you back to love. Heart & Solar Plexus chakra. Yellow.

Ariel: Ariel, protects Earth and its resources and inhabitants. He aides you in material matters as well. Root & solar plexus. Purple.

Azrael: Azrael is an angel of death. He helps the sick and ailing transition to the afterlife. Root Chakra. Red & Indigo.

Chamuel: Chamuel brings Peace on Earth. He is capable of bringing order to even the most chaotic situations. Sacral, heart, & root chakra. Pink.

In my times of need the angels have never failed me. They work quickly and swiftly to resolve issues. They are exceptionally powerful. They understand and have compassion for humans and our problems. They want to assist and enlighten us. As I was working with them and praying over the weekend I was filled with the feeling that I needed to offer this opportunity to my community as well and thus this blog post and this service were born.

Many people have varying opinions and ideas about what Angels actually are. Some believe they are otherworldly beings. Whatever is true about what they are, one thing I can say for certain is that they are here for US. They care about our lives, safety, prosperity and future. One might think that a witch doesn’t believe in God or Angels, I say we very much believe in God. Source is source, it doesn’t matter if you call it Yaweh, Allah, or Gary or you believe you are working with a nameless energy.


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